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Neck for look maxing


Nov 12, 2021
As you know, guys, look matter a lot.

Muscles are obviously a very good asset, but which one in priority ?

I'm gonna give a weird answer, but it's NECK. Most of the time, you're dressed, at least in some t-shirt, even for our Australians friends.

Here's proof of what i'm saying in attachment,

btw how do you add pics inside the text body ?
Looks are seriously, serioulsy important. 200000% agree.

IMO, the following REALLY matter:
-Back Width
-Glutes / Hamstrings

Neck is interesting, having big traps is probably great. I read that the neck and traps have the most androgen receptors in the human body and when they're developed this can indicate high levels of androgens. The ladies def like big traps.

MakingAComeback said:
Looks are seriously, serioulsy important. 200000% agree.

IMO, the following REALLY matter:
-Back Width
-Glutes / Hamstrings

Neck is interesting, having big traps is probably great. I read that the neck and traps have the most androgen receptors in the human body and when they're developed this can indicate high levels of androgens. The ladies def like big traps.


I'll change the order a little, my friend,

Most of the time especially in england (sorry aha) you are in hoodie or at least a jacket. It's all about SHAPE, you should aim for a V-shape to be seen even when wearing a fitted hoodie.

So i'll say :

1-Back width+Lateral Delts
3-abs when you get in sexy time eheh
4-arms (especially triceps, bcz its 2/3 of your arm, biceps are huge when flexed, but most of the time the arm is in rest position : so triceps pumped)
5-Upper chest bcz it's a week point for everybody
6-Glutes/hamstrings bcz girls are also all about that ass
7-Don't forget forearm

100- Nobody care about calves, even if you care, they're gonna stay small lol
Most people, myself included, get considerable neck growth from just benching and pressing. If you really want to go deep, I would look into the equipment wrestlers use for neck specific training.