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Mossy - Full time at AA Program Ltd.


Jun 16, 2021
Hey guys, this is my AA program log. I wanted to repost my OP from GLL forums but foolishly didn't save offline what I posted there and it's still awaiting approval from mods so I'll repost it whenever it's approved and I can copypaste.
To give some context for now - I've been stuck at Day 6, incrementally building it up across a total of 6 days of attempts.
Day 6:
- Time
- Time, Directions
- Time, Directions, Have you been there?
Attempt #6
I did it. It took 6 hours, blood filled blisters on my feet and sunburn on neck and arms. Definitely worth it. When there's 15+ reps in 1 day it's hard and probably useless to describe every single rep with much detail so I'll only post highlights:
- 3rd rep of the day a girl I tried to stop wouldn't listen, she rushed away after telling me time, I tried to stop her but she brushed me off again and just yelled that I should go to <popular spot with many cafes>. There were people around who saw it. It actually made me smile because I instantly realised: who cares, nothing bad really happened, it didn't make me feel any worse, actually quite the opposite.
- 4th rep while redoing the full "time+direction+have you been there" I saw the contrast in girls reaction Andy and Chris talk about. While the previous girl was in a rush and dismissive, maybe the worst so far, the 4th girl was definitely the best interaction I've had. Really loved it, she was super cool, relaxed and sweet and definitely my type looks wise. Gave me a lot of IOI's, asking plenty of questions and suggesting she's open to continue exploring the city together, she was comfortable in very close proximity too. I had a hard time not taking her number or just taking it further with her right there. I'm pretty sure we'd be holding hands and kissing in the park within maybe 10 minutes, reaaaally great connection. Idk how to do it justice but seriously it felt like those 4-5 minutes we spent talking I had better connection than with any girl in my life before, yes even those long term. I felt this way towards some girls (crush) when I was younger but never reciprocated like that. Like a proper autist I stood by the plan though and left without her number but I got her stuck in my head for 30-40 minutes, after that the flowery feelings and excitement started to slowly fade and I was able to focus on the drills again. Some of the feelings resurfaced as I'm typing this and I'm not sure about my decision again. I wonder how long it'll take to get a similar experience. I'd prob become her slave with time though haha, fuck.
- Noticed that physical discomfort pushed me to care a lot less and to just do it. I had to walk in full noon for almost 30 minutes and when I was dripping sweat I said fuck it and got like half the drills done in the span of 40 mins. Basically it was more uncomfortable to stay in the sun and walk around with blisters than to approach.
- To be honest like 1,5-2h were wasted on wandering almost completely empty parts of the city, or filled with only old people. I know the best spots now though so tomorrow should be easy to make it in at least half the time it took today, that's the goal. I didn't feel much excitement when finishing the last rep, more relief because I was so exhausted. Now after a little rest I'm glad and proud that I got it over with. The cute girl was definitely highlight of the day though.
Mossy said:
Hey guys, this is my AA program log. I wanted to repost my OP from GLL forums but foolishly didn't save offline what I posted there and it's still awaiting approval from mods so I'll repost it whenever it's approved and I can copypaste.
To give some context for now - I've been stuck at Day 6, incrementally building it up across a total of 6 days of attempts.
Day 6:
- Time
- Time, Directions
- Time, Directions, Have you been there?
Attempt #6
I did it. It took 6 hours, blood filled blisters on my feet and sunburn on neck and arms. Definitely worth it. When there's 15+ reps in 1 day it's hard and probably useless to describe every single rep with much detail so I'll only post highlights:
- 3rd rep of the day a girl I tried to stop wouldn't listen, she rushed away after telling me time, I tried to stop her but she brushed me off again and just yelled that I should go to <popular spot with many cafes>. There were people around who saw it. It actually made me smile because I instantly realised: who cares, nothing bad really happened, it didn't make me feel any worse, actually quite the opposite.
- 4th rep while redoing the full "time+direction+have you been there" I saw the contrast in girls reaction Andy and Chris talk about. While the previous girl was in a rush and dismissive, maybe the worst so far, the 4th girl was definitely the best interaction I've had. Really loved it, she was super cool, relaxed and sweet and definitely my type looks wise. Gave me a lot of IOI's, asking plenty of questions and suggesting she's open to continue exploring the city together, she was comfortable in very close proximity too. I had a hard time not taking her number or just taking it further with her right there. I'm pretty sure we'd be holding hands and kissing in the park within maybe 10 minutes, reaaaally great connection. Idk how to do it justice but seriously it felt like those 4-5 minutes we spent talking I had better connection than with any girl in my life before, yes even those long term. I felt this way towards some girls (crush) when I was younger but never reciprocated like that. Like a proper autist I stood by the plan though and left without her number but I got her stuck in my head for 30-40 minutes, after that the flowery feelings and excitement started to slowly fade and I was able to focus on the drills again. Some of the feelings resurfaced as I'm typing this and I'm not sure about my decision again. I wonder how long it'll take to get a similar experience. I'd prob become her slave with time though haha, fuck.
- Noticed that physical discomfort pushed me to care a lot less and to just do it. I had to walk in full noon for almost 30 minutes and when I was dripping sweat I said fuck it and got like half the drills done in the span of 40 mins. Basically it was more uncomfortable to stay in the sun and walk around with blisters than to approach.
- To be honest like 1,5-2h were wasted on wandering almost completely empty parts of the city, or filled with only old people. I know the best spots now though so tomorrow should be easy to make it in at least half the time it took today, that's the goal. I didn't feel much excitement when finishing the last rep, more relief because I was so exhausted. Now after a little rest I'm glad and proud that I got it over with. The cute girl was definitely highlight of the day though.

Nice, but I don't really get the point of not asking for numbers or flirting at all during the drills. You should def call the girls attractive and ask for numbers or some contact info of the girls that seem really receptive during the drills
SamJ_ said:
Nice, but I don't really get the point of not asking for numbers or flirting at all during the drills. You should def call the girls attractive and ask for numbers or some contact info of the girls that seem really receptive during the drills
Do not do this. The AA program specifically tells you not to focus on the outcome of the interaction, but just doing the approach/drill. If you are doing the AA program stick to it. The point of the AA program is not to get numbers. It is to work on your social anxiety and learn how to approach. As well as just get comfortable talking to girls and becoming socially free. There were times when i had the same though. "oh shit that girl was really into me, i should get her number." Resist the temptation and work on fixing your AA. There will be plenty of different opportunities with many other beautiful and friendly girls in the future.

Sam not to shit on you, but please don't give advice on topics that you don't have experience in. There are posts where I've thought. If he had done the AA program he would not be asking these questions.
The forum prevented me from posting while Toast made his post. Basically I had 3 reasons why it’s a bad idea: rejection will carry on throughout your inevitable worst AA program days; you need to concentrate; and it conditions you to indirect approach which is a painstaking, dishonest, and unsustainable strategy.
offwego said:
I have 3 reasons why it’s a bad idea: rejection will carry on throughout your worst days; you need to concentrate; and it conditions you to indirect approach which is not a sustainable strategy.
100% agree with all of these.
Toast said:
SamJ_ said:
Nice, but I don't really get the point of not asking for numbers or flirting at all during the drills. You should def call the girls attractive and ask for numbers or some contact info of the girls that seem really receptive during the drills
Do not do this. The AA program specifically tells you not to focus on the outcome of the interaction, but just doing the approach/drill. If you are doing the AA program stick to it. The point of the AA program is not to get numbers. It is to work on your social anxiety and learn how to approach. As well as just get comfortable talking to girls and becoming socially free. There were times when i had the same though. "oh shit that girl was really into me, i should get her number." Resist the temptation and work on fixing your AA. There will be plenty of different opportunities with many other beautiful and friendly girls in the future.

Sam not to shit on you, but please don't give advice on topics that you don't have experience in. There are posts where I've thought. If he had done the AA program he would not be asking these questions.

Yeah sorry I just figured why not do both the AA program and regular approaches too. That's what I'd do if I were doing the program. But yeah ur right I probably shouldn't be giving advice to people, especially since I'm very very inexperienced myself
SamJ_ No worries man. I know it comes from a place of wanting to help. Your input does have value regardless of your experience. Everyone's views add something to the equation
Thanks for all the input guys, I suppose those feelings were just from approaching a receptive girl and will be more common in the future than I'd expect.

Day 7:
- Time
- Time, Directions
- Time, Directions, Have you been there?
(x5, faster than yesterday)
I only went out for around an hour in late afternoon, finished only 1 set, though fairly quickly. I also did get in there so there's that.
I could list all the bullshit excuses but the truth is simply that discomfort got the best of me. I also contemplated that I might be a bit afraid of success - if I finish these tasks quickly, then I'll have to face the challenges of next tasks, which are ofc unfamiliar and progressively more uncomfortable.

To somewhat compensate for my lack of discipline with drills I took to Tinder and started seriously asking for dates. Got one set up for tomorrow with a girl who said she's catching up with an old girl friend that day and I'm welcome to join them for the evening out. Not sure if I should propose a wingman (my close friend I rent one of my two apartments with, he's cool but not that great around chicks, he pulls from Tinder from time to time) or just go solo. Any input on that part would be appreciated. I'll drop some pheni either way. Another chick said she's down to meet but wants to know a little more about me before that, meh. I have like 400 matches to hit up but I easily lose interest with chicks over text, I'm so much more engaged IRL, pretty sure my dopamine levels are fucked up. Anyway, will try to set up at least one more date for this week and will push those numbers up next week and try to score a hookup.

There's also a girl I've been seeing for a couple months now and still didn't score her. She's really good looking, I'd say 8-8,5/10, does modelling etc. only one other girl I fucked could compare, and she wears the type of lingerie I love. We've been at it 4 times already and I've gotten further every time (up to hardcore fingering and my dick rubbing on her pussy through panties, really weird stuff cuz I never been this close without actually scoring), BUT she won't budge on peepee in veevee unless I deem us a couple which I'm not down for, but the part of getting further every time tells me there's a chance to fuck without going exclusive. She invited me to a party like 2 weeks ago and I had a lot of fun there, got impatient with her after she refused penetration again after everyone left and went no contact since. Give it another try? Any input of that would be great as well.
BTW, Should I post those Tinder/girls I'm seeing questions in a separate thread not to shit up the AA log?
Mossy said:
Should I post those Tinder/girls I'm seeing questions in a separate thread not to shit up the AA log?

Probably... usually people have tinder questions in one of its own thread.

It will also be nice for you to have a thread that's ONLY about AA and cold approaching. It'll be nice to remind yourself of how far you've come.
Mossy said:
Not sure if I should propose a wingman (my close friend I rent one of my two apartments with, he's cool but not that great around chicks, he pulls from Tinder from time to time) or just go solo. Any input on that part would be appreciated.
If ur wingman is ass with women then he will bring the group down. To me the whole duo date dynamic doesnt sound ideal at all. Shes not meeting you, shes meeting her friend to tag along. If ur trying to hook up, you are going to have to convince her to leave her friend who she is purposely meeting there to hang out with.

Mossy said:
BUT she won't budge on peepee in veevee unless I deem us a couple which I'm not down for, but the part of getting further every time tells me there's a chance to fuck without going exclusive.
Why not say ur exclusive, fuck her, and then leave? If u really dont want to be a couple and you want to smash then just lie. Idk if this goes against your moral compass, but along the path of women some are bound to not like how you are not monogamous. Those women fall to the wayside and the ones who like you and accept that you are a player will stick with you.
Toast said:
Why not say ur exclusive, fuck her, and then leave?
Ofc thought about it and was pretty close to budging (it's pretty hard not to when there's only a hand between your dick and a wet pussy of a model tier girl lol) but honestly it's not my type of thing, maybe there's still some beta mr. righteous white knight left in me or I'm not pragmatic enough but getting into a relationship already with the intention to break up, just that it happens after I smash a couple times always seemed off for me. And I hate being exclusive, never did even when there were no other prospects. Turned down multiple girls for that reason and most likely will do in the future. I might be taking silly things too seriously. Anyway, I've refreshed some TRP sidebar and Pook and had enough action from other women today to let go of her and see if she'll come back on her own, experiencing abundance. Also unfollowed an ex plate on insta.
Manganiello Sounds reasonable, I'll keep the details and discussion out in the future and start a separate thread if/when need arises.
Thanks for all the input guys, now back to AA.

Day 7:
- Time
- Time, Directions
- Time, Directions, Have you been there?
(x5, faster than yesterday)
Read underlined text for tl;dr.
As usual I procrastinated until afternoon. Reinstalled Badoo (2nd most popular OLD app after Tinder in my country). Got a lot of attention from girls down to meet almost instantly, zero BS. Met with a girl from there, she was at work so just a quick chat. She wasn't wearing any bra and had perky tits poking hard through her top, nice view. When I asked what's she up to in the evening she straight up said she's on her period lmao, should be an easily lay but she seems trashy. Got a nice social momentum boost from that interaction and went straight into drills after that.
Done in 2h 45min. Under 3h (half of previous time) so I'm satisfied but obviously there's plenty of room for improvement. I believe 30-45 mins is easily possible without going hardcore.
Would be a lot faster if not for the fact that during the 2nd set I had 6 girls not knowing any place I asked for so I never progressed to "Have you been there?". I got a little pissed off and impatient and started manipulating the conversations until I could ask this question without it being completely out of place.
- Might be still somewhat outcome dependent because I try to make reps smooth. With some of the next drills it just won't be possible so I guess it'll fix itself.
- Skip to approach ratio was around 6:1. I noticed I mostly skip and get anxious not because of the girl but because of the social setting (people/situation around). Eg. I'm walking down a busy street and it's obvious I approach and ask things her because she's an attractive girl instead of 10+ people before her.
- I chase up to girls more often than before.
- 95% of the girls I consider approaching are girls I'd fuck. Dunno if that's good but I feel like approaching old ladies is a bit of cheating and doesn't push to my goal.
- I don't feel any difference between approaching 1, 2 or even 3-4 girls. I actually like approaching groups.
- Every now and then I feel VERY comfortable and relaxed in approaches I'd normally consider scary.
- Starting a WhatsApp group with JinderS. We'll see how it works out but I'm excited.

Today's drills went surprisingly easy in terms of stress/anxiety, it almost felt like a mundane brain reprogramming or like doing school homework. Back to honeymoon period for a moment after getting thought day 6 I guess. I'm getting a lot of attention on dating apps, going out tonight when I'm finished typing this and have 3 dates lined up for the rest of the week already. Everything seems to start falling into place and feels like I'm at the point on the exponential growth chart where the explosive growth begins.
One more thing - I probably wouldn't have done today's drills if not for feeling accountable to this forum. So glad I started posting and to everyone on this forum, thanks for being here. Cheers
Mossy said:
women today to let go of her and see if she'll come back on her own, experiencing abundance
Good move. When you show that you truly don't need her it might make her even more attracted to you.

Mossy said:
Might be still somewhat outcome dependent because I try to make reps smooth.
Sounds like it. Being smooth doesnt = A better interaction. What you say really doesnt matter. its all about coming off confident. Confidence outweighs anything you say.
Mossy said:
Skip to approach ratio was around 6:1. I noticed I mostly skip and get anxious not because of the girl but because of the social setting (people/situation around). Eg. I'm walking down a busy street and it's obvious I approach and ask things her because she's an attractive girl instead of 10+ people before her.
Just push your self to do things that are more uncomfortable. This is how you grow.

Mossy said:
I chase up to girls more often than before.
This is good. I've literally ran to girls to do an approach. Things are only weird if u make it weird.

Good shit man. I like the detailed notes section

No update yesterday as I took the day off to celebrate finishing week 1. Went out to clubs with some old bros. They got completely smashed with alcohol and still struggled to approach any girls, one of them overtly commented on it when he realised that in a moment of clarity. I'm not trying to talk shit and I kinda pity them but then again I'm pretty sure most of them would laugh at the AA program and think it's stupid. Maybe when my results speak for themselves in the future I'll introduce some of them to this content. I went sober and didn't approach much there either, but that night out made me really, really glad I'm on the AA program and that soon enough I'll be able to go out into the world sober and do shit other people can't even when drunk af. Funny how alcohol brings down so many inhibitions but the possibility of getting a rejection from some random girl at a party still seems to almost paralyse people.

Toast said:
Good move. When you show that you truly don't need her it might make her even more attracted to you.
Yeah not specifically her but suddenly, out of nowhere 3 girls from recent past started showing interest in me again all at once, sending DM vids etc - now that I agreed with myself to let them all go and pursue new girls, ironic isn't it. Nothing outside my head changed and yet here they are. This is either a huge coincidence or some cosmic energy magic shit lol
Toast said:
Sounds like it. Being smooth doesnt = A better interaction. What you say really doesnt matter. its all about coming off confident. Confidence outweighs anything you say.
I'm slowly internalising this as I try to bang out reps just following Chris's instructions.
Toast said:
Just push your self to do things that are more uncomfortable. This is how you grow.
This is good. I've literally ran to girls to do an approach. Things are only weird if u make it weird.
Yup, will do my best to keep that up. Running up used to be really scary but not anymore, uncomfortable still but not scary. There's definitely a difference in feeling even if the outcome of those is the same when I skip.
Toast said:
Good shit man. I like the detailed notes section
Thanks a lot, appreciate that and all the feedback.


Day 7:
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.
Read underlined text for tl;dr.
Attemp #1
First half of the day was busy helping out my mom and taking a nap cuz of getting home at like 6 AM. Met a girl from Badoo for coffee. Looked better than in photos, 7/10 today I'd say. Plan was to get a coffee and hang out for maybe 30 mins but time went by fast and I spent 3h with her. Only kiss closed but I'm pretty sure she'll become a FB in the near future. The date didn't boost my social momentum in any significant way to help out with drills.
When I realised what time it is I pressed myself to get to work on drills else I'll fuck that day up. Well I did fuck that day up, the weather got bad and turned my city into a ghost town half an hour in. Only managed to do time and time, directions so only 2 reps today. Can only blame myself for that. I'm happy with my OLD progress but I see clearly that I have to 100% prioritise doing the AA program over everything else, otherwise I'll make more slips like that in the future. Lesson learned. Tomorrow I'll spend the whole day out doing drills again if need be like I did with Day 6.

JinderS introduced me to 2 other guys from KYIL/GLL, our little accountability group is growing, very happy for that.
Mossy said:
I'm happy with my OLD progress but I see clearly that I have to 100% prioritise doing the AA program over everything else,


Honestly that's what it takes.

This program will change your life.
One of the best decisions I've ever made.

But it will challenge you a lot first. If it's not a priority the chances of completing it are slim to none.

Good job getting week 1 done.
Manganiello said:
But it will challenge you a lot first.
Yeah it def does, thank you


Day 7:
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.
Read underlined text for tl;dr.
Attemp #2
Total approaches: 10, total reps: 6
I gave myself 4 hours to complete Day 8 and was fairly sure I can do it. At first it was going great, I had Chris in the back of my head repeating "Get the fuck in there!" and I did first 3 reps with only 1 skip. Very happy with that. Then it took 3 girls to get to the "Did you like it?" question. Started asking about cafe OR restaurant to up the chances they'll think of a specific place and let me finish the drill lol. Honestly I feel no difference in anxiety levels or inhibition between asking and not asking "Did you like it?", I could easily ask that question 90% of the time the girls have actually been to the place before on previous days, and sometimes I actually did. Took a short break because the sun was really strong and I started feeling shit physically, and also because I wasn't able to keep up the pace to finish the drills in time, got discouraged and tried to build up some motivation, quickly re-reading GLL and forums here. I probably am one of those that need to take baby steps unfortunately. Managed to do 2 reps of the 2nd set and decided to head back to my place to grab a snack and rest for a moment because I started feeling tired as hell and a bit dizzy, I think it might've had low blood sugar as I'm on a very strict no-simple-carbs diet to heal my gut right now. I had a coffee date in the evening I almost bailed on cuz I still felt weak after taking a nap. I decided to try and go and it was meh. Girl looked worse than photos and there wasn't any chemistry, left after 30 mins.

Today the weather made it impossible to approach, it's like a fucking monsoon, it's raining so much I almost got my car stuck in deep water in the city.
I'm not very happy with the last couple days but I don't think getting too frustrated over that is gonna help. After listening to some podcasts and reading AA logs of others I felt pressure to up the pace and SMASH through the program but it didn't seem to work for me and got me discouraged when I couldn't meet those higher expectations I imposed on myself. I have the total conviction that I'll finish this program, that I only had with some other important endeavours in my life (like quitting cigs & drugs, getting the body that I want etc.), it never failed me and it won't this time but I have to just focus on myself and set my own pace.

Guys in our accountability group have been really nice and encouraging and cheered me up, thank you JinderS lexluther_999 Hopeless
Mossy said:
I probably am one of those that need to take baby steps unfortunately.
Very normal for everyone. Nobody progresses at the same pace.
Mossy said:
it never failed me and it won't this time but I have to just focus on myself and set my own pace
Glad to see you came to this conclusion by the end of the post.

Setting time limits and goals can be good, just also can be demoralizing when you don't meet your own expectations. Shorter time limits seemed to motivate me more then long blocks for the whole drill.

For example i would set a goal of 5 approaches in 10 min. If i did that or better id feel good. If not i would think what i can improve upon. its not so major that it discouraged me too much. And i would actively try to think if the problem was me, the venue, or what was holding me back. Problem solve the issue in the moment to better preform.
Mossy said:
I have the total conviction that I'll finish this program, that I only had with some other important endeavours in my life (like quitting cigs & drugs, getting the body that I want etc.), it never failed me and it won't this time but I have to just focus on myself and set my own pace.

Having Success in past endeavors can be a Game-Changer. Def Keeps you Disciplined & Executing.
Yeah, be consistent but don’t worry about finishing within like 3 or 4 months. Also don’t feel competitive with anyone at a similar level, it’ll just make you rush through the program and half ass many days.
Mossy said:
After listening to some podcasts and reading AA logs of others I felt pressure to up the pace and SMASH through the program but it didn't seem to work for me and got me discouraged when I couldn't meet those higher expectations I imposed on myself.

100%. I found it a hard line to balance on. You want to go fast. But sometimes your situation doesn't warrant it.

Just make the most of what you have.

One of my all time favorite quotes from Chris:

"All you need to do is all you can."

So much wisdom in that small little statement.

Mossy said:
Guys in our accountability group have been really nice and encouraging and cheered me up, thank you @JinderS @lexluther_999 @Hopeless

The accountability group Toast , sundleboro was a massive massive help.
JinderS said:
Setting time limits and goals can be good, just also can be demoralizing when you don't meet your own expectations. Shorter time limits seemed to motivate me more then long blocks for the whole drill

It's weird cuz the time limits only marginally helped me.

Just so you know Mossy my goal was 3.5 days per week for the AA program. It wasn't anything special.

If anything went, it went fast because I obsessed over it, not because of the time block I gave myself or some arbitrary competition. I was just trying to push myself.