Mr Available's Progress Log (Money, girls, fitness)

Mr Available

Nov 28, 2020
Hi there,

I've been working hard on myself for years. Only about 4-5 year mark was when I felt like I was beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I would like to post here more, just been very busy.

Money: I have two business projects that I'm working on. They both are in industries where I either have a lot of experience in or am very interested in. One of them doesn't look like it's making headway and it could be 4-6 years (if ever) when it takes off. At the moment I'm also in school studying in a field I'm not passionate about.

Fitness: I usually work out 3 times a week. Have had points this year where I was doing workouts twice a week. My body could be a bit better and I think it's fair criticism to say I got complacent with it. My "excuse" is my business projects.

Girls: I am trying to sign up for a high end gym in a couple months. I would like to use it to pick up some cool girls insetad of solely relying on doing pick up in international countries. In about 4-5 months I would like to go travel to Colombia again and bang some bitches. Also, I just posted about something in the private area and would like to get feedback on that.

That's all I got, at the end of the day men want all three of what I just stated.

Edit: This is the year everything 10xs. Recently was job hunting and got pissed when the interviewer just blew off my experience. Also with the upscale gym I was there before, kind of had a fuck the world attitude but now that I'm a bit older I know when to have fun and when to not want to talk.