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Master - Hospitalised for training too hard. Rhabdomyolosis my experience so far.


Mar 7, 2021
Sup guys today is Sunday and this is usualy the day where I post my training results, weight loss progression and photos but this week and the next couple of weeks might be different...

Last weekend I went to a friend home to relax and have fun. I had not seen them for a whole year, so I kind of put my diet on a break for 2 days and drank alcool on friday and saturday. One of my friend has a coaching formation and has tons and tons of gym gear since he wanted to start a gym pre covid. Ended up delaying this project and now everything is stored in his garage. He made me do some exercises on Saturday and I worked muscles that I dont usualy work like lower back and hamstring. It was a pretty intense workout but everything was fine then. He gave me a 20kg kettlebell and told me he wanted to start a training/challenge with me, the 10 000 swing kettlebell challenge from T nation. Basically the objective is to do 500 swings per training for 20 training days in a format of (10x15x25x50) x 5sets with 2days on and 1day off. We would be starting the challenge on Tuesday. I was fucking down since I was starting to get bored of doing push-ups, pull-ups, leg raises, plank and runing 5k's.
Sunday I came back home and did my usual training, push-u, pull-u, leg raises, plank.
Monday was my "training rest day" so I only ran my usual 5k in 25:58 (the time will be relevant in a bit).
Tuesday I was kind of nervous since I havent done kb swings in years and I know its going to be really hard for the first few trainings. I ran my 5k at noon like usual in 25:42. At around 7:30pm I did my usual 100push up training week6 day1 and I skipped leg raises and plank since those muscles are heavily involved with kb swings. Started the challenge and was already feeling my lower back swolen after the first 100swings but I had 400 more to go and was on facetime with my friend. The first 300 were hard as shit but the last 200 were wayy easier for some reasons. I was in the groove and did not feel my lower back that much when doing the swings but whenever I stopped though I couldnt even bent forward without my whole body wanting to fall over, it was a weird feeling, but since im not used to doing kb swings I just brushed it off as normal.
Wednesday comes and my lower back was sore as hell but not too sore as to prevent me from going on a run. Didnt felt like skiping a running day since ive been consistantly doing 5-6 weekly runs and didnt think my lower back would affect my run that much. During that run I learned that my hamtrings were also destroyed, so I ran my 5k in 29:35 (almost 4minutes slower than the previous day) and it was grueling as hell.. yeah that should have been a red flag but I again brushed it off as just a run being sore... 7:30 arrives, I do my push ups and they werent affected by the swings so they went well. I bring my kb outside and stare at it for a good 5 min. Im like "how the fuck will I do this". My back was sore as shit and already swollen just looking at my kb, so I tell myself, "Fuck that inner bitch the best of the best would work with soreness 10 times more badly than this", so I went and started the training. It was way harder than the previous day and the 5 sets of 100 were grueling as shit. Something clicked at some point, I felt the pain but I could still keep going like I was one with the pain 😂😂. Jokes aside I was completely fucked so I Iogged everything on my weight loss log, took a shower and went to bed.

I woke up thursday early morning at around 3:30am with lower back pain. At first, it didnt hurt sooo bad so I tried to stretch it or just sleep it off, but the pain kept increasing, so I went into the shower under hot water and nothing worked. After the shower the pain was so bad that I thougth "I need to go to hospital this is not normal". Drove off to hospital burning red lights and stops the pain was terrible at this point especially since I was sitting. Arrived at the hospital which is 7min away from my house fortunately enough. Parked in front and realised the emergency was in the back so I walked approx 300m limping with pain and by the time I reached the front desk I just collapsed and fell on my palms and knees. At first glance they tought I had a kidney stone due to the area I had pain in and how much I was in pain. They quickly interogated me to know what could have caused this. I told them I trained my lower back pretty hard in the last 2 days and after a couple questions I started shaking and felt cold (prob due to the intense pain) so they immediately brought me to a gurney and 2-3 people quickly started injecting me pain relieving drugs. They gave me 1 shot of dilaudid (which is a stonger version of morphine) at first and the pain didnt go down so they gave me 3 950mg tylenol, another dilaudid shot and 1 anti inflammatory. It took another 45min of gasping at every breath, feeling like my sciatic nerve was behing torned and my lower back muscles super thight and hurting like hell before I started to feel the pain slowly go away. No joke this is the worst pain I felt in my life and I broke my arm, torn my knee and sprain my ankles 4 times and nothing comes even close to this.

They made me past multiple test to see wth was going on because they didnt know at first glance. I even took a test where a big rotating machine scan my whole body up and down, not sure whats that for tho. Its only after they received the results of my blood test that they knew I had Rhabdomyolosis. At that time my blood ck (creatine kinase) level was at 6000 which is 40 to 60times the level a rested person should be at. I will try my best to explain what is wrong with a high ck blood level but I only read about it online (for hours since its the only thing I can do 🙃) and talked to 2 different doctors and 2 different nurses about it, so here I go.

When working out, the muscles gets broken down and release multiple enzym in the blood such as ck (creatine kinase) so it's totally normal for the ck level in the blood to increase especially when doing big trainings and being sore for multiple days. When the ck level goes beyond 5000 it starts to become dangerous because blood goes through the liver and the liver has a lot of trouble filtering those enzyms. Issues like brown or blood pee and excrutiating pain can arise and its very important to go to the emergency when that happens. If this is not taken care of, you can suffer from kidney failures and need dialysis for the rest of your life or simply die. Apparently theres nothing that exist that stops the muscles from leaking those enzyms when it enters rhabdo state, so the only way to prevent it from doing damage to the liver is to be plugged with a water based fluid that will filter the blood and greatly reduce the impact on the liver.

At the end of day 1 my ck level was at 9000 and I was starting to feel better. I slept 3h the night prior before going to the emergency then slept 4hours the first night in because of the pain and hospital beds arent the most comfortable + had legit 2 tractor level snorer on each side of me. At that point I didnt know much about rhabdo and what I read online really worried me. I thought I would have to stop working out for serveral months and might have permanent damage to my lower back muscles and livers.
Starting day 2 my ck level was at 16000 which made me and my family really anxious. They transfered me into a room and I just stood there the whole day without anyone telling me wth was going on and no doc came that day.
Starting day 3 my ck level went all the way up to 29000 and at that point I was freaking out for real because almost all the stories or case that I read were below that except for one 75000 case. They increased my fluid intake to 250ml per hour (thats 6L a day). I still went through the whole day without any news or test except for the 6am blood sample test. Until 6pm when a new doctor with tons of experience with rhabdo patients came and talked to me. He was super nice and very comforting about it and told me that I had nothing to fear, no matter my ck level, as long as I stayed on fluid injection. I recorded the conversation for my family and would like to post it here but its in french (I live in Quebec) so rip haha.
Sunday day4, the morning of writing this, my ck level only went up by 1k, so I was at 30000 which is good since its going to go down soon enough 😌. Still feeling some pain in my lower back when resting and pretty bad pain when leaning forward, but other than that I dont need any pain reliever since day 2 actually so the combat is only raging on inside of me pretty much.

So thats pretty much it, I might be out of running for a couple of weeks and out of training for another week or so to let my ck level drop back down, but as soon as its at a good level, I will get back into it, but safely this time.

So the moral of the story is, be careful with your body, do not go beyond what its capable of, I just lost 2 weeks and maybe even more of progression because I went too hard on 2 of my trainings. My mistake was to start of my kettlebell training with what would be considered a elite level training. If it would have been a push up training of that level, my body would have easily taken it and I wouldnt have lost those 2 weeks of prog. Go slow with muscles you are not used to work with otherwise this shit might happen to you too.
Ps: I know this might be dumb, but a side of me is kind of proud of going this far, but seriously this is not worth at all 😅
Cheers yall, will see you in a bit.

Master 💪
I hope you get well soon my friend !

Master said:
So the moral of the story is, be careful with your body, do not go beyond what its capable of, I just lost 2 weeks and maybe even more of progression because I went too hard on 2 of my trainings. My mistake was to start of my kettlebell training with what would be considered a elite level training. If it would have been a push up training of that level, my body would have easily taken it and I wouldnt have lost those 2 weeks of prog. Go slow with muscles you are not used to work with otherwise this shit might happen to you too.

This is important to know .. just today i felt like shit because my workout was kind of inconsistent with a lot of breaks between exercies and even with pushup bars, i was only able to do 6-7 reps before feeling some pain/pressing in the wrists/palms .. i was angry at myself and my body but i realized now that i have not trained in an eternity and my body will take time getting used to exercise like this !

with time, patience and perseverence come the fruits of reward ! keep at it and never lose hope !

Do take care of your body, Maxime, it is a part of you after all, however it is !

Never stop with those selfies, they make us smile and cheer us up !

Best Wishes mate

Sending some love your way !
Get better soon mate! Two weeks is nothing in the scheme of things. Just ease back into things
Yaxir said:
I hope you get well soon my friend !

This is important to know .. just today i felt like shit because my workout was kind of inconsistent with a lot of breaks between exercies and even with pushup bars, i was only able to do 6-7 reps before feeling some pain/pressing in the wrists/palms .. i was angry at myself and my body but i realized now that i have not trained in an eternity and my body will take time getting used to exercise like this !

with time, patience and perseverence come the fruits of reward ! keep at it and never lose hope !

Do take care of your body, Maxime, it is a part of you after all, however it is !

Never stop with those selfies, they make us smile and cheer us up !

Best Wishes mate

Sending some love your way !

Thanks a lot for the wishes man 👊
Dont feel like shit or ashamed for doing low numbers in the gym, we all go through that phase, you just have to keep pushing "safely😅" and eventually ull get there.
Will keep the posts alive dont you worry about it.
Cheers 💪👊
Crypto said:
Get better soon mate! Two weeks is nothing in the scheme of things. Just ease back into things

Thanks alot Crypto 👊
Yeah I know that 2 weeks is a small period of time and that this is just a bump in the road to success, just got to take the L, learn the lesson and move on 💪
Damn man.

I had some lower back pain this morning. But you definitely had me beat on collapsing in the ER.

Get better soon.
Daaaang. I'm glad you're alright. It's a good lesson to learn, thanks for sharing it so we don't have to learn the hard way.
My thought when you wrote about 500 swings with the kettlebell was literally "that's unreasonable as fuck". You should push yourself, but not go from 0 to 500 in an instant! You are not a pussy for being cautious. Also, however you look at this, 500 swings will never be healthy for your spine.

It's good you are recovering now! Remember that it's better to have slow and consistent progress, than overdo and get injured, possibly making you fall behind much more than you would normally.

Take care of yourself!
Thanks man! Yeah it literally felt like my sciatic nerve was getting crushed, prob due to my lower back muscles getting inflated, but yeah I dont wish this kind of pain to anyone ever. 😩

Thanks Joe and no problem! If that can prevent anyone, even 1 person from getting this I will be glad! And yes thats a very valuable lesson to learn. 💪

It wouldnt have been unresonable if my back was stronger and used to this kind of training, but it wasnt. For a non runner 15km run seems unresonable but for someone used to running a lot this is just a good workout. Everyone has a different threshold. Like you said, we just have to work our way up there properly.
Definitely a lesson learned.
Thanks for the wishes Lost 👊.
Came back home :D My ck blood level went down really fucking fast. After my 6am blood test, my ck level was at 8750! This is still quite high but I left at around 4pm so its prob even lower now. I just have to hydrate myself like a motherfucker and there's going to be no problem.
Obviously I wont be able to do trainings that involve my lower back for quite some days until my back is back at full strength, but the doc told me that I could do uppper body workout no problem as long as its reasonable :D He also said I could take walks, so I'm going to go back to my roots with 10k (2x5) walk a day until I can run, unless of course my back hurts from those walks.
Really happy about it, its crazy I got from 30000 to 8750 in a matter of only 2 days. Having 6L of fluid a day pumped into my veins prob helped a lot.

Anyhow thanks for the kind words and wishes to yall gonna go back at it pretty soon,
Let's crush our goals 💪💪

Shoutout to the best doc ever, came in and reassured me about everything when me and my family were freaking out. We talked about dragonball and one punch man which he was a huge fan of. He saw my tatoo and was like "dude thats super Sayan 2 Vegeta, that's awesome!!
OPM season 1 is still the best anime ever imho.

Very glad you're alive. I remember seeing your Sunday post about the 10k kettlebell challenge on Wednesday and wishing I had seen it earlier - all of my injuries have been overuse injuries and would've been much better if you didn't have to go through this.

But at the end of the day, you're alive, and as long as you learn from it, you're still improving.
RogerRoger said:
OPM season 1 is still the best anime ever imho.

Yup it really is. Epicness episode after episode I even have a wallet and a poster of Saitama! Hes not my fav anime character but him being bald makes him really close to Vegeta in my heart XD.

RogerRoger said:
Very glad you're alive. I remember seeing your Sunday post about the 10k kettlebell challenge on Wednesday and wishing I had seen it earlier - all of my injuries have been overuse injuries and would've been much better if you didn't have to go through this.

But at the end of the day, you're alive, and as long as you learn from it, you're still improving.

Yup I'm also glad nothing bad happened and that I won't have some long term issues and yes that's a big lessons learned. If thats what it took to put some sense into me so be it.