Mitos Goals


Oct 9, 2022
Hey Guys,

I want to start this threat to keep track of my goals. Would be great to find an accountability partner.

Main Goals for my key life areas:

- Start own business and work remote + make 10k month (Achived this with my business partner together)

- Find a hot girlfriend

- 80kg Athletic Built with a Sixpack

- Spend the Winter in a sunny place

Right now I am reading The Slight Edge and made easy daily habits for myself to be able to move closer towards my goals every day. I also broke down my goals into small chunks for every month, week and day. The daily habits are:

- Meditation + Breathwork (10 Minutes Meditation + Buteyko Breathing Exercises)
- No Porn/Masturbation
- Movement (This can be a workout, yoga or even a brisk walk) I want to lift weights 3x week but I have a daily habit of movement
- Journal (Setting Goals for the next day, Gratitude, Process my Emotions)
- Read 10 pages
- Socialize (Having a Date, Go Salsa Dancing, Approaching a woman etc. or the bare minimum for my worst days just get out on the front line with the intention of approaching) I don't have a goal of certain amount of approaches because I get to know girls pretty easily once I am more social and get out of the house and meet people. I work from home so I tend to get a bit lonely and isolated. I want to change that with socializing every day.
- Deep Work

The plan to meet more women for now is to improve my tinder profile. Second, get into the habit of approaching again and also become more social overall to meet more women naturally. I signed up for salsa class last Sunday and want to start playing tennis again. I also do home workouts right now and want to sign up for the gym again. I will get in better shape and meet people at the same time. I don't want to go out to clubs right now because I want to be focused and rested for my business. But I think when I do daygame, more social activities and max out tinder I will do just fine.

Do you guys think going out at night into clubs is easier to meet really hot women than online or during the day?
Mitos said:
Do you guys think going out at night into clubs is easier to meet really hot women than online or during the day?

Depends on your goals, the local market, and your definition of "really hot women". Seeing as your stated goal is to find a girlfriend, I would say no.
Given that you live in Munich, competition in clubs would be high even for a "average" girl, unless you have top game, I would suggest on improve yourself with online ( but again, don't expect miracles, very hot girls, like girl that make a living from their beauty, don't swipe on tinder but answer to blue checkmarks on IG)

It would be also valuable since you stated a goal already completed, if you could drop some knowledge on that
AskTheDom said:
It would be also valuable since you stated a goal already completed, if you could drop some knowledge on that

I worked in sales over 4 years and now do sales consulting with a partner. we optimize companies with a digital sales cycle. everything from finding the right sales staff, tracking data, educating the sales team and optimizing scripts and the whole sales process.
Mitos said:
AskTheDom said:
It would be also valuable since you stated a goal already completed, if you could drop some knowledge on that

I worked in sales over 4 years and now do sales consulting with a partner. we optimize companies with a digital sales cycle. everything from finding the right sales staff, tracking data, educating the sales team and optimizing scripts and the whole sales process.

Ok that's fine, but my point was if you could roll the lessons learned along the process :)
AskTheDom said:
Ok that's fine, but my point was if you could roll the lessons learned along the process

Sure bro :) I always build a Cristal clear vision in my head how my life should look like. When opportunities presented themself I always took the risk to move closer to my vision. Was always scary. I also highly recommend watching this video and reading his books.

1. Relationships:
Today I went to my second salsa class. It is easy to get to know a lot of women there and there are also a lot of big salsa and bachata parties in my city. I need to practice for a few more weeks and then I will go on some parties.

I also set up 3 Tinder Dates for the next week. But I need to get back on track with approaching during the day. Game plan is since I have my own business now to not work from home but leave the house and work in Starbucks etc. and just put myself out there on the frontline everyday as Andy says. I think this is a great habit what is easy to do but also easy not to do and I can build momentum from there.

I want to make new friends in my city too. I have friends all around Germany but not a lot in my city. I want to build a tribe of like minded people who are into business, self improvement, investing and health.

2. Business:
Business is pretty stressful right now because we got sued. Adds to my already existing anxiety. But also I can practice to become a more stoic man and not be so neurotic. Business itself is running fine. We have 8 customers now.

3. Health/Fitness
I have still some health issues I am dealing with. I feel like my mind is constantly running and I have a lot of anxiety in me. Also I have a really bad recovery from my workouts. I often feel shit 2 days after my workouts when I train heavy. I already work with a naturopath and research a lot of health optimization and biohacking to fix this. I feel like my mental health and physical body is holding me back on my other goals.

(1) Business: Did my Deep Work Session in the morning and completed all tasks for the day. I always write my most important goals for our business in my journal the day before.
(2) Dating: Had a Tinder Date yesterday evening. We went for a walk in the evening and it was a beautiful sunny day in Germany. Later we went into a bar and had a drink. Asked her to come to my place for a flim but she said maybe next time. She also said we should really do this again in the end. I can get dates regular but I want better quality. So I need to go back into approaching during the day and in the meantime optimizing my tinder profile.
(3) Health/Fitness: Did a quick workout with my kettlebells. I also watch the sunrise every morning and do earthing every day for my health. Been really struggling with my mental and physical health lately because I have a lot of stress in my life right now. I meditate everyday because of that.

All in all I make small progress but was in a lot better place in my life last year. I just go by the philosophy of the slight edge and do a small step forward in every area of my life everyday.

(1) Business: Did my Deep Work for the day. Nothing special. Calls with our clients etc.
(2) Dating: Went out to approach but didn't do any approaches. At least I went out there
(3) Health/Fitness: Did a yoga Routine. Took my supplements. Still experimenting what supplements I need. For sure Vitamin D as winter is coming. I also take Magnesium, Vitamin C and Zinc daily. B Complex or Multivitamin ocationally. Sometimes Brazil nuts for Selenium.


Today I was in a lot better mood than yesterday.

(1) Business: Had a call with our client. We have pretty good results with all 8 clients. Also did some adjustments in my investment portfolio. And also wrote a Videosalesletter for our Website.
(2) Dating: Went out to approach again. Chickened out. Set up 2 more Tinder Dates.
(3) Health/Fitness: Did a Bodyweight Workout.

My goal is to find a beautiful girlfriend and have a threesome with her. I have about 30 lays and it doesn't excite me anymore to just fuck random girls. I want a deeper connection and a want better quality/ more beautiful women in my life. I go to salsa/bachata class once a week now and love it. I want to practice more and go on some bachata parties in my city.

(1) Business: We talked to some potential new clients. We found a way to do cold acquisition with instagram and LinkedIn which is working pretty good. Business itself is pretty stressful because we are in the beginning and have no systems and structure in place. We fix this step by step on top of the daily business.
(2) Dating: Went on a Tinder Date in the evening. Had a great vibe from the get go. Took her for a walk in the park and then went for drinks. After the bar I invited her to my place. On the balcony I have an amazing view over the city and she loved my apartment. We started kissing and ended up on the couch. Got her half undressed and OH MY GOD. She had the most amazing breasts I have ever seen. I didn't see that coming from her tinder pics and the way she was dressed. Maybe a C or D Cup with perfect shape. But she didn't want to have Sex. Was a great evening anyways. Drove her home after a few hours at my place.
(3) Health/Fitness: Did a walk in the afternoon. My goal is the exercise at least 30 Minutes a day. This can be a gym workout, yoga, a walk, tennis etc. I just don't break the habit. Usually I work out 3x a week.


Today I was tired and a bit foggy because of the drinks and staying up late from yesterday. Did a workout and went out to approach. Business was just meetings with clients today.
22.10.2022 - 23.10.2022

(1) Business: Had some client calls. nothing special.
(2) Dating: Had a Date in the evening. She was cute and new to my city. I showed her around the city. Did probably a 2h walk and finished at my apartment. We drank some wine, watched a movie, startet kissing and I undressed her top. She had beautiful breasts like the date before. But also no sex this time. She texted me the day after that she was really into me but is not looking for something casual right now. Was a great evening anyways.
(3) Health: Daily health routine right now is: Meditation + Breathwork in the morning, Also watch the sunrise every morning. 30 Min. Movement every day. 3x a week I work out. The other days my movement is Yoga or something like that.
(4) Lifestyle: I make progress in this regard. I now have a crystal clear vision how my life should look like. I go to Salsa/Bachata Class 1-2 times per week. I also want to incorporate more social activities. It make meeting women and people in general so much fun and is so easy. I also get invited to parties through more social activities. Right now I meet women only through Tinder and social activities. I want to add in Cold Approaching again. I try to work in Starbucks and go out of my house more to just naturally bump into girls. I can not pull of the going out to only meet women lifestyle right now because of my business.
24.10.2022 - 25.10.2022

Yesterday I just did all my daily habits but nothing special.

But today I already could see that the philosophy from the Slight Edge works great for me. I did the AA Program a few years ago but struggled with approaching on a regular basis. So I took Andys advice and just implemented a small little daily habit which is easy to do but also easy not to do. The habit is to go out with the intention of approaching on the "frontline" I did this every day for the last weeks but didn't do an approach. But today I did. Got her number. We will meet for a date. Cute 19 year old student.

Business is also coming off the ground. We closed another client yesterday with a setup fee of 6k + 10% commission.

Everything in life becomes so easy guys when you have a great vision break it down into small goals/steps and just form a daily easy habit. I focus only on the process now and not big events.

Here are all my habits for now:
- Meditation + Breathwork + Visualization
- Journaling
- Deep Work
- Socialize
- 30 Min. Movement
- No Porn + No Fap
- Read

Habits I think of implementing:
- quit coffee (I am down to one espresso a day. I don't know if this is effecting me much)
- quit alcohol (Also not a big concern. When I drink I only have one drink and that a few times pre week.)
- quit all dopamine (porn, social media)
- approach 1 girl a day (when our business runs smoothly I will implement this)
- doing a weekly 24h fast (many health benefits but I am skinny so maybe not that great for me.)
- cold showers

What are you guys daily habits to reach your goals.

Was very tired today. Only slept a few hours. Sleep Quality is super fucking important for me. This is one of the reasons I don't go out to clubs much anymore.

(1) Business: Had a onboarding with our new client and a sales call with a new potential client. We are now at 9 clients. We only can handle 10 with the quality we provide with our service. We will keep our pipeline full so we can change lower quality clients with better ones.

(2) Health: Did my morning meditation and breathwork. Also did a quick workout with my kettlebell and bodyweight.

(3) Relationships: I slowly gain momentum through my daily habit of just going out with the intention of approaching. Did approach again today. Very hot girl who is working in the supermarket. Approached her but she said she has a boyfriend. I said she should take it as a compliment and moved on.
27.10.2022 - 29.10.2022

(1) Business: I deleted my Instagram today. Also deleted Youtube from my phone. I really want to go on a dopamine detox to have more focus. A big part of business success in this day and age ist just the ability to focus. Cal Newport from the book Deep Work calls this the superpower of the 21 century. I think being successful in business is not about working a lot of hours. It is more about having intense focus for a period of time every day. I have a lot to improve focus wise. I still feel like I have ADHD. The goal is to have 4 hours of Deep Work with laser focus a day.

(2) Dating: Had a lay from Tinder yesterday. Was the girl from one of the dates a few days before. It was a great evening. We watched a move, had sushi and great sex. Great vibe. Will see her again.
Today I went to Starbucks for work and this beautiful young girl entered. She sat next to me and I gave her a compliment about her outfit. And then straight asked if she wants to meet for a coffee some time. We then had a 10 min conversation and exchanged numbers.

(3) Health: Did a workout today. Kettlebell Swings, Ring Dips and Inverted Rows. I am on track with this. Do 30 Min of movement a day and 3x a week I workout.

(4) Lifestyle: My life really looks the way I want it to be. I can work remote from where I want and structure my day on my own terms. My ideal day would be like: wake up at 7 am and do my morning routine (sunrise, meditation, breath work, visualization, get dressed) and then do 2h of deep work. Then do some shallow work or chill. Have lunch in the city at a nice restaurant. Then again 2h of deep work and in the evening I have my social time. Do sports, meet with a chick, go to salsa/bachata class, go to the gym etc.

All in all my life is fucking awesome right now.

(1) Business: Took the day off. I usually take one day a week completely off from business.
(2) Dating: Went to salsa class again today. I love it. This is something I want to keep in my life. I also want to go to some Salsa or Bachata Parties this year. It is a lot more fun than going to a club for me.
(3) Health: Meditation, Breathwork, Visualization and did a long walk through the forrest today.
Update from this week:

(1) Business: We got a new client again. I have a lot to do and business is getting of the ground. We want to reach 30k a month till the end of the year. Right now war are at about 15k. I really looked at my life what is costing me the most amount of time and focus. It is buying groceries and preparing food several times a day. I decided that I am going to eat out more often and order food. There are super healthy options here in my city. This will help me to put on more focus on my business and not waste time. Honestly cleaning my apartment and doing laundry is like 1h once per week. So I don't need to outsource that.

(2) Health/Fitness: I ordered a bunch new supplements this week. I try to improve my health issues and get to a place where I feel totally vital and have a athletic body and healthy mind. I workout usually 3x per week but the next step is to join a gym and not do home workouts as often. I also get out of the house and meet new people and women when I go to the gym. So that is a bonus

(3) Dating: I had 1 date this week. Nothing special. Have a bunch more lined up next week. The cute girl I approached at Starbucks didn't want to meet up because she is 21 and I am 30. Probably an excuse.

(4) Lifestyle: I go to salsa/bachata class once a week. Want to go 2x . I also will incorporate the gym into my lifestyle 2x per week. I also look for a new hobby/sport. I was thinking of BJJ or Tennis. But I also don't want to lose focus and do everything but nothing good.
Hey guys here is my update for last week.

There is a lot going on right now. I improve on so much levels. I make a good amount of money from my investments now. between 1-2k a month. We also got 2 more new clients. We are between 10-20k every month now. I have one friends with benefits now and a few more dates lined up. But Tinder is boring to me now. I have a process of how I can date and fuck women but honestly approaching during the day when I am about my day feels so much more rewarding. I approached this chick at the bus stop this week and her eyes just lit up and she was super into it. I go on a date with her this week. This feels so much more natural and fun to me than messaging all these women on tinder. On top of that I go to salsa and bachata class where I meet a lot of women and so I maybe just cut tinder out. It also impacts my business negatively because I lose focus during the day.

Regarding health and fitness I signed up for the gym.