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Need some feedback on my approaches


Sep 18, 2021
Hi all

I have been approaching atleast five girls regularly and it's been going pretty good so far.

The thing I am kinda unsure about is that I sometimes think that I can be a bit too goofy in the interactions.

I like making puns out of everyday things or some things that the girl says and sometimes she doesn't get it the joke and I might have to explain a bit. At those times I wonder if she might not reply cuz of that.

On the other hand, puns and goofiness are a part of me so I think that I should stick to what I want to say so that I can get girls who like my type of humour and aren't totally boring. Also, Chris says in one of the articles that I should "Do what I want" and I really feel that's what I do when I am free-flowing in the interaction.

I guess I am just a bit outcome dependent at this point as I am a beginner and am just trying rationalize sometimes when the girl doesn't meet me or reply back.

Anyways I would love to get some thoughts on this.

Thanks for the help.
Cheers :)
Alex019 said:
At those times I wonder if she might not reply cuz of that.

Women have 1,000,000 reasons to not go out with you (not you specifically, lol). Don't sweat the small details, just bump your approaches to 10, 20, 30, etc and things will take care of themselves naturally.

Also read this a few times: https://mikemehlman.net/2021/06/29/behavioral-deregulation-and-male-attractiveness/

From the article: For instance, if you walk up to a girl and tell her she’s attractive, and then you don’t know what to say, you can act as though you have Tourette syndrome and just say anything that comes to mind, e.g., “So do you like Starbucks?” And she can say, “What? Why are you asking me about Starbucks.” And you’re like, “Oh, well, I’m Michael. I just wanted to say hi.” And she says, “Oh okay. Hey.”

My point is that your convos are allowed to be seemingly disjointed and non-smooth as fuck. Let them be. Take comfort in knowing that your exact words don’t actually matter. Because as long as you are completely winging your interactions, that is literally you as your most attractive.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Alex019 said:
At those times I wonder if she might not reply cuz of that.

Also read this a few times: https://mikemehlman.net/2021/06/29/behavioral-deregulation-and-male-attractiveness/

Thanks for sharing this article mate.

I guess it was just me overanalyzing my approach cuz I have read a lot of PUA shit before.

Anyways my plan is definitely to bump up my approaches once lockdown opens here.

For now sticking to at least five a day is my goal.

Thanks again for the help bro.