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McJD Progress Log


Aug 26, 2022
Hey KYIL community,

I am starting on my personal growth journey and am thankful for KYIL. I have been living in NYC for the past 8 years but the pandemic was really tough to get through and recently I moved back to my home town of Missoula, Montana for the summer. One of my goals is to get back to NYC by October.

While I was in NYC, I went through a lot of changes and because I am an actor I have spent a lot of time thinking and developing a style and look. I have also dabbled in things like Rules of the Game by Neil Strauss but have never completed the 30 day challenge. Because of this, I have been working on things like accessorizing, finding outfits, going to the gym off and on, and working on day game.

The problem is I have never truly committed. But I am changing that.

Starting at the beginning of KYIL - I am looking for any feedback on my current look. One thing I dont have is quality updated photos. The pictures I have linked are what I am using currently on hinge. I don’t have a tinder yet, and wont start one until I’m ready, but I used Hinge a little while I was in NYC and only ever went on one date from it, which wasn’t great. I also added a topless pic for any additional feedback on physic.

I’ve matched with a few people here in Montana on hinge and gone on a few dates, but nothing special.

I have a lot of goals but my tops are:
- Sleep with 10 girls this year
- Perfect my look and my online presence (both in dating and as an actor)
- Gain 10lbs of muscle. I’m 140 now - aiming for 150/155
- Get back to NYC (hopefully by October), start booking acting work again.
- Improve my mental health/combat my depression

Things I have already achieved recently:
- Got a gym membership - Started a gym routine - following the beginner workout.
- Started seeing a therapist on betterhelp. Bought “You Can’t Afford the Luxury of Negative Thought” Waiting on my copy to arrive.

Here’s the link to my photos, would love any productive feedback. Thanks community! Looking forward to my journey, but staying present.


Also here’s and explanation of my Mantra “I am what I am because I say I am”

Jack Nicholson wasn’t an attractive or handsome guy - he was balding, and gross and at first he was always cast as such - but he became one of the sexiest people in hollywood EVER. Literally every woman in hollywood wanted to sleep with him, and its because he started telling everyone he came in contact with that he was SEXY. He didn’t say it out loud - he said it with his whole body, with everything he did, he essentially put on a performance - this sexy persona - and he became that person, and it worked. He said he was sexy, and because he believed it, so did we. I am what I am because I say I am.
I’ve been consistently in the gym, and counting my calories thoroughly. Haven’t had any progress with my weight yet, but I feel great. I was excited to go to the gym yesterday, which to me is an outstanding sign. Following the beginner gym workout and reading about things like progressive overload, watching videos on properer technique, its all been super helpful.

I am still putting together lots of pictures of me trying out new looks, which I will eventually post on the forum for some feedback. Trying to get my sense of style down. I ordered a few new accessories and I am waiting for them to arrive. I’ve been rocking only one bracelet, two necklaces, and a few rings but I want to expand my collection.

As for dating, I went on one hinge date last week which went well, we made out before saying bye for the night which is usual for me. I have a lot of success going on dates, and working things up to physical touch and making out, but have had no success on actually taking things further. The date asked me if I wanted to see a movie the next day, which I said yes to. She ended up canceling because she wasn’t feeling well. I feel like things like this happen to me a lot.

I have also started the 14 day challenge on GirlsChase and have started using the forums there as well. I’m looking forward to the 14 days!

Gotta stick with this, I am committed!
- McJD
I finally broke my nearly 3 year dry spell. Hooked up with a hinge date. It went well, but she’s not the type I want to pull. Still had fun though. Set up a different hinge date on Wednesday, much more my type.

I started going to GirlsChase and reading all the articles, and working on their 14 day newbie challenge. Today is Day 4. Gotta go out later and say hi to some beautiful strangers.

I realized I need to commit to my goals in an even more serious way than I was before - which means logging journal entries daily to check in with myself on how I am progressing. Yesterday, I did nothing, and while I do think its good to take some rest, not doing a single thing to be better is a wasted day, so no more of that.

Yesterday I approached six girls in one hour. Three of them were gorgeous girls, the kind I will eventually be able to ask out on the spot, but I’m just getting started.

I filmed a self tape for an audition and sent it to the CD, so that felt good. I also received an invite for another self-tape. I’ll work on the sides for that today, film it tomorrow night with my acting buddy, and send it in before the deadline on Friday.

I’m past due to send in my figure drawing work to my drawing instructor, so I need to finish that up and send it in.

I rehearsed my set list last night, its sounding solid.

Stuff for Today:
- Approach more girls, have conversations with beautiful strangers.
- Memorize sides for my self-tape audition
- Finish monthly figure drawing submission
- Rehearse and refine song set-list for shows