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Master's weight loss/training journey/log week 24


Starting Weight: 193.0lbs
Ending Weight: TBD
Average weight of the Week: TBD
# of km ran this week: TBD km/miles
Best time for 5km run: TBD

Weight noon: 193.0lbs
Weight evening: 198.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:58
[*] Today is training rest day

Weight noon: 192.8lbs
Weight evening: 195.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:42
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 35 of the last set. Not sure why they are harder than last week at this point, but its ok I don't mind I love this program :D will keep on going until I rock this on!
[*] Did 500 20kg kettlebell swing (10x15x25x50) x 5 sets
- Started a new program, the 10 000 swing kettle bell challenge which consist of doing 10 000 kettlebell swing over a period of 20 trainings, so 500 swing per training in a format of (10x15x25x50) x 5 sets
- The first 2 sets were hard as hell but I got into a groove and the last 3 weren't so bad.

Weight noon: 190.4lbs
Weight evening: 194.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 29:35
- I was completely fucked after my first attempt at 500 kettlebell swing yesterday, but I'm glad I was determined enough to go out a run anyway!
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set
- Failed at 35 of the last set.
[*] Did 500 20kg kettlebell swing (10x15x25x50) x 5 sets
- Day 2 completed while being completely fucked from yesterday. Glad I did it tomorrow is rest day!

[*] Hospital :(

[*] Hospital :(

[*] Hospital :(

[*] Hospital :(

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] I got hospitalised on thursday after going too hard on a training with muscles that were not ready for this kind of training. I got rhabdomyolosis after doing 1000 kettlebell swings with a 20kg kb in 2 days and my lower back is not a muscle that I usually focus on.
I go in great details about it here if thats something that would interest you: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=694
Damn this is some good shit, keep it up.

Dude you're fuckin' built, by the end of this you'll be like Jeff Nippard level.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Damn this is some good shit, keep it up.

Dude you're fuckin' built, by the end of this you'll be like Jeff Nippard level.

God damn that's some hell of a compliment, since Jeff is also one of my fav fitness youtuber out there, I certainly wish I can get this big one day.
Thanks a lot man you don't know how far compliment and words of encouragement like those can push me! Very appreciated.
Saw your posts around and dude your def shredded as fuck. I'm working towards getting in those % of fat and your def helping 💪

Starting Weight: 195.8lbs
Ending Weight: 187.8lbs
Average Weight of the Week: 193.3lbs
# of km walked: 35 km/ 21.7miles
# of km ran: 10km/ 6.2miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:13

[*] Hospital :(

Weight noon: 195.8lbs
Weight evening: 200lbs
[*] Came back from hospital today after a 5day hospitalization from rhabdomyolysis. I'm going to have to go slow with exercises that involve lower back, but the doc said I could do upper body exercises no problem and take walks no problem, so here we go again, back to square one!
[*] Weighted myself at 195.8lbs after coming back from hospital. I've had 6L of fluid a day pumped into my veins, so I'm not to worried about this weight, it's going to go back down and even if it does not I'll just loose it.
[*] Walked 5km after coming back from hospital. Wanted to do 10 but my back was kind of thigh, so I'll take it slow and see how tomorrow goes.

Weight noon: 192.6
Weight evening: 198.8lbs
[*] Walked 5km around noon, didnt feel my lower back hurting so im prob going to do another 5 after my evening meal!
[*] Walked another 5km in the evening.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (14x15x14(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 with good form (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set.

Weight noon: 192.0lbs
Weight evening: 196.0lbs
[*] Walked 5km around noon
[*] Walked another 5km in the evening.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (22x16x14(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep))
- Those went a lot better than yesterday, felt good.
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 with good form (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set.
- This was also wayyyyyyy easier, failed at 35 of the last set. 20 more to go form here!

Weight noon: 190.0lbs
Weight evening: 192.6lbs
[*] Walked 5km around noon
[*] Went on a 5h shopping spree, so I walked a shit ton
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 188.4lbs
Weight evening: 192.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:28
- I didn't feel my lower back hurting too much, I felt it for maybe the first 1 km then it went away. The only thing that bothered me was my cardio, at around half the run I styrated feeling some burning in my chest, the kind oif burn I felt before after running to get the bus when I have 215+ lbs and not in shape, so its prob just the fact that I didn't run for more than a week that I felt this way. Going to see during my run tomorrow :). My legs felt so good, didnt feel any poain or energy drain from my legs.
[*] Went to the park and did chin-ups body weight (25x17x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep))
[*] Did the one hundred push up test week6 day1 with good form (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set.
- Failed at 40 of the last set!

Weight noon: 187.8lbs
Weight evening: 192.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:13
[*] Training rest day today since Tomorrow Gyms are opening :D

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Got down to 187.8lbs, even if I went to hospital and broke my diet for 4 days (I usually eat one meal a day and I was eating 3 as per recommendation from the docs) I managed to loose weight. Weighted in at 200 when I got out, had me panicking a little, but I knew most of that was water from the 5 days of dialysis. little did I know I'm 2lbs down from before I got into hospital, so I'm very glad!
[*] Came back from the hospital on Tuesday, (was hospitalised for 5 days due to rhabdomyolosis, basically training too hard, I go in great details about it here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=694). Walked 5K for the first day then 10k for the next 3. Felt good enough to start running on Saturday so I ran 2 times this week both run went very well considering I was out of running for more than a week.
[*] The first strength training on Wednesday was rough (headaches and fatigue), but that all went away on the second day and everything is fine since then.
[*] Broke my pull up record on Saturday with 25 in a row! apparently my pull ups loved the huge break I gave them.
[*] Gym are opening tomorrow so starting next week my trainings will greatly change! I will also prob start creatine again soon, so my weight might go up again at some point. Cant wait to lift weights man IM PUMPED!!!!!

Starting Weight: 186.4lbs
Ending Weight: 183.8lbs
Average weight of the Week: 187.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:26

Weight noon: 186.4lbs
Weight evening: 190.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:03

First back at the gym!!!!!
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x5x3x3x3x3)
135x12 - 175x8 - 225x5 - 245x3 - 265x3 - 265x3 - 265x3

[*] Pull ups
15x15x12(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
245x8 - 295x8 - 295x8 - 295x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
75x8 - 80x8 - 80x8 - 80x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x7)

Weight noon: 186.0lbs
Weight evening: 189.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:11
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 184.8lbs
Weight evening: 190.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:53
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x5x3x3x3x3)
135x12 - 175x8 - 225x5 - 245x3 - 265x3 - 265x3 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell bench press (15x15x15x15)
50x15 - 55x15 - 60x15 - 60x15

[*] Pull ups
16x13x12(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
275x8 - 295x8 - 295x8 - 295x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
75x8 - 80x8 - 80x8 - 80x8
Triceps extension
90x10 - 90x10 - 80x10 - (progressive underload starting at 80x10)

Weight noon: 185.2lbs
Weight evening: 190.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:26
- New PR!!!!
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 185.2lbs
Weight evening: 189.6lbs
[*] Running rest day
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x5x3x3x3x1)
135x12 - 175x8 - 225x5 - 245x3 - 265x3 - 265x3 - 285x1

[*] Dumbbell bench press (15x15x15x15)
60x15 - 60x15 - 60x15 - 60x15
- Could have started with 65's and drop if too heavy but all the sets were fairly easy

[*] Pull ups
17x13x11(hold last rep)x10(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
275x8 - 275x8 - 275x8 - 275x8
- Felt a lot less energy after doing the pull ups, prob because of my evening meal, its friday so I ate tons of sugar :/

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
75x8 - 80x8 - 80x8 - 80x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 80x10 - 80x10 - (progressive underload starting at 80x10)

Weight noon: 183.8lbs
Weight evening: 187.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:08
[*] Played basketball for at least 1h30min and my shirt was soaking wet.
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 183.8lbs
Weight evening: 187.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:13
- Really felt the 1h30 of basketball in my legs today glad I did low 26 anyway.
[*] Training rest day

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] This week weight lost has been completely insane and borderline worrying, but the last 2 week has been pretty inconsistent with the 5 days in hospital and all the water that got pumped into my veins. So I got down to 183.8 at my lowest and an average of 187.2lbs. This is 4lbs down from last week lowest and 6.1 less on average... Yeah this is actually insane I know especially since I've been losing weight consistently for the past 3 months, I feel like it should slow down at some point, but it only ramps up. I'm not feeling weaker at the gym or have other problems during the day, so I think this is all legit. Maybe the constant running after 18-19h of fasting is just working + eating healthy?? IDK, but I'll keep a close look on that.
[*] First week back at the gym! Took a photos after my first gym pump god it felt good! I even benched my heaviest since a long ass time with 285lbs for 1rep. Looks like push ups actually worked, because its 20lbs heavier than before the gym closed in March.
[*] Beaten my 5km PR by 10sec with a time of 25:26. It's not a lot, but I'm starting to constantly run inside the 25's so I'm getting better each week.

Starting Weight: 182.6lbs
Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
Average weight of the Week: 185.4lbs
# of km walked this week: 15km/ 9.3miles
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:03

Weight noon: 182.6lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 28:00
- It was 30+ degree with 60% humidity, this was by far the most unpleasant run I did since my first few run... god im not doing that again with this kind of temperature

[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x6x5x4x3)
185x10 - 225x6 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 245x5 - 255x4 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
60x8 - 65x8 - 65x8 - 65x8

[*] Pull ups
18x15x13(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
255x8 - 295x8 - 295x8 - 295x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
80x8 - 80x8 - 80x8 - 85x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x7)

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 188.0lbs
[*] Walked 15km today in 3 parts, since it was the same temperature as yesterday and instead of killing myself running in this heat walking 15km actually burns as much if not more calories.
[*] Training rest day.

Weight noon: 182.6lbs
Weight evening: 188.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:31
- Almost beaten my PR it was a nice run but I'm pretty sure it would have been far better with better hydration.
[*] Went and played basketball for a good hour and a half before gym, so even more calories burned and had a lot of fun!
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x3x3x2)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x5 - 245x4 - 265x3 - 265x3 - 265x2

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
65x15- 65x15 - 65x15 - 65x15

[*] Pull ups
19x16x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
295x8 - 315x8 - 315x8 - 315x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
80x8 - 85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 80x10 - 80x10 - (progressive underload starting at 80x10)

Weight noon: 185.2lbs
Weight evening: 188.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:03
- Huuuuuuuuuuuge pr today, beaten my previous record by 20 sec!

Weight noon: 183.6lbs
Weight evening: 187.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:34

Weight noon: 183.8lbs
Weight evening: 187.6lbs
[*] Got into a car accident and was bit sore, but nothing else. My car is fucked but me and the other guy are totally fine, skipped the gym for the day gonna go tomorrow though!

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 186.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:10
- Very close to my pr and I finished at a fucking high top speed, which means that I didn't give it all previously. Could have broken the 25min barrier...
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x3x3x3)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x5 - 245x4 - 265x3 - 265x3 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
65x15- 70x15 - 70x15 - 70x15

[*] Pull ups
20x17x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
315x8 - 335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
80x8 - 85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 80x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x10)

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] My weight stagnated this week (Dropped .2lbs, but the average was 1.8lbs lower) and fortunately since I dropped an insane amount in the last 2 weeks. I started taking my shake after my trainings at around 10pm instead of during my meal around 5PM, so this affect my morning weight but its ok since taking my shake after the training is better for building muscles.
[*] Broken my 5km PR with a time of 25:03. Almost broke the 25min barrier, my best runs really are on cool days where I hydrate like a motherfucker before the run. Monday and Tuesday were very hot, 30degree + 50% ish humidity, and when I ran on Monday it was the most unpleasant experience since starting to run, so for Tuesday I decided to walk 15km instead of running.
MakingAComeback said:
Looking fantastic!

Thanks a lot MAC, I know uve been working hard on loosing weight yourself! Can't wait to see the photos and results

Damn bro, quite a big difference from your initial picture. I can see the abs forming!

Also in the same journey now. I am doing my best to eat right, but gyms are still closed :/ Doing my best to make-do with jogging & pushups & situps.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Damn bro, quite a big difference from your initial picture. I can see the abs forming!

Also in the same journey now. I am doing my best to eat right, but gyms are still closed :/ Doing my best to make-do with jogging & pushups & situps.

Thanks a lot man! Yeah the progress I made in the last 3 months is insane, but it's because I stayed consistent and worked hard.
Gym opened for 2 weeks here in march then closed again until 1 week ago, so all the progress you see in the photos have basically been done by eating healthy, running everyday and doing push-ups/chinups/situps/plank 5 days a week!
It's nowhere near finished, but I'm already seeing the results with women interaction and a got a huge boost in self confidence which in turns help me in a lot of sphere in my life!

Keep it up man I know it sucks and its way harder without a gym, but keep going at it, u'll see results too! We all in this together 💪

Starting Weight: 183.6lbs
Ending Weight: 184.8lbs
Average weight of the Week: 185.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 15 km/ 9.3 miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:16

Weight noon: 183.6lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Didn't ran had to go to the Chiro
[*] Had a date and hate shit ton of sushi.... yeah

Weight noon: 184.8lbs
Weight evening: 187.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:16
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x3x3x2)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x5 - 255x4 - 265x3 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
70x15- 70x15 - 70x15 - 65x15

[*] Pull ups
19x16x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 315x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
80x8 - 85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8
Triceps extension
80x10 - 80x10 - 80x10 - (progressive underload starting at 80x10)

Weight noon: 184.2lbs
Weight evening: 187.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:57
[*] Played basketball for like 1h
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 183.8lbs
Weight evening: 186.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:55
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x5x4x3x3)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 245x5 - 265x4 - 275x3 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
70x15- 70x15 - 70x15 - 70x13

[*] Pull ups
19x16x15(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
315x8 - 335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
90x8 - 90x8 - 90x8 - 90x8
Triceps extension
90x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 80x10)

Weight noon: 184.4lbs
Weight evening: 187.6lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 184.8lbs
Weight evening: 189.0lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x5x4x3x3)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 245x5 - 265x4 - 275x3 - 275x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
70x15- 70x15 - 70x15 - 70x15

[*] Pull ups
21x17x15(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 345x8 - 345x8 - 345x8

Weight noon: N/A
Weight evening: N/A
[*] I was out of town for fathers days, so no run, no training and no weighting :(

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Started creatine again and did a 20g loading phase for 5 days then switched to 5g a day onward. By Saturday's training, I really felt the power up! I kind of slept like shit Friday and Saturday I came into the gym pumped as hell and managed to bench 3x275 and I could have done 1 more if I had a spot. Last week I 1rm 285, so it's really coming back and creatine will just help me get back into my former strength. My bench all time high is 335 when I was 22yo and was doing powerlifting and I'm still a long way from there, but with proper nutrition (might need to stop doing one meal a day at some point) and proper motivation, also I'm older now and kind of in my prime at 27yo and can go back to these crazy ass weights, but look more shredded and better than ever!
[*] Starting very soon, I'm going to embark on a bodybuilding program, just waiting the program from my trainer and I cant wait to look even more esthetic now that I lost all this weight!
[*] Creatine really affected my weight and I might look a little more bloated in my photos for the next couple of weeks until I go back down to the 180ish. I don't really care about my weight going up since I know its not fat, its only water and when I'm gonna come off of it I'll drop weight like crazy. Meanwhile I'm stronger at the gym and have better recovery!
[*] Completely destroyed my previous 5km PR with a time of 24:16 because I took caffeine for like the first time in 3months on Tuesday. I had a date on Monday and it ended late as hell 😏, I slept like shit (3-4hours or so) so I said fuck it, I took a coffee, went on my usual noon run and just crushed it. I didn't feel my legs for the whole race, only my cardio and it's usually my legs that are slowing me. So now I know that when I want to beat my PR a coffee 30min before will do the trick :P
[*] Had a shit ton of stuff to do and even more in the coming weeks with moving out, so I skipped running 3 days this week. I could have better prepared my schedule and manage to do the runs regardless, so I'm going to adapt this week and in the coming ones too.

Starting Weight: 184.8lbs
Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
Average weight of the Week: 185.3lbs
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:56

Weight noon: 184.8lbs
Weight evening: 189.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:56
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 184.6lb
Weight evening: 190.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:04
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x4x3x1x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 255x4 - 275x3 - 295x1 - 305x1

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
75x15- 75x15 - 75x15 - 75x15

[*] Pull ups
22x16x15(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8
Triceps extension
90x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x10)

Weight noon: 182.6lbs
Weight evening: 186.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:57
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 186.8lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x4x3x1x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 255x4 - 275x3 - 295x1 - 315x1(failed)

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
75x15- 75x15 - 75x15 - 80x15

[*] Pull ups
20x16x14(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 335x8 - 345x8 - 345x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8
Triceps extension
90x10 - 90x10 - 100x10 - 100x10

Weight noon: 182.0lbs
Weight evening: 186.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:15
[*] Training rest day

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 187.2lbs
[*] Rank 5km in 24:58
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x6x4x3x1x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 235x6 - 255x4 - 275x3 - 295x1 - 305x1

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
75x15- 75x15 - 80x15 - 80x15

[*] Pull ups
22x16x15(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8
Triceps extension
90x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x10)

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Was hot and humid as shit only walked 5km...

TAKEWAYS from this week:

Starting Weight: 183.2lbs
Ending Weight: TBD
Average weight of the Week: TBD
# of km ran this week: TBD km/miles
Best time for 5km run: TBD

Weight noon: 183.2lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km, did not timed myself completely forgot. First run at new place,. Ran around the university campus and it was super fun!!!

Weight noon: 185.2lbs
Weight evening: 189.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:27
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x1x3)
185x10 - 225x6 - 245x5 - 265x4 - 305x1 - 265x3

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
80x15- 80x15 - 85x15 - 85x13

[*] Pull ups
23x16x12(hold last rep)x11(hold last rep)

[*] Shoulder Press (10x10x10x10)
65x10 - 65x10 - 65x10 - 65x10

[*] Rehab shoulder blade extension (10x10x10x10)
30x10 - 30x10 - 30x10 - 30x10

Weight noon: 182.0lbs
Weight evening: 185.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:27

Weight noon: 183.4lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Date night

Weight noon: 183.8lbs
Weight evening: 186.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 23:56
- New fucking PR!
[*] Date night

Weight noon: 185.0lbs
Weight evening: 187.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:15
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x4x3x1x1x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 255x4 - 275x3 - 295x1 - 305x1 - 315x1

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
80x15 - 85x15 - 85x15 - 85x14

[*] Incline Barbell Bench (12x6x6x6x)
135x12 - 185x5 - 195x6 - 205x6

[*] Seated Dumbbell Curls (8x6x8x6x8x6)
40x8 - 45x6 - 40x8 - 45x6 - 40x8 - 40x6

[*] Lying High Bench Barbell Curls (6x4x3x2)
60x6 - 80x4 - 100x3 - 100x2

Weight noon: 182.2lbs
Weight evening: 185.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:05

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Got back into my usual healthy diet from before I start packing my stuff 2 weeks ago. Weight should start to go down again, it's been stuck at around 185 average for 2 weeks, but now that I'm well installed at my new place I'll focus on my diet and running every day again!
[*] I did 315lbs bench press 1 RM, the weight lifted well without any pause so I should be able to do 325 in no time! Started my new training given to me by my trainer. It focuses on bodybuilding and after 1 training only I'm fucked, so I can't wait to see the results in a couple of months.
[*] Beaten my 5km pr with a time of 23:56! Finally broke the 24min barrier, really happy about it! My new running path is really fun, I run on the university campus just beside where I live and I cross path with many other runners. I also started running without a shirt on so I can tan while also running and after like 3-4 days of running under the sun I already start to see a big difference in my tan!

Starting Weight: 182.0lbs
Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
Average weight of the Week: 183.6
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:13

Weight noon: 182.0lbs
Weight evening: 186.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:20
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x4x3x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 275x4 - 285x3 - 315x1

[*] Straight Arm Pulldown (10x10x10x10)
120x10 - 150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10
[*] Superset with pull ups (15-15-12-10)

[*] Barbell Deadlift (4+1+1+1) x4 (10sex pause between the 1's)
225x7 - 275x7 - 295x7 - 295x7

[*] Cable row (6x6x6x6)
150x6 - 180x6 - 195x6 - 195x6
[*] Superset with Row (225x8 - 255x8 - 255x8 - 255x8)

Weight noon: 181.8lbs
Weight evening: 185.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:36

Weight noon: 182.8lbs
Weight evening: 186.4lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:13

[*] Overhead Dumbbell Press (12x6x6x6x6)
55x12 - 70x6 - 75x6 - 75x6 - 75x6

[*] Dumbell Lateral Raise (8x8x8x8)
15x8 - 12x8 - 12x8 - 15x8
[*] Super set - Bent-Over Dumbell Rear Delt Raise With Head On Bench (12x12x12x12)
20x12 - 20x12 - 20x12 - 20x12

[*] Overhead Press Behind Back (8x8x8x8)
95x8 - 115x8 - 115x8 - 115x8

[*] Dumbbell Shrugs (8x8x8x8)
80x8 - 85x8 - 90x8 - 95x8

[*] Shrugs Rows (10x10x10x10)
150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10
[*] Superset - Chest Supported Dumbbell Shrugs (8x8x8x8)
45x8 - 55x8 - 55x8 - 55x8

[*] Weighted Crunches (10x10x10x10)
10x10 - 10x10 - 10x10 - 10x10
[*] Crunches On Swiss Ball (15x15x15x15)
15 - 15 - 15 - 15

Weight noon: 181.6lbs
Weight evening: 185.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 26:00
- It was humid as fuck

Weight noon: 181.6lbs
Weight evening: 185.4lbs
[*] Tattoo day!

Weight noon: 180.6lbs
Weight evening: 184.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:43

Weight noon: 180.6lbs
Weight evening: 185.2lbs
[*] [*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x3x3x2)
185x15 - 225x8 - 275x5 - 295x3 - 315x2

[*] Pull ups
27x18x15(hold last rep)x12(hold last rep)

[*] Upper back row (not sure how the machine is called)
335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8 - 335x8

[*] Circuit
Bent Barbell Biceps Curls
80x8 - 85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8
Triceps extension
100x10 - 100x10 - 100x10 - (progressive underload starting at 90x10)

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Saw the 181 and 180 for the first time this week! Kind of weird since I had 3 cheat days this week, since it was my brother and my sister birthday (they have 7 days birthday difference). I also ate on the road when going to get my new tat! I stayed consistent with OMAD like always and ran my 6 runs this week. Tried not to over eat on the cheat days So that might have had a effect.
[*] Beaten my Pull up record with 27 in a row!
[*] Benched 315lbs for 2 rep this week!
[*] Started my new bodybuilding training given to me by my coach and doing tons of new exercise. Also started doing lower back for the first time since my rhabdomyolysis, so going slow on that front.
[*] Many very humid days this week, so my runs didn't went so well, but I did them all regardless and my tan is becoming a lot better from running shirtless.

Starting Weight: 181.4lbs
Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
Average weight of the Week: 183.9lbs
# of km walked this week: 10km / 6.2miles
# of km ran this week: 20km / 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:06

Weight noon: 181.4lbs
Weight evening: 186.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:06

Weight noon: 181.6lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:16
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x5x4x3x3x2)
225x10 - 275x5 - 295x3 - 295x3 - 305x2

[*] Hack Squats (12x6x6x6x6)
135x12 - 225x6 - 275x6 - 275x6 - 275x6

[*] Squats (8x8x8x8)
205x8 - 205x8 - 205x8 - 205x8

[*] Standing Calf Raises (6x6x6x6)
150x6 - 150x6 - 180x6 - 180x6

[*] Seated Calf Raises (10x8x10x8x10x8)
90x10 - 90x10 - 90x10 - 90x8 - 90x10 - 90x10

Weight noon: 182.0lbs
Weight evening: 187.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:56
- Leg day yesterday, run was rough.

Weight noon: 182.8lbs
Weight evening: 186.0lbs
[*] Went for a 5km walk, did not run leg were dead as fuck
[*] Date night lots of fucking

Weight noon: 182.0lbs
Weight evening: 186.0lbs
[*] Went for a 5km walk
[*] Overtime couldnt go to the gym

Weight noon: 180.8lbs
Weight evening: 185.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:05
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x4x3x1x1x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 255x4 - 275x3 - 295x1 - 305x1 - 315x1

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (15x15x15x15)
80x15 - 85x15 - 85x15 - 85x14

[*] Incline Barbell Bench (12x6x6x6x)
135x12 - 215x6 - 225x6 - 225x6

[*] Standing Cable crossovers(10x10x10x10)
60x10 - 60x10 - 60x10 - 60x10

[*] Lying High Bench Barbell Curls (1x1x1x1)x4
105x4 - 95x4 - 95x4 - 95x4

[*] Seated Dumbbell Curls (8x6x8x6x8x6)
40x8 - 45x6 - 40x8 - 45x6 - 40x8 - 40x6

Weight noon: 180.6lbs
Weight evening: 185.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:45

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Been slacking on the diet side of things with all the family gatherings and dates. I'm still doing OMAD, but I'm not eating super healthy RN. Slapped my face a couple of time this week in order to not go back to eating trash like before. Def will do better going forward.
[*] My weight didnt really move but its fine considering I had pretty big DOMS from my first leg training and considering I have not been super on point with diet.
[*] After my leg training my runs were so fucking hard and I literally couldnt run for 2 days, because I was so sore. Still went for walks tho so I havent slacked either way.

Starting Weight: 180.8lbs
Ending Weight: 178.2lbs
Average weight of the Week: 181.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 20km/ 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:48

Weight noon: 180.8lbs
Weight evening: 185.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:05
[*] Date night

Weight noon: 178.2lbs
Weight evening: 183.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:48
[*] Date night

Weight noon: 180.1lbs
Weight evening: 184.9lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x4x3x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 275x4 - 285x3 - 315x1

[*] Overhead Dumbbell Press (12x6x6x6x6)
60x12 - 70x6 - 80x6 - 85x6 - 85x6

[*] Dumbell Lateral Raise (8x8x8x8)
15x8 - 15x8 - 15x8 - 15x8
[*] Super set - Bent-Over Dumbell Rear Delt Raise With Head On Bench (12x12x12x12)
15x12 - 15x12 - 15x12 - 15x12

[*] Overhead Press Behind Back (8x8x8x8)
115x8 - 115x8 - 115x6 - 115x6

[*] Dumbbell Shrugs (8x8x8x8)
100x8 - 100x8 - 105x8 - 105x8

[*] Weighted Crunches (10x10x10x10)
45x10 - 45x10 - 45x10 - 45x10
[*] Crunches On Swiss Ball (15x15x15x15)
15 - 15 - 15 - 15

Weight noon: 178.4lbs
Weight evening: 183.0lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 179.4lbs
Weight evening: 184.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:07
[*] Barbell Bench (10x6x4x3x1)
185x10 - 225x6 - 275x4 - 285x3 - 315x1

[*] Straight Arm Pulldown (10x10x10x10)
120x10 - 150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10
[*] Superset with pull ups (15-15-12-12)

[*] Barbell Deadlift (4+1+1+1) x4 (10sex pause between the 1's)
275x7 - 275x7 - 315x6 - 275x7

[*] Cable row (6x6x6x6)
180x6 - 180x6 - 210x6 - 210x6
[*] Superset with Row (315x8 - 315x8 - 315x8 - 315x8)

Weight noon: 180.1lbs
Weight evening: 185.2lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 178.2lbs
Weight evening: 184.2lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:07

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] Got a huuuuuuuge drop on Tuesday and Sunday, got down all the up down to 178.2lbs! My lowest ever and very close to my target weight of 175lbs! Once I get there I will try to go down to 170 for sure, I can still loose some fat 💪
[*] Changed my route for runs and for some reasons my times have gone up a lot even tho I give everything I have, so it might take some times before I beat my 23:47 PR, but it's whatever I enjoy running!

Starting Weight: 184.0lbs
Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
Average weight of the Week: 185.7lbs
# of km ran this week: 25km/15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:47

Weight noon: 184.0
Weight evening: 187.1lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:05

Weight noon: 183.3lbs
Weight evening: 188.1lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 184.2lbs
Weight evening: 189.0lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x5x3x2)
185x12 - 225x8 - 275x5 - 295x3 - 315x2

[*] Dumbbell Bench Press (12x8x7x7)
90x12 - 105x8- 110x7 - 115x7

[*] Incline Barbell Bench (12x6x6x6)
135x12 - 225x5 - 220x6 - 215x6

[*] Lying High Bench Barbell Curls 4x(1x1x1x1)
100x4 - 100x4 - 100x4 - 100x4

[*] Seated Dumbbell Curls (8x6x8x6x8x6)
40x8 - 45x6 - 40x8 - 40x6 - 35x8 - 40x6 - 40x6 - 35x8

Weight noon: 184.2lbs
Weight evening: 189.0lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:15

Weight noon: 183.3lbs
Weight evening: 187.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:55
[*] Overhead Dumbbell Press (12x6x6x6x6)
60x12 - 80x6 - 85x6 - 85x6 - 85x6

[*] Dumbell Lateral Raise (8x8x8x8)
20x8 - 20x8 - 20x8 - 20x8
[*] Super set - Bent-Over Dumbell Rear Delt Raise With Head On Bench (12x12x12x12)
20x12 - 20x12 - 20x12 - 20x12

[*] Overhead Press Behind Back (8x8x8x8)
115x8 - 115x8 - 115x6 - 115x6

[*] Dumbbell Shrugs (8x8x8x8)
100x8 - 100x8 - 105x8 - 105x8

[*] Weighted Crunches (10x10x10x10)
45x10 - 45x10 - 45x10 - 45x10
[*] Crunches On Swiss Ball (15x15x15x15)
15 - 15 - 15 - 15

Weight noon: 183.9lbs
Weight evening: 188.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:03

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 186.8lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 24:47

TAKEWAYS from this week:
[*] There it is boys, my first huuuuge fail... kind of. I skipped week 23 because it was my week break from work and family came down to my town and we went to all kind of places... including restaurants. I still managed to fit in 2 gym sessions, but ended up running only 10k (2x5) and eating over my calorie cap every single day and it shows on the scale. It came back down almost at the same level and it doesnt really seems like I gained weight in the photos, but I'm not too proud of myself. That is the only reason I will give tho, I had a great ass time with all my family members and most of them I didnt see since before covid, so I didn't to just ruin everything because im on a diet or everything, but as soon as the week was done and got back into it real hard.
[*] Most of all I bench pressed 325lbs for 1 rep during this week! It's getting good! Here is the video:

Starting Weight: 183.2lbs
Ending Weight: 182.2lbs
Average weight of the Week: 184.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 20km/12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:55

Weight noon: 183.2lbs
Weight evening: 187.6lbs
[*] Ran 5km in 25:01

Weight noon: 182.2lbs
Weight evening: 186.3lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x5x4x1)
185x12 - 225x8 - 275x5 - 295x4 - 315x1

[*] Straight Arm Pulldown (10x10x10x10)
120x10 - 150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10
[*] Superset with pull ups (15-15-12-12)

[*] Overhead Dumbbell Press (12x6x6x6x6)
70x12 - 80x6 - 80x6 - 80x6 - 80x6

Weight noon: 183.6lbs
Weight evening: 188.1lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 183.2lbs
Weight evening: 187.1lbs
[*] Ran 5k in 25:15
[*] Barbell Bench (12x8x4x3x1x5)
185x10 - 225x8 - 275x5 - 295x4 - 315x1 - 275x5

[*] Straight Arm Pulldown (10x10x10x10)
120x10 - 150x10 - 150x10 - 150x10
[*] Superset with pull ups (15-15-12-10)

[*] Barbell Deadlift (4+1+1+1) x4 (10sex pause between the 1's)
275x7 - 315x7 - 315x7 - 315x7

[*] Cable row (6x6x6x6)
235x6 - 235x6 - 235x6 - 235x6
[*] Superset with Row (225x8 - 275x8 - 275x8 - 275x8)

[*] Overhead dumbell lift (8x8x8x8)
75x8 - 100x8 - 100x8 - 100x8

[*] Triceps pull down (10x10x10x10)
130x10 - 130x10 - 130x10 - 130x10

Weight noon: 182.8lbs
Weight evening: 186.8lbs
[*] Full rest day

Weight noon: 182.4lbs
Weight evening: 186.2lbs
[*] Ran 5k in 24:55

Weight noon: 182.2lbs
Weight evening: 186.7lbs
[*] Barbell Bench (10x5x3x2)
225x10 - 275x5 - 295x3 - 315x2

[*] Squats (8x8x8x8)
225x8 - 225x8 - 245x6 - 265x6

[*] Leg extension (10x10x10x10)
110x10 - 110x10 - 110x10 - 110x10

[*] Leg curls (10x10x10x10)
110x10 - 110x10 - 110x10 - 110x10

[*] Standing Calf Raises (6x6x6x6)
150x6 - 150x6 - 180x6 - 180x6

[*] Seated Calf Raises (10x8x10x8x10x8)
135x10 - 135x10 - 135x10 - 135x8 - 135x10 - 135x10

TAKEWAYS from this week: