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My Cold Approach Goal


Apr 15, 2021
After some thought and some great discussions with some of you guys, I decided to make a goal for cold approaching. I will probably be doing some exercises from the approach anxiety program as "practice" to go along with my main plan, which is to approach 100 girls before I turn 25 in November. The only rules I'm setting for myself is that an interaction with a girl will only count as an "approach" if (1) I don't know her, (2) I find her attractive, and (3) I ask for some form of contact information (phone number, snapchat, etc).

Some of you might think this is too easy and not enough girls, but considering the fact that I've never actually done a proper cold approach that fits these criteria, and also live in a relatively small town, I think this will be a good challenge. I am not sure when I will do the first one, but most likely within the next week, if not sooner. I will create a thread in the progress log section after I start.
I'm kind of jumping in midway through this conversation.

If you got rid of your AA you could do 100 approaches in 5 days if you just set time aside from it. Rogerroger did that much in a day.

I know you know that this is an easy number. I dont think you realize how easy it is.

Your probably setting an easy number because you have anxiety around approaching girls in general and are thinking it's harder than it actually is.

Just do the AA program.to day 46. It seems like more qork, but it will be 4 to 5x faster.

I talked to 1000+ girls in 3 months (including drills). Once you do the program you'll see how doable that number is.

You could do the AA program and beat that goal by July.
Manganiello said:
I'm kind of jumping in midway through this conversation.

If you got rid of your AA you could do 100 approaches in 5 days if you just set time aside from it. Rogerroger did that much in a day.

I know you know that this is an easy number. I dont think you realize how easy it is.

Your probably setting an easy number because you have anxiety around approaching girls in general and are thinking it's harder than it actually is.

Just do the AA program.to day 46. It seems like more qork, but it will be 4 to 5x faster.

I talked to 1000+ girls in 3 months (including drills). Once you do the program you'll see how doable that number is.

You could do the AA program and beat that goal by July.

Thanks for the response. I hope I do more than 100, but it's a starting goal. Like I said, I'm planning on doing some of the drills from the program as practice in addition to the actual approaches, but I want the freedom to skip around in the program and try different drills, especially since the actual approaches don't start until quite a ways in and I don't want to wait that long. Plus, the fact that I live in a small town makes it somewhat hard to complete all of the daily tasks without eventually gaining a (possibly) negative reputation, so I would rather have a lower number of direct approaches instead of a higher number of indirect approaches that may actually be harder to do. I might travel to a big city this summer and try to complete a lot of the program, or do a high number of approaches in a day or two. Not sure yet, this is just the plan I have right now. But again thanks for the feedback.