Michael’s Accountability and Progress Log


Feb 10, 2023
What’s up All - I wanted to start a progress thread to track some of the progress and make some friends along the way.

My Background - I’m 32. I live in SoCal. I’m in a bit of a smaller beach town. I moved here 2 years ago with my wife. We recently got divorced a couple months ago.

My Goals -
1. I want to beat depression and feel great every day.
2. I want to build a social circle. And be able to build one again wherever I move.
3. I want to be a player with multiple girlfriends, date younger girls in their early 20’s. And check off my sexual bucket list.
4. I want to travel the world as a digital nomad.
5. I want to start my own business.
Here’s what I’ve done so far this week towards my goals.

1. I signed up for 4 sports leagues in a nearby city (About 40 mins away). I know it seems far, but that’s the only thing close to me with events like that and a younger crowd more transplanted crowd. Where I am is a lot of families and locals who’ve lived here a while. (I eventually want to move, but I don’t want to sign a one year lease at the moment, because ideally once I save some money up I’d like to digital nomad.)

2. I created a tinder profile following the guide. I’m some getting matches, but not necessarily getting any responses. I’ll keep it as is for a couple weeks and see if anything changes. If not, I might not screen as hard for sexually open girls, just to get some more experience dating. As that could contribute to my goal of building a social circle. I’m overweight, so losing weight is going to help the most.

3. I started going to the gym again. I played basketball this week, and did one day of weight training. It’s small and I’m inconsitent. But I need to celebrate the small steps.
Respect! I'm excited for your progress you're only at the beginning.

Do you have these goals prioritized? All of them are achieveable and you'll get everything you want... I've found focusing on about 2 goals at a time to be ideal for making progress.
What’s up bro!! Thanks for replying.

I don’t really have them prioritized. I think beating the depression and getting in shape will give me the most bang for my buck. I’m hoping the sports teams give me a little of both.

But based on my actions, I’ve been prioritizing work and dating.
Okay so I‘ll work on two main goals and break those down into smaller goals.

1. I want to get in incredible shape and get a 6 Pack for the first time ever in my life.

2. I want to beat depression.

My action plan -

  • I want to be able to bench press 1 Plate for 3 Sets of 10 Reps.
  • I’m doing a standard beginner workout plan. I figure this will take me 20 Total Strength Workouts to Do.
  • Cardio - My goal is 50 Hours of Zone 2 Training

  • Do 50 Acts of Kindness for others
  • Read “You can’t afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought


Strength Workouts: 1/20
Zone 2 Cardio: 0/50

Acts of Kindness: 2/50
YCALNT - 36/533