Mindset for talking to hotter women

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Jan 27, 2022
Hey all.

I'm in a new country that has, on average, much hotter women than most of the world. It's in LatAm.

Here and in other countries I'm much better about approaching a girl on the street, say the 6-7, and having a fun experience that leads to at least a number most of the time.

I speak the local language fairly well, am in good shape (lean, deadlift double my bodyweight), dress well most of the time. Local guys are mostly losers in addition to being short, no money, etc.

I can't seem to bring myself to talk to the 7.5+ though. Even if I get IOIs. I get intimidated, I suppose is the best way to describe it. Being around so many more beautiful women, while gaming so long in the West, has been a bit of a shock.

I know that I should be approaching more and through this it'll help alleviate things but man oh man there's some kind of roadblock in my head.

So, I guess what I'm asking for does anyone have any tips to improve my mindset for getting out there and engaging with the real hotties? Thanks.
Exposure therapy.

No way to get over it except to do it, and do it, and do it again, over and over, until you get some success, which will then build positive reference experiences you can fall back on whenever you have self doubt.
Please ask questions like this in your log rather than starting a new thread like this

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Now get out there and approach specifically hot women until it doesnt phase you anymore

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