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My COVID-19 Depression, & How I'm Fighting It


Jul 18, 2020
I feel you bro. Great article..

But I think good thing about Rock Bottom(i think this period was my rock bottom) is you never stay there.

Hopefully things will get better
Great article.

Having a schedule is insanely beneficial.

For anybody stuck in a bit of ditch I can say with absolute conviction that the most important things you can possibly do for yourself right now are: Having a schedule, eating enough nutrient rich food, drinking enough water, getting some direct sunlight and getting enough sleep, preferably waking at the same time each day

I cannot stress this enough.

Your physiology and mental state are linked. It's impossible to fix your mental state effectively if your body isn't getting what it needs.

Fix how you're treating yourself physically first.

There's no point trying to analyse how you can get your processor working properly if you don't have a power supply.

KillYourInnerLoser Please be careful with alcohol when you're killing it as hard as you are. I've seen the absolute worst of what alcohol can do to people and it's a slippery slope.

When I read that part I also instantly thought of something you wrote about your meat only diet and not being hungry until 4-5pm in the afternoon. I can relate to that and have been through borderline eating disorder episodes / months long periods of eating a stupidly low amount of calories and it's a one way road to snowballing depression.
It really came at a bad time didn't it. I had just gotten super motivated about the gym, then it shuts down indefinitely. Whatever. We'll be back to scheduled programming pretty soon
You are right in forcing yourself to work to a schedule, it makes being productive when stuck or working from home much more bearable.

Managing your space is also significant one, make sure that where you work, sleep and relax are as separate as possible. This way, your body will know what it should be doing, depending on where you are

I highly recommend watching this CGPGrey video, he explains it incredibly well.
I have to say, the sheer amount of psychological adversity last year and this year so far has made me a bit more comfortable with doing my own thing and being my own person. Every "adventurer" has to go through a crucible, doing what they know is right while under duress (because of everyone around them mindlessly doing the exact opposite/mass Stockholm syndrome).