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Matching with 18-21 year olds

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
Can't comment on how to run two accounts, but I wouldn't lie about your age, either to the girl, or indirectly through the app. The KYIL style is all about honesty, and it'd be a lot easier to do so if your not lying right from the gate,
Sin Silver said:
Can't comment on how to run two accounts, but I wouldn't lie about your age, either to the girl, or indirectly through the app. The KYIL style is all about honesty, and it'd be a lot easier to do so if your not lying right from the gate,
Bro dont get me wrong but you need to take a chill pill and not to be overthinking about theory that much
18 year olds should match with you if your age is less than or equal to 26, because the default age range on the app is 18-26. So you’d probably be okay just putting your age as 25-26. If the topic comes up, just say the app screwed up your birthday or something and tell them your real age. They almost certainly won’t care as long as they like you. I’m 25 and get plenty of 18 year old matches.
Tinder gold allows you to remove your age, so you should appear to everyone then. I'm 38 so had to go that route (though I don't get a ton of matches in that age range).

Blackdragon talked about 3 types of very young women.
Type A will only date guys in their close age range. Type B that are open to older guys, but might not have tried it. Type C younger women that actually prefer older guys.

You're basically going to want to focus on the type B and C women.
chado said:
Aloofus said:
Tinder gold allows you to remove your age, so you should appear to everyone then. I'm 38 so had to go that route (though I don't get a ton of matches in that age range).

Blackdragon talked about 3 types of very young women.
Type A will only date guys in their close age range. Type B that are open to older guys, but might not have tried it. Type C younger women that actually prefer older guys.

You're basically going to want to focus on the type B and C women.

That's not true though. Once you set your age when you create your Tinder you are locked in that age. Yes you can hide, but unless someone specifically has their age range up to 38 they will still not see you.

Maybe you're right. I didn't think I had gotten ANY matches with young women before gold, but have for sure since I've gotten it. So I just figured gold removed the age (and would put you in their view).

I've actually gotten a LOT more young women matches on Facebook dating.
chado said:
Facebook dating, is that popular here in the US? never heard anyone talk about it

Popular enough. I've definitely had some success there.

Give it a try, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
How do you guys think it looks to women when you hide your age though? I got gold and hid my age at the beginning, but I felt weired because that shows them your paying for gold, and your actively trying to hide your age? I don't know but to me that seems like a turn off for woman? Are they like wtf is this guy paying just to hide his age? I hope Im wrong cuz i've been thinking the same thing too. chado is on the fence at 27 so I get his question. As a 33 y/o tho, i should post my age and hope for type c girls who like older guys?
chado said:
1 profile that is my age, 27. and 1 profile that targets 18-21 year olds
If I were trying to run 2 accounts, and a girl brought up seeing another account of mine, I'd probably just say it's some old account that I can't log onto anymore. Just use a profile that has an age of 25-26 for the younger girls. Don't worry so much about people noticing things. Most people don't notice, and even if they did, they won't give a shit...and even if they did give a shit, you really shouldn't care about some irrelevant person's opinion.
Blackdragon talked about 3 types of very young women.
- Type A will only date guys in their close age range.
- Type B that are open to older guys, but might not have tried it.
- Type C younger women that actually prefer older guys.

This is the fundamental concept of dating younger (under 21) women. I too am most interested in dating these women, but unfortunately many of them just aren't open to dating older men and there isn't much you can do in the way of convincing them.

I think Andy's Tinder advice is best: set age to 25, pay for gold to hide your age, and tell them your real age if they ask. I would give two profiles a try... but you run might get reported if too many women catch you with a duplicate profile.

Hiding your age isn't some magic trick either... two 21 year old women I slept with told me they know if a guy's age is hidden, that means for sure that he's older. Those women were obviously OK with sleeping with an older guy (type B or C above), so it didn't matter.

Beyond that, it's really just the same advice as always: look good and talk to women.

More thoughts from Blackdragon:

I see guys in their 30s and even 40s who try to dress, act, and talk like men in their 20s. In extreme cases these guys invade the clubs or college campuses to hit on younger women where they often look woefully out of place.

While there are always unusual exceptions to every rule, this approach does not work. It fails for a very simple reason: The VYW most likely to have sex with you are the Type 2s, which are women who like much older men and don’t like younger men their own age. Being an older man, but acting like a younger man (or worse, lying about your age) doesn’t make any sense. You are destroying the very thing these Type 2s crave.

They don’t want a 38 year-old guy who acts like he’s 27. They want a 38 year-old guy who acts like a decently cool, non-creepy, 38 year-old guy. That will turn them on. A lot.
chado did you give FB a try yet? It shouldn't take you any longer to set that up than tinder. It actually shows you who matched with you so I think it's actually easier to get matches than tinder.

Your pics are way better than mine and I've gotten 25 matches on there since 7/14. Actually have 2 dates set up for this weekend (one of which invited me straight to her house and send unsolicited nudes).
chado said:
Aloofus said:
@chado did you give FB a try yet? It shouldn't take you any longer to set that up than tinder. It actually shows you who matched with you so I think it's actually easier to get matches than tinder.

Your pics are way better than mine and I've gotten 25 matches on there since 7/14. Actually have 2 dates set up for this weekend (one of which invited me straight to her house and send unsolicited nudes).

When I add my pictures it turns them sideways, scrunches them up, then I get a "network connection error." Have tried both on 4g and on Wifi.

Oh really, hmm. Never had that happen (though it is kinda buggy for me). Sometimes it just doesn't refresh right or is pretty slow for me. Don't have any issues with the pictures though.
Do you need to make another FB account for this new Tinder account? Or can you use something like your phone number for it?
chado said:
Just made another Tinder account and set my age to 21 and hid it, WOW. It's not even close. So many more attractive girls in my area. This is what I've been missing. Now let's see how long I can go without getting banned LOL

Hm interesting I’ll consider doing this although I still like fucking 22-25 year olds. If they’re hot they’re hot imo.
I have my current age set to 25. I still match with 18-20 year olds but I’m curious now to see the difference it will make.