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Need to Know What to Do


Dec 14, 2021
Hi, ive been working out for 1 year n 3 months. I do the standard push/pull/legs split and am 165, 5’9. My scale says im 16% body fat and a bodybuilder dude told me the same thing. Should I cut, maintain, or bulk? And how does my physique stack up now?
I'd cut. Personally, my face looks way better at 12% than at 16%. And it looks like you're carrying some fat around your midsection.
Thanks yall and yah thats how I look rn. Im gonna drop down to 157, see how that feels n maybe go lower.
Solid gains for 15 months man! I agree with the others that you should cut to 10-12% and then go on to continue clean bulking. Workout schedule is also good, can't go wrong with PPL :)