My log


Jun 10, 2020

had my coaching session with Andy this week and I have to say - best thing ever! So will post here weekly about my progress with Tinder & Girls.
My status until now was really no meaningful interaction on Tinder with my average pictures. So this are the steps I planned last week:
- Shoot better pictures with my Tinder pal Dave
- Lose weight
- Work out
- Tweak Tinder Bio now and then

Find attached some of the pics I did last week. Feel free to comment.
After using the new photos immediately I got hit with 50 Likes over the week. Those resulted in dates with 3 girls and with 2 I got a lay on the first day. Quite an improvement! I have to say they are somewhat average looking but anyway all skills matter (one of them even deepthroats, OMG)

Things I tried out
- "It's a match" logo on the shirt: didn't work out
- Setting age to 24 and hiding it: no Likes (I think I'm not there yet shapewise)
- Trying some more bondage oriented things: no success

- I am getting into the groove of meeting the girl for the first time, doing the 5 mini-date thing in different locations and taking her home to my place and then laying her. Never thought that this would even be possible yet now it seems so easy. Also pressure is of because of ongoing options with them
- I really have a hard time with erection&orgasm. Is it because the girls are not super hot? How can I work on that? I always make sure that the girls come multiple times but it's really hard for me to let go. I thought about Cialis but am really hesitant.
- Shapewise on the right track, will have a killer body soon!
- Trying to reduce pre-lay dating time to a minimum. Let's do under an hour. I like how Andy just meets them and walks them back to his place immediately. That's my goal.
- Getting hotter girls, doing more kinky stuff with them. This will help with my erection hopefully.

What's your thoughts? I am really surprised how quickly I could progress with this. Sky is the limit friends!

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You look fantastic in that first picture! You look radically different from your Avatar. I would be really intrested in seeing your full Tindr account if you're willing