More Tinder Photos


Mar 1, 2022
Starting the process of updating the photos on my profile from random low quality photos, and wanted to know if you think any of these are worth taking the time to edit in faceapp/lightroom/photoshop.

Don't love my facial expressions in these, but with faceapp I might be able to get them to be good enough for now, not a high bar to be better than my current pics. I figure I can at best use one of these since they all have the same outfit. Appreciate any and all advice/feedback.

Here are the ones I think may be useable:

Here are my top three



My Current Profile:
I like 9183, it vibes like you walk towards me to say something funny haha. :lol:
It's just a shame that this picture isn't well framed : half of it is useless and your feet are cut off.

9110 is okay too in my opinion.

BTW, my girlfriend was around me when I was writing this post, so I asked her opinion too. She agreed with me that 9183 was the best, but she thinks 9773 is better than 9110.
9107 is cool but I don’t think it’s fuck boy enough.

Spend time shooting again over editing
I think the pics look good. Leather jacket probably isn't something I would go for nowadays, but to each their own. If you feel like editing them then go ahead man.

I think the #1 thing that would help catapult your results is getting a cleaner hair cut. You got a good build/face, but the long hair kinda communicates lower value than say something that looks crispy, modern, and clean(while maintaining some edge to it).
I agree with Gizmo that a better haircut would probably improve your looks a lot. Long hair on men needs to be REALLY well maintained for it to look good and in your pictures it doesn't look like yours is. If that's not the case, you really need to show that and not just put it into a bun/ponytail.

Most of the pictures give me the feeling that you are uncomfortable being in front of the camera and especially looking at it.
My advice is to take pictures where you don't look at the camera and use props if you can to occupy your hands.
TheRealGizmo said:
I think the pics look good. Leather jacket probably isn't something I would go for nowadays, but to each their own. If you feel like editing them then go ahead man.

I think the #1 thing that would help catapult your results is getting a cleaner hair cut. You got a good build/face, but the long hair kinda communicates lower value than say something that looks crispy, modern, and clean(while maintaining some edge to it).

I've got an appointment scheduled for a hair cut, so that should be taken care of in a week or so!
notAndy said:
Most of the pictures give me the feeling that you are uncomfortable being in front of the camera and especially looking at it.
My advice is to take pictures where you don't look at the camera and use props if you can to occupy your hands.

Yeah, that's accurate. Will try some more on my deck and see if I can get more comfortable in front of the camera, was certainly a weird feeling the first time
Shot some more photos real quick after getting my hair cut tonight, here are the ones I think are okay. Let me know what y'all think.

This one is my favorite, its a little blurry on my computer but looked fine on my phoen.
I would not use any of these.

For future photos, either smile or learn to develop a neutral facial expression that is attractive.

You have low-trust features and your smile looks good in your profile photo, so I vote smile for now.

The lighting also exacerbates your pale skin and infraorbital wrinkles/shallowness. Watch this video and see if you can implement anything:

A tan would do you wonders, as would really edging out your wardrobe (e.g. full leather jacket [which I see you have above], more necklaces, etc.), as you have the look for it - take it from a fellow guy with low-trust features.

You might also look into tretinoin to clean up your skin, if you're not already using it.
pancakemouse said:
For future photos, either smile or learn to develop a neutral facial expression that is attractive.

Do you have any resources for developing a more attractive neutral facial expression? For now I will be sure to smile every time I take photos
pancakemouse said:
A tan would do you wonders
Should I start with beta-carotene for this, since I have lived outdoors for entire summers and never gotten the slights bit of a tan.

Appreciate the advice, will grab some retinol from the store to hold me over until I can get the prescription for something stronger, also want to see if there is anything they can do for the scar under my lip and chin.
jeff550 said:
Shot some more photos real quick after getting my hair cut tonight, here are the ones I think are okay. Let me know what y'all think.

Man, your new haircut is waaaaay better. The photo you posted above (Test-1) is a huge step in the right direction. Worlds apart. Hats off to your Barber/hairdresser.

With your new look, I feel like you can start building an awesome archetype. I just finished watching Stranger Things Season 4, and your new look reminds me of some of the characters in that show. Please watch that show so you know what I'm talking about.

If done correctly, you'll be able to create a 'bad boy, no fucks given' 80's kind of look. I'll attach some photos below so you know what I'm talking about. The messy hair '80's look' normally represents bad boys, singers, musicians, artists etc. People who don't follow the boring mainstream lifestyle. (Please note that you should only use that archetype if you feel like it's true to you. If not, then scratch that idea altogether).

Now, as for the actual photos you have taken, you definitely need to improve your poses. You're an attractive and photogenic guy, but it's very clear that you're still learning how to pose in front of the camera. I have a mate who is super good looking and gets laid a ton, but he is terrible at taking photos. Every time I pull my phone out to take a photo of him, he suddenly gets awkward and at that point, no matter how hard I try, none of the photos look good. Just keep practicing, Take photos every single day. Get comfortable in front of the camera. Experiment with different poses, angles and facial expressions. The learning process can be cringe, but it'll pay off. Just focus on enjoying the process of taking photos and by default, you'll start to improve.

Some other things I noticed are:
- Your t-shirt is decent fitting, but it's not perfect. I recommend spending a lot of time going to clothing stores and trying on as many black tee's as possible. Eventually, you'll find a company/brand that makes a fit that really suits your body type.

- I like the necklace. Look into mens model shots and see the different kinds of necklaces men wear. It suits you, but I feel like you could get a necklace that's a little bit more cool and interesting.

- Your upper arms seem very pale, and my eyes go towards it for some reason. It takes away from all the better features of the photo. If you can't get a tan, maybe eventually learn how to photoshop to make your arms slightly darker.

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jeff550 said:
pancakemouse said:
For future photos, either smile or learn to develop a neutral facial expression that is attractive.

Do you have any resources for developing a more attractive neutral facial expression? For now I will be sure to smile every time I take photos
pancakemouse said:
A tan would do you wonders
Should I start with beta-carotene for this, since I have lived outdoors for entire summers and never gotten the slights bit of a tan.

Appreciate the advice, will grab some retinol from the store to hold me over until I can get the prescription for something stronger, also want to see if there is anything they can do for the scar under my lip and chin.

You don't actually need a prescription for tretinoin, you can buy some from AllDayChemist, which is what I did, and have barely used a full tube out of the three I bought years ago despite daily use.

Beta-Carotene to start, Melanotan if that doesn't work. Beta-Carotene can have adverse affects on skin, so look out for that. I got sort of a reddish rash sometimes so I stopped using it and switched to Melanotan 2.

I used to watch YouTube videos on posing, but really like any skill it's just practice, practice, practice.