Manny's Progress Log


Dec 24, 2022
Hello! I am a student who got introduced to game 2 years and ever since then have been roaming the depths of the Internet till I found this place.
KYIL Forums is unique because it shows many motivated individuals striving daily towards their goals, something I don't see as much in other forums.
I am going to use this Progress Log as a source of accountability towards my goals. I will sign a contract with myself to, at minimum, detail my progress ever week with pickup, life, goals etc.

Pickup Goals for January 2023
- Pay my friend $40 bucks for a Tinder photo shoot, I already created a google doc that details the poses, pics and styles I want to emulate
- Perform a hard reset on my Tinder
- Use Justin Marc's refund hopping strategy to get free Tinder platinum and Tinder boosts
- Use Tinder get 1 lay

2023's Goals
- Generate $1000 per month
- increase my Stock portfolio to $2500
- Gain 3 FWB's in rotation
- Travel Latin America or Southeast Asia
- Hit a 60 day streak with NoFap
- Workout 4 days MINIMUM every week

General Goals
- Apply for an on-campus job so I can have an income stream
- Get a Haircut
- Study 30 mins daily during winter break for my upcoming Excel coding class
- Loose 10 pounds so I can get more defined abs (currently 138lbs at 5'7)
- Read Atomic Habits
- Play my Daily affirmations twice daily (wake up and about to sleep)
- Fully grow out my beard using Minoxidil

Tomorrow's goals
- Read 4 chapters of Atomic Habits
- Study for Excel class
- Hit the neighborhood gym
- Take notes for Easy Peasy

What did I do today?
- Ready the Entirety of Easy Peasy
- That's it sadly