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Need honest feedback on my looks (& Tinder photos)


Oct 26, 2020
These are my Tinder photos.

I would appreciate it if you were as honest as possible. What am I working with? Am I below average, average, or above average?

Here are a couple of problems I'm trying to address right now:
- I have been sick with something mysterious since the age of 20. It's causing a whole lot of symptoms including fucking acne. I'm going to be seeing 2 different dermatologists very soon. But I'm currently using "male foundation" to conceal it. Basically, fucking make-up...
- I'm getting braces in a few weeks' time. I'm a "mild-to-medium" case, but I'm getting them anyway.

Things I've recently done:
-Dropped $120 on a haircut by an actual pro that works with models. All things considered, the haircut in the 1st pic suits me best given my hair type, head, face, etc. according to them.
-Ear surgery just 3 days ago, because my right ear was mildly malformed and looked a bit large. Now I'm worried that it still looks a bit large. Hopefully, I will be happy with its size once the swelling goes down.

I also might consider some other surgical procedures in the future to further enhance my looks, e.g., enhance my chin, reduce the length of the philtrum, etc.
You're lean and have a nicely symmetrical face, so you're above average in my books. I didn't notice anything about your ear in your photos. Plus your pics are high quality.

What you could do better:
- you dress like an average joe. You could dress edgier / more fashionable. Wear accessories. Look at instagram male models like magic fox for inspiration.
- more variety in your pics. It feels like you're just looking at the camera in the same black T-shirt in several pics. Pics of you walking or doing activities in different settings would be a plus.
Reservoir I say this with love, and I dont necessarily disagree with what you said, but you should consider holding back on advice with this sort of thing until you have experience


Dude you are very alone in these. It would be better if that pic with the person was zoomed out and they were in shot

1. is fine for a face shot
2. you dont need another solo face shot
3. animal pic right idea for variety but you dont look great in this
4. see 2
5. good idea to get in some sort of activity however your current physique doesnt really suit this. Try get a pic of you out hiking or something
6. you arent dressed well here
7. get a pic with friends that actually has them in shot

So at a stretch 1 is fine to use but you need to work on more
1 should ideally be candid and taken by a better camera
I'd recommend getting a bit bigger too.

If you had 20 more lbs on your frame it would help with everything.

Btw.. You have unreal facial genetics and could look really really good. No surgery needed man.

Not sure what it is about dude's in self-improvement that go and get surgery on their faces. Do you legit have enough money to spare that you can dish out that kind of money for minor improvements in your face?

Your ear looks normal, not sure what it looked like before but yea.. I'd recommend stopping the facial surgery until you've maxed out with everything else.

Dudes would kill to have your jaw line.

Honestly don't think your teeth are bad at all.
ChillyPepper said:
I'm a "mild-to-medium" case, but I'm getting them anyway.

In my unprofessional opinion your teeth are normal-to-normal case.

Style could use some work as well. It'll be easier to stand out when you're a bit bigger as well.

Eat more, train harder.
Appreciate your input guys! Definitely planning on getting more jacked. Started incorporating more protein into my diet right off the bat.
I second dashedhopes on the fact you dont need extra surgery from where those pics are

You might need to look at clearing your skin up. Its not an area im familiar with but I think are some great guides out there