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MF Bag's Tinder Pics


New member
Jul 13, 2022
Ok kings you know the drill. How can I improve these pictures?
(The filesize got mega shrank the way i sent them but i think you can see them OK still.)

Thanks lads
MFbag said:
Ok kings you know the drill. How can I improve these pictures?
(The filesize got mega shrank the way i sent them but i think you can see them OK still.)

Thanks lads

This'll be a partial feedback, sharing the biggest things that come to mind.

You have good backgrounds in the outdoor shots. In the indoor shot with the microphone, the background is a blank wall with cords around. I'd change the point of view to something more interesting and organized.

Also you seem to do the common mistake of "smiling for the camera." The thing people do when someone points a camera at you and says "smile!"

It looks very posed and fake. I'd try a fake laugh instead, but make sure you keep your head still. Our natural instinct is to throw our head back when we laugh, even a fake laugh, but that fucks up how our jawline looks. So make sure you keep your head still. Also, I'd look off rather than right at the camera. It looks more candid, plus there's data to show looking off is better on dating apps.

Also I'd use the stuff from this video to help your jawline:

Hope it helps!
I like the pic of you with the microphone, just need to crop it a lot closer so that you take up most of the frame