Maverick's Time to Man Up


Sep 13, 2022
Hello all

I'm Maverick, a 24 white man living in NYC. I just started a new career; it feels like a new chapter in my life and I want to make the most of these precious years.

I've gone through my own negative phases in life, as we all have. I was once very depressed in high school, until one day I decided I never wanted to feel that way again so I turned my life around towards the end of high school. I solidified friendships that will last the rest of my life, and had a girlfriend of about a year until I realized that relationship was doing more harm than good. Next came college, were I was upset that I had to leave behind something I worked so hard on for something I didn't want to be apart of. This led to me being extremely anti-social with anyone except former friends, spending a minimal amount of time on campus, just to go home and play video games.

College eventually ended. When it did, I came to a realization that I wasn't happy with my body (not that I was ever very out of shape), so I started getting into running, intermittent fasting, and that whole field. Months later, the pandemic happened.

Skipping forward, around a year ago I got my second girlfriend. Still at one total lay going into this relationship, I valued the person and the fact that I FINALLY decided to make a move again way too highly. Couple this with an underlying anxiety I built up from so much social isolation, I lost that relationship a couple months later. Don't date your friends.

So what did I do?

I went to work.

I looked up self-improvement videos, articles, and websites such as this one. I started journaling, going to the gym regularly, got a job, and tried to analyze my thoughts and habits to see how the were affecting me and where they may have came from. I dabbled in meditation to help me with this, and to counter the damage social media and the internet as a whole did to me over the years. This includes getting rid of porn and decreasing masturbation frequency, which worked very well for me.

Most importantly, I reconnected with old friends, which gave me much needed socialization and exposure to good energy. I also rescinded this thing I had against parties/bars/alcohol, which made me much more relaxed while I was with them. I'm a quick learner. Soon I'll try out marijuana as well, and see if that has any significant affect to make me a more confident, anxiety-free person.

So where does this bring me to today?

Well, I still do my best to be conscious of the things that improved me over the last year, and I have my new career so money is no longer I huge issue. Also, my job allows me to have a decent amount of free time. Unfortunately, I still live at home. That is something I want to change soon, but when the time is right financially.

Right now my biggest is goal is to find a hobby or two that I can do regularly, aside from the gym, that allows me to gain a lot of social exposure. You know what still ticks me off? When somebody asks me what I do for fun, I don't really have a great answer. I do a lot of random shit (hiking, snowboarding, surfing etc) but its sporadic and I've yet to find something that I can really be passionate about and make it a part of my identity. For someone that spent so many years inside, I'm extremely into the outdoors and to like to spend time away from the city. Maybe all that time alone inside was good for something.

As for lays, I actually don't care for getting some insane body count. I'm sure more will come as I become more confident and improve status, but the end goal for me will always be a healthy lifelong relationship.

I'll post any trials and errors/successes I come across to here, but I'm new to this whole blogging thing so any advice with it or the rest of my post would be greatly appreciated.

Have a fantastic day.