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Monsey's log


Dec 14, 2020
I've decided to track my goals and progress using this log.

My goals:
1. Create a business off of music production and/or singing. Make $1 online by January 1st 2022. Need to further focus this goal.

I've always wanted to make an income off my own efforts and work for myself. To start, I'm thinking of starting a Fiverr account and offering mixing or recording services. I want to get used to working with clients and other peoples work. Even if I barely get paid. I'm going to work on production and singing for at least 10 minutes a day in the morning. then build up the time spent. Work with music coaches to further my skills.

2. Create a friends with benefits rotation with 2-3 women. Get 10 lays.
Currently At 5/10 Lays with 1 fwb.

I need to message more girls on the apps And further improve my pictures. Aiming for 10 minutes a day minimum of messaging and will build from there.

3. Bulk up to 175 pounds of muscle. then cut down to 10-12% body fat. Currently average: 170 pounds at 14-15%. going to cut again at 17%
Currently working out three days a week using this program:
and eating 3000 calories a day. My lifts are increasing each week. So far on track.

4. Comment on at least one persons log or topic each day.

I always had the lone wolf mindset in terms of self improvement. It feels good knowing other people are trying to better themselves like me. It makes it easier to keep improving when I feel like slacking. I want to help everyone on here on their journey. Just knowing someone is invested in your growth makes a huge difference.

Lesser goals/ things on mind

1. Wake up at 7am minimum on work days. 9am on weekends
2. learn a martial art.
3. Move to a city
4. write down a routine.
5. Write down resources I'm using in my bio.

I'm going to post an update my progress each week along with my thoughts.