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Master's weight loss/training journey/log week 24


Mar 7, 2021
Sup guys, this is my first time posting on the forums and I want to introduce myself while starting a log of my fat loss.

My name is Maxime, Im french Canadian from quebec and im 26. I discovered Good looking loser about 2 weeks ago and while scrolling through the forums I found a post made by Andy and came to look and see what was going on here!
I like how Andy genuinely wants people to give their all and become better versions of themselves and this is why I signed up. I read the whole "Get laid on tinder" guide and im now more determined than ever and ill make sure I stay this way. Btw thanks a million times for this guide, I cant believe something like that is free and it just goes to show how Andy truly cares, again thanks!

(The next paragraph is a little back story of the ups and downs of my fat/muscle gain since college, feel free to skip if you only want to see the fat loss log!)
Lets get started with this fat loss journey shall we!
I have always been short but strong. Currently 5f7 without shoes and 200lbs as of the writing of this. So my weight problems really started when I first stopped training after leaving college and stopping my police officer training. Back then I was around 200lbs, but I was in shape. After stopping everything I quickly hit 220lbs not in shape before meeting my first girlfriend. It was kind of toxic and I was borderline depressed, I lost 30lbs in a matter of a few months, so I was around 190lbs at this time. Some old friends came back into my life and introduced me to powerlifting and it revived the flame in me, I quickly became the strongest I had ever been at around 215lbs around 17% body fat. (My max back then were Bench: 335lbs. Squat: 435lbs. Deadlift: 455lbs.) Here's a photo of me back then:
This is nothing to brag about a lot of people can do those weights, but this prob the biggest achievement of my life up until now at least, so that's why I'm sharing it. It all goes downhill from here. I met my second girlfriend after hitting this point and she was a gamergirl the kind of "8 hours of gaming per day is for noob only" kind of gamergirl. I became very lazy and stopped training, l but never stopped eating like before. At my worst I hit 240lbs in the worst shape I've ever been. That's around 3 years after stopping my training. Here's a photo of me after 3 years:
I was really feeling bad in my own body back then, so I searched online and came across intermittent fasting. I'm someone who always goes all in or nothing, so I started with the 0MAD diet (one meal a day) and I lost 50 pounds in matter of 5-6months. Heres a photo of me after 5-6months:
Note: I was 190lbs on that photo but I did not take care of myself or watch what I was eating, so I was feeling weak as hell and the 50poounds I lost was not from fat alone, I prob lost a ton of muscle too. Do not do 0MAD unless you know what to do plz.
I hit the 190lbs mark around 7months ago and since then, I let loose a little and started eating before going to bed and not caring still about what im eating, so I went back to 215lbs not really in shape. and this is the photo You can see to the left, this is my profile picture and I will keep it there, this is where I started this journey, 2 weeks ago. I have a habit of letting go after awhile and I want to kill this bad habit and I will do everything in my power to change myself.

The first week was very rough, coming back to training/running, so my weight didn't change that much and I was sore every single day, but I kept going and kept pushing and by the start of the second week my soreness is almost non existent. I also started to look a lot more at what I'm eating, I'm now taking multivitamin and omega 3 after each meal (still on 0mad, I'm at 1year and 1 month at this point) and go to the gym every day to run 5km on a treadmill.
Week 1 doesn't really count for me, it was really light weight and just coming back slowly but surely, so ill start the log at week 2.
The first week was very rough, coming back to training/running, so my weight didn't change that much and I was sore every single day, but I kept going and kept pushing and by the start of the first week my soreness is almost non existent. I also started to look a lot more at what I'm eating, I'm now taking multivitamin and omega 3 after each meal (still on 0mad, I'm at 1year and 1 month at this point) and go to the gym everyway to run 5km on a treadmill.
Week 1 doesn't really count for me, it was really light weight and just coming back slowly but surely, so ill start the log at week 2.

I will detail everything I did during the whole week exercise wise. I always weight myself once per week, Friday morning.
Starting Weight: 204.8lbs
Ending Weight: 199.6
5km = 3.11 mile
Ran a total of: 26km/16.15miles
Best time: 34:32

Monday: Went to a gym a bit far from where I live, all the gyms just re-opened so I wanted to try a few.
- Ran for 1km (0.6miles) as warm-up.
- Did bench + Pull-ups with green band assist.
- Wanted to to do some squats but some motherfucker took my spot while I went to the bathroom.
- Did some back pull and wanted to do a lot more before someone that works there comes and tell me they are closing. Its 8:45PM and the curfew (Yes there's a fucking curfew in Quebec) is 9:30.
- Came back to my apartment and stretched a little.

Tuesday: Went to a different gym closer to my house that just opened for non-members and see what's going on
- Went on my 1h dinner pause (I work from home) and really liked the place, its a garage gym I can show some photo if yall would like.
- So I ran my first 5km, took 3 pauses during the run and finished 39:45 (yikes I know, but it will get much better!)
- Came back at around 8:05PM and the gym was closed to non-members and since I was on trial I didn't have the pass so I couldn't enter :(

Wednesday Went to the same gym as the previous day and became member and subscribe for 4months since I have to move early July
- Ran another 5km on my 1h dinner pause, took 2 pauses and finished in 37:38 (getting better)
- Came back at around 7:30 and did some weight lifting (I don't have a program yet, the strength coach there will make one really soon as part of the membership)
- Did bench + pull-up + Deadlift + Press + Biceps curl + Triceps extension
- Overall very good day

Thursday Woke up kind of tired and a bit sore, didn't sleep very well.
- Ran 5km on noon and took 2 pauses. I finished in 37:20
- This run was by far the hardest, I almost collapsed at the end, I gave everything I could just to beat yesterday. I don't know if its because I did Deadlift the night prior, ill have to see in future weeks if this really affects my runs.
- Was drained as hell took the rest of the day off

Friday Added some photos after weighting this morning
- Weighted myself at 199.6lbs ( What the actual fuck... 5lbs in less than a week????) I ate plenty and did weight lifting... I dont understand to be honest, im happy but is it normal?
- Ran 5km and took 1 pause. Finished in 34:41 (wow!)
- This run was smooth I felt good, prob from taking the prior day off (except for the run)
- I can already see my body morphing, like you can see in the photo. Compare it to my profile pic!
- Came back to the gym at around 7pm and had a meeting with a strength coach, explained all my objectives to him and he will come back to me with a personal plan in about a week.
- The strength coach also said to moderate my trainings, that I should do only 3 runs and 3 trainings per week and 1 full rest say so that I stay motivated.
- After the meeting I trained for 2h, I did Bench + Pull up green band assist + Deadlift + Back pull + Biceps curl + Triceps extension + Forearm extension

- Full rest day
- I feel quite a lot of pain in the right shoulder area when lifting my arm, gonna stretch intensely today and roll on a rubber ball, hope it helps.
- Roll the rubber ball in my shoulder blades area for approx 1h today (2x30min) and its now feeling a lot better. Im feeling like its sore as hell instead of hurting really bad like this morning, hopefully I can lift tomorow!

- Went around noon, did my 5km run in 34:32, stopped once at 4km ish.
- Maybe not tomorow but on Tuesday I want to be able to tun at 9km/h and do a full run without stopping
- Still felt pain in my right shoulder in the connexion between the shoulder and biceps so I went easy on the weights.
- Did Bench + Pull up band assist + biceps curls + Triceps extension.
- Should receive my training program sometime this next week.
Good shit

Weight fluctuates a lot man. Id advise you take more weights and get comfortable with stepping on the scales

When I was most serious i weighed 2x a day - morning and evening.

I then put all the week's numbers in a median calculator and used that figure as my official weight
Thanks for the advice radical, I weight myself only once per week to see the big difference at the end, but doing it more often could help me understand how it fluctuates.

Since I only eat once, I could weight myself not super long after my meal and right after my run around noon. Since by that time I've fasted for a long time and prob lost ton of water from running. Ill do that starting next week! 🙂

I will detail everything I did during the whole week exercise wise. As of this week and as recommended by Radical, I will weight myself twice per day, once around noon after my run and once after my meal around 6PM EST.
Starting Weight: 199.6lbs
Ending Weight: 199.5lbs
Average of the week: 202.9lbs
(5km = 3.11 mile)
# of km ran this week: 20km/12.4miles
Best time: 32:45

Weight noon: 199.6lbs
Weight evening: 204.6lbs
- Ran 5km in 34:06

Weight noon: 201.8lbs
Weight evening: 205.0lbs
- Went to the gym, and I felt really fucking good. I've started taking prot and creatine last Friday and boy does it make the world of difference.
- I'm only at my 4th gym session since coming back and I'm already pushing 245lbs for 3 reps, god bless creatine and muscle memory. :D
- I did Bench + Pull up band assist (I went with the purple band instead of the green one and it felt great!) + Row Pull + Biceps curl + Triceps extension.
- I should receive my training focused on weight lost from my strength coach sometime this week.

Weight noon: 200.0lbs
Weight evening: Forgot to weight in
- Ran 5km in 33:23! (NO PAUSES!!!)
- Not only did I beat my previous time by 43secs, but I was able to do it in one shot instead of taking a break at 3/4 of the run, Really proud of myself!

Weight noon: 201.4
Weight evening: 206.8
- Went to the gym, Still waiting on that training program from my strength coach.
- Did Bench + Pull ups + Row + Biceps/Triceps in superset.

Weight noon: 201.8
Weight evening: 205.6
- Ran 5km in 33:05!

Weight noon: 200.2
Weight evening:
- Ran 5km in 32:45

Weight noon: 199.5
Weight evening: 205.2
- Added some photos!
- Did Bench + Pull ups + Row + Biceps/Triceps in superset.

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- My weight did not change this week probably due to the fact that I started creatine late last week, so my body is doing more and more water retention, also im getting visibly bigger each week, so my weight will prob not move too much in the next weeks, but im confident my %fat will.

I will detail everything I did during the whole week exercise wise.
Starting Weight: 200.1lbs
Ending Weight: 204.0lbs
Average of the week: 204.1lbs
(5km = 3.11 mile)
# of km ran this week: 10km/ 6.2miles
Best time for 5km run: 32:27

Weight noon: 200.1lbs
Weight evening: 207.0lbs
- Full day of rest
- Received my new training gonna list what I do in the thorough this week!

Weight noon: 200.8lbs
Weight evening: 206.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 32:40
- Today was the first day of my new Training focused on losing weight, so I will list everything that I did.
- My training is called Power cutting and the first day is "Power Cutting 1 Deadlift".

[*] Barbell Deadlift (12x6x6x6x4x4x3)
135x12 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 255x4 - 255x4 - 315x3
- Yes my weights are all over the place, because its been a long as time since I did a proper deadlift training and I didnt rly know what I could realistically lift. My x3 rep with 315 was hard as hell but I managed.

[*] Low Row (15x15x15x15)
135x15 - 150x15 - 165x15 - 180x15
- Again, didnt know what I could do my low rows at for 15 rep, next time ill start a 180.

[*] GIANT SET - Pull up with green band assist (10rep) + Turkish Get Up (2 each side) + Plank (30s) + Kettlebell Swings (12rep)
- I do the circuit 4 times
- Turkish Get Up is with a 15lbs dumbell in hands
- The Kettlebell is 35lbs

Weight noon: 200.8lbs
Weight evening: 206.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 32:27

Weight noon: 200.2lbs
Weight evening: 205.4lbs
- Todays training is called "Power Cutting 1 Squat".

[*] Barbell Bench (8x6x6x6x4)
185x12 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 245x4
- Doing bench was not in my training but I will become depress if I only do bench once a week, so I will prob add a small bench training before the squat and deadlift training!

[*] Barbell squat (12x6x6x5x4x4x3)
135x12 - 185x6 - 225x6 - 245x5 - 245x4 - 245x4 - 255x3
- Yes my weights are kind of low and all over the place, this was my first leg training in like 3-4 years so I knew it would be rough and god damn it was rough, but everything will fall in place in the next few weeks

[*] Leg press (15x15x15x15)
225x15 - 315x15 - 315x15 - 315x15

[*] GIANT SET - Alternate Jumping Lunges (12rep) + Single Kettlebell Deadlifts (11rep) + Swiss Ball Crunches (12rep) + Wall Ball (11ep)
- I do the circuit 4 times
- The Kettlebell is 35lbs
- The ball is 15lbs

Weight noon: 203.4lbs
Weight evening: 207.8lbs
- I will take my full day of rest today, I'm completely fucked, I haven't done legs in a loooooong ass time and I would even be able to run properly. The day after my legs day will probably become the day I always take my full rest day to let my legs time to rest more.

Weight noon: 205.0lbs
Weight evening: 208.0lbs
- Ever since my leg workout, I've been weighting a lot more on the scale, I was wondering if it was related to how sore I am and yeah in fact, its due to DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) it's microscopic tears happening in the muscle and this cause fluid retention and inflammation. Let me tell you Jesus Christ I haven't been this sore since my first big leg workout in college. I would weigh around 200 at noon, but right now I'm at 205, crazy.
[*] Barbell Bench (12x6x6x5x4x4x5)
135x12 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 235x5 - 245x4 - 245x4 - 235x5

[*] Dumbbell bench press (15x15x15x15)
50x15 - 50x15 - 50x15 - 45x15

[*] GIANT SET - Push-ups (12rep) + Clean & Press Med Ball (11rep) + Crunches (12rep) + Burpees (12ep)
- I do the circuit 4 times
- The ball is 15lbs

Weight noon: 204.0lbs
Weight evening: 205.8lbs
- I'm still completely fucked from my leg workout from Thursday, I still cant even walk properly. It's a bit less painful than yesterday or the day before but I still cant bent my knees without feeling excruciating pain, This is officially the worst its ever been. Normally the pain would really start to fade after the second day but I'm in the third day and its still rly bad so it might take a whole week to go back to normal....wtf
- I'm gonna go to the gym and try to jog, but I wont be running my 5km in 32min today I don't think so :^)
- Added some progress photos!

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- Still a long way to go, but my strength is also coming back slowly but surely. As stated before I would really like to go for 185lbs as lean as possible and see from there if I need to lose more maybe go down to 175lbs, but I doubt I could realistically go lower than that while staying decently big.
- This week I learned about DOMS which can really increase numbers on the scale without you weighting more. I don't really care about the numbers on the scale as long as my strength goes up and my body is still changing which it still is.

I will detail everything I did during the whole week exercise wise.
Starting Weight: 203.2lbs
Ending Weight: 200.0lbs
Average of the week: 203.0lbs
(5km = 3.11 mile)
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 30:01

Weight noon: 203.2lbs
Weight evening: 206.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 34:57
- I'm still super fucking sore from the leg workout I did last Thursday, I have never seen sore for this long in my entire life and its not my first "first leg day in a really long time" but I might have went a little too far, anyway I had not run since last Wednesday so I had to do something, I ran at my usual pace and it was hard as hell, until like 3,5km then I took a break and finished. Ill prob start the week with the bench training if tomorrow is not better cuz I don't want to do Deadlift with my legs this sore.

Weight noon: 202.4lbs
Weight evening: 206.2lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (12x6x6x5x4x4x5)
185x8 - 230x6 - 235x6 - 240x5 - 245x4 - 245x4 - 255x3

[*] Dumbbell bench press (15x15x15x15)
50x15 - 55x15 - 55x15 - 55x15

- 4 times each exercises
[*] Push-ups (up to 20 from 12rep last week)
[*] Clean & Press Med Ball (11rep) (ball up to 25lbs up from 15lbs last week)
[*] Crunches (12rep)
[*] Burpees (12ep)

Weight noon: 201.8lbs
Weight evening: 206.3lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 32:24
- Quebec city just went back into lock down so fucking rip gym trainings...

Weight noon: 200.8lbs
Weight evening: 205.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 30:50
[*] Went to the park and did 4 sets of chin ups with the purple band assist. (12-10-8(hold last rep)-7(hold last rep))
[*] I did continued the push up training I started before going to the gym. It's called the One hundred push up training and I did Week 4 day 3 (29x33x29x29x40) with 2 min pauses between each set.
- This was my first run outside since like junior high school, I've always ran on a treadmill, since you can adjust your speed better and all I preferred that. But now my city is in lockdown so ill start running outside.
- The one hundred push up training can be found here: https://hundredpushups.com/week4.html

Weight noon: 200.2lbs
Weight evening: 203.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 30:37
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 (36x40x30x24x40) with 1 min pauses between each set.
- I failed at push up 24 of the last set, so I'm already not to far from doing it
[*] Did knee raises (3x40rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x45s)

Weight noon: 198.6lbs
Weight evening: 203.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 30:05
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 (36x40x30x24x40) with 1 min pauses between each set.
- Failed at 20 push ups of the last set
[*] Did crunches (4x22rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x50s)

Weight noon: 200.0lbs
Weight evening: 203.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 30:01
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 (36x40x30x24x40) with 1 min pauses between each set.
- Failed at 29 push ups of the last set

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- I was able to fit in 1 last bench workout in the gym before the motherfucking government put us back in lockdown, so I will have to use my imagination a lot more for the weeks to come... And I was starting to see some serious gains.. fuck these fucking retards seriously.
- It will definitely hinders my muscle gain, so I will concentrate on weight loss. I will try to do at least 1 30min/5km run every day from now on and do pull-ups at the parks and push ups/core exercises at home at least 3 times a week.
- I look so much better than 1 month ago its insane (as you can see from this week photos compared to the beginning), I'm very motivated still and it only convince me to keep going and go even harder.

I will detail everything I did during the whole week exercise wise.
Starting Weight: 201.0lbs
Ending Weight: 199.2lbs
Average Weight of the Week: 202.2lbs
(5km = 3.11 mile)
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 28:29

Weight noon: 201.0lbs
Weight evening: 203.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 30:10
[*] Went to the park and did pull-ups with red band assist (12x10x8(hold last rep)x7(hold last rep))
- From now on I wont be using a band assist when doing my pull ups, the red band give almost no pressure and I might do 1 or 2 less per sets but I'm now strong enough to do 10+ without a band!
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 (36x40x30x24x40) with 1 min pauses between each set.
- Today I got it! So starting tomorrow it's week 5 day 2!
[*] Did crunches 4x25rep
[*] Did the plank 4x55sec

Weight noon: 200.0lbs
Weight evening: 205.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 29:30
[*] Went to the park and did pull-ups without band assist for the first time! (10x8x7(hold last rep)x6(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 2 (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- Day 2 was super easy compared to day 1, I didn't even felt the push ups until maybe the last 3 of the last 22PU set, And managed to do 45 at the end, prob could have made 50ish, so onto day 3 tomorrow!
[*] Did leg raises with knees slightly bent (3x35rep)
- I did not manage to do it in one go, I stopped during the second set and third set, looks like ill be stuck on this one for awhile.
[*] Did the plank 4x60sec

Weight noon: 199.4lbs
Weight evening: 205.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 29:19
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 30 push ups of the last set, so tomorrow its day 3 again.
[*] Did leg raises with knees slightly bent (3x35rep)
- Today I got it!
[*] Did the plank 4x65sec

Weight noon: 201.8lbs
Weight evening: 205lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 29:22
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 35 push ups of the last set, so tomorrow its day 3 again.
[*] Did leg raises with leg straight on the way down, but slightly bent on the way up (3x30rep)
- I got it, so starting Saturday, it's full leg raises!
[*] Did the plank 4x70sec

Weight noon: 200.0lbs
Weight evening: 204.8lbs
[*] Went to the park and did pull-ups (10x8x7(hold last rep)x6(hold last rep))
- Today was supposed to be a full rest day but I didn't have time to go to the park yesterday because of a financial zoom call, so I did it today.

Weight noon: 198.8lbs
Weight evening: 203.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:29
- Huuuuuuuuuge PR after taking only 1 day of rest, the run felt good and I had a good pace.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- I got it so Monday it will be week6 day1!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x25rep)
- Got it so Monday will be 5 more.
[*] Did the plank 4x75sec

Weight noon: 199.2lbs
Weight evening: 203.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:47
- This run sucked big time, I had heavy wind blowing in my face for half the run, it def slowed me down but it's fine I managed to beat my time from Thursday by 40sec even that handicap!

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- Managed to complete week5 day3 of the 100 push up training, so only one week to go and I should be able to do 100 consecutive push ups!
- I took Friday off from all training because I don't want to drain myself to much and I agreed with a friend of mine to take Friday's and Sunday's off. I will still run on Sundays, but ill take those days to rest.
- After resting Friday, I completely destroyed my 5km PR by finishing it in 28:29, almost a whole a minute ahead of what my previous PR was. Resting is important.

Starting Weight: 198.8lbs
Ending Weight: 196.4lbs
Average weight of the Week: 200.5lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/18.6 miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:36

Weight noon: 198.8lbs
Weight evening: 203.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:20
- New PR! Started to feel pain in my right foot, prob normal since I started running 30k a week almost overnight. Might have to skip a day here and there. Will see!
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 35 push up of the last set. This is by far the hardest fucking day, this many push ups with only 60sec break, my chest and arms were pumping at the end. Prob will take me 2 or 3 more days before I can get it.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x30rep)
- This was pretty easy for some reason, even with low rhythm, gonna have to do more and find some way to make it harder
[*] Did the plank 4x80sec
- Those are getting hard as hell.

Weight noon: 199.0lbs
Weight evening: 204.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:33
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (11x10x9(hold last rep)x8(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 40 push up of the last set. Getting there!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x35rep)
- Those were way harder than yesterday, maybe because I I'm still sore from yesterday, anyhow I got it so tomorrow will be 3x40.
[*] Did the plank 4x85sec
- Still hard as hell

Weight noon: 198.0lbs
Weight evening: 203.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:55
- New PR! Last few days were very windy, no wind today and I felt it!
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 43 push up of the last set.! 12 more to go and its day 2!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x40rep)
- Failed at 20 of the last 20 rep. Went to the Chiro earlier that day and he worked on my psoas a lot, maybe that's why I felt weak today not sure though.
[*] Did the plank 4x90sec
- Ill stay at 90sec for awhile since I want to stabilize and work on using the right muscle.

Weight noon: 197.2lbs
Weight evening: 203.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:55
- I'm feeling a lot less energetic today, and I've also hit the 197lbs and almost down to 196lbs. Maybe I didn't eat enough last night so that's why I'm feeling like this today and also weighting a lot less than usual.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (13x10x8(hold last rep)x8(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I failed at 45 push up of the last set.! 10 more to go almost there!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x40rep)
- Failed at 30 of the last rep.
[*] Did the plank 4x90sec
- Ill stay at 90sec for awhile since I want to stabilize and work on using the right muscle.

Weight noon: 198.8lbs
Weight evening: 203.2lbs
[*] Full rest day today!

Weight noon: 197.2lbs
Weight evening: 203.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:25
- It was weird, the first half of the run I was feeling really good and had a good pace, but then suddenly I started feeling really tired and it slowed me significantly.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (14x10x10(hold last rep)x8(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I Got it! This day was rough as hell and it was most likely the hardest day of all the 6 weeks training, will see with the next 2 days coming, 1 step closer to the 100 push try!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x40rep)
- Got all 3 sets, so starting tomorrow it will be 3x45
[*] Did the plank 4x90sec
- Prob will go to 95sec next training, will see.

Weight noon: 196.4lbs
Weight evening: 200.1lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:36
- New PR! Practically no wind today and stretched before doing the run, I think it helps a lot, I felt my legs a lot less today, might start doing it before every run.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (15x11x9(hold last rep)x8(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 2 (22x22x30x30x24x24x18x18x58) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- This was easy as fuck compared to day 1 of week 6. Like I said, day 1 was probably the hardest day of the whole training. Could have done 15+ more.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x45rep)
- Got all 3 sets, so starting Tuesday it will be (3x50)
[*] Did the plank 4x90sec
- This is still super fucking hard and I compensate too much on my shoulders instad of abs, gonna have to stay at 90 sec and work on using the right muscles.

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- Got to week 6 day 3 of the 100 push up training by the very last day. I will probably attempt the 100 push up test sometimes next week!
- Broke my 5km PR twice this week with the best time being 27:36 on the very last day of the week!
- I'm now able to do 15 chin-up when I wasn't able to do 5 rep 7 weeks ago.
- Started feeling the fat in my love handles and overall around the waist a lot softer than before. not sure if going to get loose skin, I hope not D:
- I've hit the 196 mark for the first time and had an average wayyyyy lower than last week for some reason.

Starting Weight: 196.8lbs
Ending Weight: 195.0lbs
Average weight of the Week: 199.3
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6 miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:20

Weight noon: 196.8lbs
Weight evening: 201.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:19
[*] Today is training rest day

Weight noon: 197.0lbs
Weight evening: 201.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:20
- New PR! It was cold and raining outside and the run felt really good even if I had pretty heavy wind in my face for the second half of the run. It was pretty much my first time running under rain and the air was a lot easier to breath and the heat didn't drain my energy! Running under rain is great!
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (15x12x9(hold last rep)x8(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 3 (26x26x33x33x26x26x22x22x60) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- This is it! Finally done with the 6 week 100push up training! After 8 weeks of going at it almost everyday, it's finally complete!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Ill stay at 50 for a bit and concentrate on using the right muscle and going more slowly instead of just going up and up.
[*] Did the plank 4x90sec
- This was finally pretty easy so ill move up to 95sec starting tomorrow

Weight noon: 197.0lbs
Weight evening: 203.6lbs
- Today was my birthday so I treated myself, ordered a big meal on Uber Eat, probably why the scale went up so much haha
[*] Ran 5km in 27:55
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (13x12x11(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep))
- It was snowing outside (first time in like 1 month lol) so the bars were very slippery, I didn't hustle as much as I could have because of that.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- Failed at push up 37 of the last 55.
- My rest day is supposed to be Friday, so I did week 6 day 1 but with 45 sec pause instead of 60. I will do the same tomorrow and take Friday and Saturday to rest because attempting the 100 consecutive push ups on Sunday.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Focusing on doing the leg raise as straight as possible.
[*] Did the plank 4x95sec

Weight noon: 197.8lbs
Weight evening: 201.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:40
- Woke up and felt like shit, headache/nausea, maybe because my yesterdays meal was the first pretty bad meal in a long time (it was my birthday so I treated myself) Anyhow I did my run anyway and now I feel much better. I also had pretty heavy wind in my face for the second half of the run.
- It's funny, what I would consider a shitty ass run right now is a PR 2 weeks ago.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (15x13x11(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 6 day 1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 45sec pauses between each set.
- Failed at push up 48 of the last 55.
- My rest day is supposed to be Friday, so I did week 6 day 1 but with 45 sec pause instead of 60. I will take Friday and Saturday to rest because I'm attempting the 100 consecutive push ups on Sunday.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Focusing on doing the leg raise as straight as possible.
[*] Did the plank 4x100sec with 2 min rest between each set

Weight noon: 198.2lbs
Weight evening: 201.6lbs
[*] Full rest day today!

Weight noon: 195.6lbs
Weight evening: 201.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:40
- It's weird I had a pretty good run, but during the run I felt like I was not going at a good pace and I felt like shit, but I'm happy with the result nonetheless
[*] Today is training rest day since I do the 100 consecutive push up tomorrow

Weight noon: 195.0lbs
Weight evening: 200.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:25
[*] Did the 100 consecutive push up test and got up to 104! Really proud of myself but this isn't over!

TAKEWAYS from this week:
- Managed to break my 5km PR yet again with a time of 27:20, but this week was rough on the performance side, multiple run went really bad and after my birthday meal on Wednesday I felt like shit pretty much the rest of the week, still did all my trainings and runs but compared to last week, I did not have a lot of progression. There's going to be some like those, but it's not a reason to let down! Keep working!
- Sunday was my attempt at 100 consecutive push ups and I got it! I went up to 104 and I'm really proud of myself! This was also my first time filming myself doing push ups and I saw that my form pretty much sucks a lot, so I'm going to restart at week5 day1 and work on my form from there. In my head this is not a real 100 consecutive push up until I'm 100% satisfied with the results and I won't be if I don't have proper form for all 100 of em.
- Got down to 195lbs on Sunday and almost down to 194! Pretty good week weight wise!
I like the format you have here where you update it. I think its such a good way to stay accountable. Might have to steal it for myself as well.
Toast said:
I like the format you have here where you update it. I think its such a good way to stay accountable. Might have to steal it for myself as well.

Toast Manganiello Go ahead :D glad to be of help to anyone in any way :)

Starting Weight: 195.4lbs
Ending Weight: 192.8lbs
Average weight of the Week: 198.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 25 km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:07

Weight noon: 195.4lbs
Weight evening: 200.4
[*] Ran 5km in 27:45
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 with good form (36x40x30x24x40) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I think I was a little too close grip for the first 2 sets and it completely burned my arms and I didn't feel anything in the pec area. Adjusted for the last 3 sets
[*] Did full leg raises (3x55rep)
- Tried to bring my legs up a little more and god damn this is significantly harder. I felt my upper abs so much more this way, so going to stay at 55 rep for a bit and try bringing my legs up for all the reps.
[*] Did the plank 4x100sec
- This was rough but I can still go on!

Weight noon: 196.0lbs
Weight evening: 201.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:47
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 with good form (36x40x30x24x40) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- With my form this is wayyyy harder I will get stuck at week5 day 1 for awhile I think. failed at 20 push up of the last set.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Got to down to 50 and making sure that my legs go all the up at 90 degree and jesus my upper abs are burning like helll. Got them all but still going to stay at 50 for a couple more days and really make sure tog et the proper form in.
[*] Did the plank 4x105sec
- This was hard as hell but manage to not give up. Going to stay at 1:45 for a couple more days.
[*] Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.

Weight noon: 196.8lbs
Weight evening: 200.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:07
- New PR! Took awhile for a new PR, but I almost broke the 27min barrier.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (17x13x10(hold last rep)x9(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week 5 day 1 with good form (36x40x30x24x40) with 60sec pauses between each set.
- I got it all with my new form! So tomorrow is day week5 day2.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Did all 3 sets with legs at 90degree almost every sets.
[*] Did the plank 4x105sec
- This was still hard as hell, so going to stay there again for 1 or 2 days.
[*] Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.

Weight noon: 196.0lbs
Weight evening: 200.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:35
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (15x13x11(hold last rep)x9(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day 2 (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 30 push ups of the last set. This is the 5th day in a row I do push up with my 100 push up test on Sunday and I feel it in my arms. I usually go 3 days on 1 day off + 2 days on 1day off & repeat, but since I had to take a 2 day brake before my 100 push up test, I decided to go full on 5 days. Tomorrow is rest day so I'll 100% sure beat week5 day2 on Saturday.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Did 50 instead of 55 and I'm still not capable of using the right muscle and keep my legs at 90 degree for all 150 reps.
[*] Did the plank 4x105sec
- Overall went really well, so starting Saturday ill go up to 110sec
[*] Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.

Weight noon: 197.2lbs
Weight evening: 201.0lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: Wasnt home didnt weight so lets say 196.4 as a average
Weight evening: 199.6lbs
- Did MTL - Quebec City back and forth today to go to a march against the lockdown measures. Slept 4 hours last night cuz I had to wake up early and some fucking retard decided to blast music in his car with windows down at 5Am in the street in front of my place, some other guy yelled at the moron and he got off. My brain decided not to give a fuck afterward (often happens when on no fap) and I only went back to sleep 2h later. I walk maybe a total of at least 10k today so that could count as a run day haha. Came back at around 9pm and said fuck it I wont take 2 days off, I want my day off on Monday, so this training will prob suck but I will most likely only feel it after the training hehe lets goooooooo.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day 2 (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Got them all so Tomorrow is day 3!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Those were fucking insanely hard for some reasons. Failed at 30 of the last set.
[*] Did the plank 4x105sec
- Those were tough but got them all, going to move to 110s
[*] Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.

Weight noon: 192.8lbs
Weight evening: 199.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:45
- Had to oversleep since I only slept 4h yesterday. Slept until 2:30PM and took 1h before going out of bed. Didnt feel like going to run and there was heavy fucking wind for the second half of the run but got it done anyway.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (20x14x11(hold last rep)x9(hold last rep))
- 20 on the first set wth? I think the rehab shoulder blades exercise are starting to payoff, this is the second time this week that I destroy my previous chin-ups PR.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day3 (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 30 push ups of the last set.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank 4x110sec
[*] Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Starting to see some upper abs which has legit never happened before in my life. I'm getting there!
[*] Not sure what happened on Sunday, but I got down to 192.8 (screenshot below) which would mean that I lost 2.2pound this week? Not sure, but this just seems insane. maybe I was a lot less hydrated. Anyway glad my weight lost is still going so well :D
[*] Completely destroyed my previous Chin-ups PR with 20 on my first set Sunday! I previously had a lot of problem getting my shoulder blades to work properly because of some years old pec injury and Ive been seeing a Chiro for the past month or so, maybe thats why my chin-ups numbers are suddenly going up that fast.
[*] Managed to go through 100 push up training week5 day1 and day2 with proper form which are respectively (36x40x30x24x40) with 60sec pauses between each set and (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set.
[*] Broke my 5km PR with a time of 27:07.
[*] Ran 5km less this week because Sunday I went to Montreal for a march against the lockdown measures and walked approx 10K+ this day.
[*] I had to woke up early on Sunday because of the march and slept 4hours. When I got back from MTL at 9PM I was fucking tired but I still did all my usual training. I don't know wtf is wrong with me, this is the kind of shit I didnt even think I would have the mental toughness to do before, but I still did it and I'm fucking proud of it. I basically said fuck this shit I want my rest day on Monday and I don't want to have 2 days back to back of rest day. Thr trainings really are starting to be a habit and I love this feeling­. I feel like the little support I receive from close friends and some people here really helps with pushing myself to become what I want to be so if you are reading this THANK YOU!
[*] Going to come off of creatin for 2 or 3 weeks and get back into it afterwards. There's a lot of people saying you should cycle it and others dont, so i'll try and see the results. My weight might sway even more since I will prob get rid of all the excess of water inside me from the creatine water retention.

Starting Weight: 194.4lbs
Ending Weight: 190.6lbs
Average weight of the Week: 194.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 30km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:10

Weight noon: 194.4lbs
Weight evening: 199.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:10
- NEW PR! Completely destroyed my previous PR by 57seconds. Yesterday was one of my worst running day in 2 weeks and today it's by far the best ever. I've been stuck between 27 and 28min runs for 2weeks now and today I just destroyed the 27min barrier all the way down to low 26min. Really proud! Hope the rest of the week goes this well :D
- Today is training rest day

Weight noon: 194.4lbs
Weight evening: 199.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:40
- I'm starting to think that me stopping creatin might have had something to do with my sudden increase in my runs. Twice now that I just destroyed my previous PR of 27:07, just a thought though.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (20x14x11(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 40 push ups of the last set.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x110sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 192.4lbs
Weight evening: 197.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:36
- The run felt really good and it was raining. Honestly running under rain is now my favorite kind of run, I'm not super hot and my energy doesn't get drain by the heat, my body stay cool and I don't feel the fatigue as much. I could have given more but sometimes when I get stuck in my thought and my pace slows down involuntarily.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 47 push up of the last set and believe me I tried... the 48th wouldnt lift at all
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
- Those are hard as shit for some reasons Idk what the hell... I feel it especially in my upper right leg quad.
[*] Did the plank (4x115sec)
- I'll jump to 2 min plank starting tomorrow but prob going to stay there for a couple of days since today was pretty tough.
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 192.4lbs
Weight evening: 197.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:31
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (20x13x11(hold last rep)x9(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week5 day3 (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set
- Got it this time so starting Saturday its going to be week 6 day1
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x120sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 193.4lbs
Weight evening: 195.8lbs
[*] Full rest day today

Weight noon: 190.6lbs
Weight evening: 195.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 27:08
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (22x14x11(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- God that was hard I failed at 30push ups of the third set... I have a looooong road to go but god damn I like the pump after those heavy numbers
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x120sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 190.6lbs
Weight evening: 195.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:45
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (22x15x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x120sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Another 2.2lbs down at the end of the week and a staggering 3.3lbs less average of the week. I've also not seen the 200mark on the scale during the whole week even after my big evening meals! This is probably due to the fact that I stopped taking creatine and my system got rid of the excess of water inside me, but god damn I'm down at 190, I just can't believe it it has been only 2months and a half approx since I started and I'm already down to my target weight this is just unbelievable to me. I really thought getting to 190 would take me 4-5 months, that's 25lbs on the scale since I started and prob a 30-35lbs of fat since I also built muscle during the process. I know loosing weight is not the hardest thing but god damn I'm proud of myself for getting there. I have not been under 200lbs for the past 10 years and within 2 months with the right mindset I got it done GOD THAT FEELS GOOD. My new target weight will be 175 and I think that at that weight ill prob be around 10-11% ish body fat which is what my longterm goal is. If you read that plz let me know how I can put my targets under my messages, I've searched and couldn't find it.

[*] Completely destroyed my 5km PR on Monday with a time of 26:10. My previous time was 27:07 and the rest of the week I did 26:30-26:45 I couldn't reproduce what I did on Monday. I Should have noted what I ate the previous day but completely forgot to. Oh well It's the second time that I break my PR by like 1 min, so it might happen again soon! Again I'm pretty sure stopping creatine and getting rid of the excess of water helped on my runs, not sure how but since the 26:10 I've stayed under 27min for 5 of my 6 runs of the week. I guess I will see when I get back on it in 2 weeks.

[*] Also broke my Pull-ups record with 22 on Saturday! My back is getting back into the game!

[*] Managed to go through week 5 day2 and day3 of the 100 push up test (With proper form). Did my first try on Week6 day1 and god damn that was hard. I have to do (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set and I failed at 30 of the third set. I have a loooooooong way to go before beating this day, but god I love the pump after a day with those heavy numbers. Once I get past this one though the next 2 days are going to be cake, like it was the first time I went through it :P

[*] I don't feel like my body changed that much from last week look wise, but I know it's going to slow down at some point, so I'm not too worried. I still have a bit of fat to loose before seeing proper abs, but I'm already starting to see some in the upper part which is good, since I never had any in my entire life. I'll keep doing abs and core 5 days a week and it will show at some point. Also losing even more weight will helped in that regards!

[*] Overall very good week, broke multiple PR and lost more weight than any other week before.

Starting Weight: 190.4lbs
Ending Weight: 191.0lbs
Average weight of the Week: 193.1
# of km ran this week: 20km/ 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:36

Weight noon: 190.4lbs
Weight evening: 195.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:50
[*] Today is training rest day

Weight noon: 191.0lbs
Weight evening: 194.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:15
- Ran under heavy rain it was cold, but I really like those runs, they are easier I feel like... no heat to drain your energy. Pretty close to my pr, by 5sec and I think that what I did different today is Hydrate myself properly before going to run. I usually don't drink a lot after waking up and before running, ill try to do it more often and just in case its not a question of hydration, ill take a note on what I ate yesterday that could have cause me to have a awesome run today.
- 2 portions of "beef sirloin well cooked", "40g of arugula with lime juice on it", "20ml of dijon mustard mixed in with a full garlic clove, half a portion of italian parsley and 4tbsp of white vinegar", "150g of beans", "200g of cherry tomato's", "All this sprinkled in with the rest of the Italian parsley and 30g of parmesan". Add my usual 2 scoop of protein shake with 100g of strawberry's. 1 apple and 2 clementine for desert. Also took my multivitamins and omega 3 at like 8h15PM instead of right after my meal.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (22x15x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 35 of the last set. 20 more to go!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x125sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 190.8lbs
Weight evening: 195.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:03
- New PR! Not by a lot but its the second day in a row where I Hydrate myself properly and end up doing a really good time, I think I found why I had really bad days!
[*] Today was a involuntary rest. I had a family dinner and I thought I would be back by 10PM ish to train, but I came back at 12am :/

Weight noon: 190.8lbs
Weight evening: 195.4.lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:36
- Huuuuuuge PR! God damn how the hell did I went 2months without hydrating myself properly.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (23x15x14(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 40 of the last set. 15 more to go!
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x130sec)
Did some extra exercise gave to me by my Chiro for multiple little problem I have.
[*] Hip flexion strengthening with band kicking straight leg (2x14rep)
[*] "Copenhagen" Hip adduction strengthening (2x10rep)
[*] "Chest fly" Pectoralis strengthening, with band (2x15rep)
[*] Shoulder extension strengthening, with band (2x15)
[*] Hip abductors/trunk side bending stretch (2x15s)

Weight noon: 191.6lbs
Weight evening: 195.4.lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 190.8lbs
Weight evening: 195.2.lbs
[*] Skipped running since I was at a friends house and didn't have my running gear.
[*] Trained at friend house. He has tons of gym equipment and he has a CrossFit formation, so he made me ton of exercise. It was also pretty cardio heavy!
[*] Did 2x200 meter carry with a 60lbs sand ball in front squat position. That was hella fucking hard.
[*] Did 2x200 meter carry with a 30lbs dumbbells' in each hands, became really tough for my grip (which I lack a lot) towards the end
[*] Did around 25 110lbs sled row with weight dropping whenever I couldn't row anymore.
[*] Did 40 rep bench on the ground with a 60lbs sandbag

Weight noon: 191.0lbs
Weight evening: 195.8.lbs
[*] [*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (23x15x14(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 20 of the last set. I don't know if it's because of my training yesterday or because I had a pretty sleepless + partying weekend with friends but those were harder than usual. I have training rest day tomorrow so I will have time to recuperate.
[*] Did full leg raises (3x50rep)
[*] Did the plank (4x130sec)

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Another 2.2lbs down at the end of the week and a staggering 3.3lbs less average of the week. I've also not seen the 200mark on the scale during the whole week even after my big evening meals! This is probably due to the fact that I stopped taking creatine and my system got rid of the excess of water inside me, but god damn I'm down at 190, I just can't believe it it has been only 2months and a half approx since I started and I'm already down to my target weight this is just unbelievable to me. I really thought getting to 190 would take me 4-5 months, that's 25lbs down on the scale since I started and prob a 30-35lbs of fat since I also built muscle during the process. I know loosing weight is not the hardest thing but god damn I'm proud of myself for getting there. I have not been under 200lbs for the past 10 years and within 2 months with the right mindset I got it done GOD THAT FEELS GOOD. My new target weight will be 175 and I think that at that weight ill prob be around 10-11% ish body fat which is what my longterm goal is. If you read that plz let me know how I can put my targets under my messages, I've searched and couldn't find it.

[*] Completely destroyed my 5km PR on Monday with a time of 25:36 My previous time was 26:10 and the rest of the week I did 26:30-26:45 I couldn't reproduce what I did on Monday. I Should have noted what I ate the previous day but completely forgot to. Oh well It's the second time that I break my PR by like 1 min, so it might happen again soon! Again I'm pretty sure stopping creatine and getting rid of the excess of water helped on my runs, not sure how but since the 26:10 I've stayed under 27min for 5 of my 6 runs of the week. I guess I will see when I get back on it in 2 weeks.

[*] Also broke my Pull-ups record with 22 on Saturday! My back is getting back into the game!

[*] Managed to go through week 5 day2 and day3 of the 100 push up test (With proper form). Did my first try on Week6 day1 and god damn that was hard. I have to do (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set and I failed at 30 of the third set. I have a loooooooong way to go before beating this day, but god I love the pump after a day with those heavy numbers. Once I get past this one though the next 2 days are going to be cake, like it was the first time I went through it :P

[*] I don't feel like my body changed that much from last week look wise, but I know it's going to slow down at some point, so I'm not too worried. I still have a bit of fat to loose before seeing proper abs, but I'm already starting to see some in the upper part which is good, since I never had any in my entire life. I'll keep doing abs and core 5 days a week and it will show at some point. Also losing even more weight will helped in that regards!

[*] Overall very good week, broke multiple PR!