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May 11, 2024
Get Laid
First and foremost, if you're reading this, congratulations! You've taken your self-improvement journey seriously enough to log into this forum—whether consistently or sporadically. That’s something to be proud of.

Now, let me dive into some sobering realizations I've had recently after taking a significant amount of time off. Honestly, it was partly due to procrastination and partly because my schedule has been insane—but hey, that’s not an excuse.

The Night Out

I started my night by taking a bus from New Jersey to Port Authority, followed by the subway to Brooklyn. I was heading to a singles event thrown by the same company that had hosted a previous one I attended. That first event had been a blast—I got a bunch of numbers and had an overall amazing time.

To warm up, I did my usual routine of saying hi to strangers while walking to the venue and making small talk with whoever was around. Once I got there, though, things felt... off. The music was loud, and for whatever reason, my energy was super low. That vibe kind of foreshadowed how the night would go.

The Interactions

Most people at the event were friendly and approachable, which was great. I noticed two women who seemed European (my type) and decided to approach them. Turns out, one was from Georgia (the country), and the other was Polish. I tried to impress them with some cultural trivia, but my execution was clunky. At one point, I made a joke about Polish stereotypes—meant to be funny—but it didn’t land. One of them looked visibly uncomfortable, which killed the vibe of that interaction.

Later, I approached two other women. One of them reminded me of Kristen Ritter from Breaking Bad, so I told her. She didn’t agree, and it kind of derailed the conversation. At another point, I made an uncalibrated comment that may have come across as insulting, which was definitely not my intention. Looking back, I think I was stuck between trying to "neg" and just being genuinely nice, and I failed at both.

Clarity Amidst Chaos

By the end of the night, I realized that my social skills need some fine-tuning. I’ve had better nights in the past, but this one felt off. It’s clear I need to work on my vocal projection in loud environments and refine my approach in social settings. I also haven’t been consistent with converting numbers into actual dates, and that’s another skill I need to develop.

The Journey Home

On my way back, I almost missed my bus but managed to make it just in time. While waiting, I noticed an attractive woman at the bus stop. I tried to start a conversation, but she only spoke Spanish. I wanted to compliment her hair and even knew how to say it in Spanish ("Me gusta tu pelo" or "Eres guapa"), but I hesitated. Before I could really connect, her bus arrived, and she left.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I wasn’t thrilled with how the night went. I know I’ve performed better in the past, and I’m confident I can get back to that level. Nights like this remind me how far I’ve come and how much room I still have to grow.

I’m excited to tackle the next step in my journey—completing the AA program. It’s going to be awesome, and I can’t wait to see the progress I’ll make.
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