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New AA Program


Jul 25, 2020
Shared in Telegram, this is a new version of the AA program by Vagabond Troy. It was given to colgate so I have no idea what the Japanese in 20 means.

Enjoy and stop being app-only pussies (said while doing a 24-hour Hinge boost):

1. prolonged eye contact with 5 people
2. prolonged eye contact + wink with 5 people
3. pushups in a public area where you’re in the way
4. walk in the opposite direction of the flow of ped traffic and do not sidestep
5. ask the time from 5 chicks WHILE you have phone in your hand
6. yell at full volume in a public place, make sure people look at you after
7. find out 3 old ladies' agendas
8. say "hi" and "bye" to 3 chicks
9. give 3 girls a compliment and leave
10. give 3 girls a compliment on something they chose or their personality and leave
11. move 3 girls one foot when you approach
12. try to bounce 3 girls to a vending machine. failure counts too but just try
13. give 3 girls constructive criticism
14. tell 3 girls that you want to take them on a date EXPLICITLY. use the word date
15. ask 3 girls what their friends think of them
16. ask 3 girls if they are closer to their mom or their dad
17. PUMP YOURSELF UP, GET IN PEAK STATE. approach 3 girls and influence them to have a good vibe
18. get really chill and mellow. approach 3 girls and get them really chill and mellow
19. approach 3 girls and confess something you don’t really want to
20. approach 3 standing girls, say お待たせしました!
21. approach 3 girls and assume you are their dad (???)
22. approach 3 girls without saying as single word
23. approach 3 girls while holding an extremely strange item
24. approach 3 girls, and try to immediately pull to karaoke
25. approach 3 girls, and try to immediately bounce home. SERIOUSLY. NOT A JOKE.
26. approach 3 girls using nonsense language
27. approach 3 girls and try to get the girl to say no or go away (nonverbal no OK as well, but try to stick in there)
28. approach 3 girls in a women’s store
29. approach 3 girls while riding the train
30. approach 15 girls. pay attention to their energy level, your energy level. vary how you express yourself. both serious and nonsensical, both leading and empathetic, try to incorporate everything you did in the past 30 days
this is not by troy lol, it's a list of "missions" you can do in 30 days for approach in japan in a paid course by one of the top foreign guys here. it was in a 30 min audio so i transcribed the drills.

the japanese in 20 means "sorry to make you wait!"