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MilkyWay's Log--Intro Post


Sep 4, 2021
What's up everybody!

I made an introductory post here a while back, and so now I'm here to finally make a proper progress log. I've read a lot of other people's logs here, and they are all very inspiring and hype me up.

To start off, I'll get serious for a sec and tell you guys a little about myself and then what actions I've taken since last August. I respect your time so I won't ramble too much.

I had a very meh upbringing. My parents were divorced and I was really undersocialized as a kid so this turned me into a pretty meek kid with low self-confidence.

As I got older I grew out of my shell a bit, made some friends, played sports, that sort of thing.

A certain family event (which I won't get into) really fucked me up as a teen. This is something I have been confronting and working on dealing with recently.

My "college years" were a lonely and confusing time, riddled with self-isolation. I really relate to Chris from GLL when he describes those "lonely Saturday nights" because that was me for several years, and still is to some extent. He nailed it on the head when he described suffering from a "comfortable depression", and that's truly how I felt for a long time.

A lot of my insecurities to this day stem from feeling like I missed out on a lot of youthful college shenanigans my peers had fun experiencing, and a lot of other "FOMO" type stuff.

That's enough sad cunt shit for now though.

Lemme fill you in on my dating life, since that's a goal we are all working on here, and some of my other goals.

From middle school until last July, I'd had a handful of 1-2 year long relationships, and decent ones at that. Plus, a couple of hookups. Nothing too crazy. I broke up with my last girlfriend back in July, and decided I was tired of LTRs and really just wanted to keep things casual for a while.

I had already consumed all of Andy's content and knew what I needed to do. I followed the Tinder guide, and made accounts on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge. Since August I have:

-Slept with 3 new girls, one of which I am still seeing
-Fooled around with 4 other girls

I'm pretty happy with this dating progress so far considering I have no idea what I'm doing lol.

Some other stuff I've achieved in the past 6 months include:

-Finding an apartment with a stranger. It worked out and he's a cool dude on a similar self-improvement path
-Got my passport–I've never left the US and intend to travel very soon. Radical I could use some tips
-Got a remote work day-job
-Upgraded my style/wardrobe

Here are some of my big goals for this year that I will be working on:

1. Launch an eCommerce product and make $5k / month in profit
2. Travel around Europe this summer
3. Make as many new friends as I can
4. Sleep with 5 new girls this year

That's it for now. I look forward to getting to know you guys better! Also, I'm not really sure how the logs work. Do I change the subject line every time I make a new post?
