My plan for tracking my own progress + Questioning and open to suggestions/improvments


Feb 28, 2023
This post is not necessarily about my progress itself, but it will discuss the setup of tracking my progress.

I plan to list my goals and track my progress quarterly. Of course, I have big goals that I want to pursue, and I will have general yearly goals that will outline my path. These quarterly goals will be the steps I take toward these goals. Every quarter, I will put down a list of achievable goals, and I will put in the work to make these things happen ("For this quarter, I will set up my website, get my business running and start making money." "This quarter, I will lose 20 lbs."). My quarterly goals will be adjusted toward my larger goals. My daily routines/goals will be determined by my quarterly goals.

Is this a good general guideline to follow? I am assuming that it's somewhere along the right path.
RizzGodKeen said:
This post is not necessarily about my progress itself, but it will discuss the setup of tracking my progress.

I plan to list my goals and track my progress quarterly. Of course, I have big goals that I want to pursue, and I will have general yearly goals that will outline my path. These quarterly goals will be the steps I take toward these goals. Every quarter, I will put down a list of achievable goals, and I will put in the work to make these things happen ("For this quarter, I will set up my website, get my business running and start making money." "This quarter, I will lose 20 lbs."). My quarterly goals will be adjusted toward my larger goals. My daily routines/goals will be determined by my quarterly goals.

Is this a good general guideline to follow? I am assuming that it's somewhere along the right path.

Lets go bro.

Some thoughts:

(1) Read this from THE GOAT Chris 'Giga Chad of Giga Chads' Dueodes:

Overall, this is the approach I've used for years.

As for you:

-Decide your 2 big goals. And then understand, everything else will suffer.

We need to know these first.

And then, we need to know what processes you'll execute daily to move the needle towards these 2 goals.

That is most of the heavy lifting done.

Over to you.............

Mesocycles and microcycles. Periodization. These terms were used by the Russians to whoop the entire world at the Olympics for the longest time. Yes, they were eventually caught using banned substances, but the routine they developed is being used by everyone know. It can be applied to weightlifting and to a certain extent studies and daily life.

I’m going to read Chris’s post but, Ive done enough and would be happy to research info about websites from Wordpress to Shopify and and I’m sure you know just as much as I do about weight loss. Legit there are some high quality guys that give solid advice on here.

The mesocycle can be applied to general statements over the course of 2 quarters. Each quarter or even week can be then used as a microcycle to be more specific with what the nitty gritty will be needed to be completed. If this were me and it is to some extent, I would list 1. Career 2. Health 3. Relationship and keep a log here or in a journal.

Personally, the most important I learned over time is to develop or have a routine. Call it time management but definitely a routine.

Welcome and I hope your time here gets you what it is helping me to aspire to and become. These are just what came to my mind.