New Goal


Feb 26, 2021
I couldnt find my old thread that I posted a while ago.
So I want to update my progress.

I am now working 30 hours a week which gives ALLLLOTTT more time.
I have been hitting the gym consistently for 3 weeks and I am already seeing improvements in:
- mood
- morning wood
- strength
- abit more muscle on my arms

My weight is 85 kg and hight 186 cm

Goal is to hit the gym every other day which is going perfect.
Gym goal: Bulk up to 95 kg and then cut back. A never ending cycle.

My goal with girls:
I cant garantue to hit on 10 girls a day. (that was my promise in my last thread)
But I can hit on atleast one girl a day.
So that is my new goal now. Atleast on girl a day.
I drive with public transport so there are enough girls on the street. Just need to take more action.

I do get some decent eye contact, I just need to jump on the oppurtunity.

I also need to get some new swag. New clothes and better accecoires.
So I went out yesterday and approached 4 girls and got 2 numbers. I have never gotten 2 numbers just from 4 approaches. I remember when I was trying to beat approach anxiety how used to get rejected over 100 times without getting a single number.
But I also used to look like complete shit. I was very thin, ugly style, shit grooming.

Now I hit the gym, have more muscle and look slightly above average, my style has improved DRASTICALLY. I am also alot calmer then I used to be.
I am not sure what kind of results I will get if I approach 100 girls very aggressivly. But I know that I will somehow get laid.

It also took me a long time till I approached the first girl. It wasnt fear that was holding me back, it was more a lack of motivation. But I will force myself to do the approaches and hit on the hottest girls when I see them.

1 girl a day is not a great goal, because it does not motivate me. So my new goal is: 20 girls a week, which should be doable.

My 1# goal right now is to build muscle and to look as sexy as possible. Because this makes approaching girls EFFORTLESS. I mean its ridiculous how much easier it is when you look good. Its like a cheat code.
Gym is going very good. Its the first time ever that I am hitting the gym consistently and getting stronger = building muscle.
I look alot better. I am also a tall dude 188 cm and I wear height increasing soles to be over 190 cm.
I also bought a new neclase and two rings and I have cool watch.
So I am looking extra fresh.

My style is on point (I hope), my body is transforming.
And I am approaching girls in a aggressive manner. Hold hands and look at them seductivly (not creepy, lol). Trying my best to not be boring and bring the energy. I want them to understand that I dont play games. I am here to fuck the shit out of you.
I am a Player.

Need to talk to more bitches when I see them.
Nothing special.
On my way back home (after work) approached 3 - 4 girls. Always holding hands and try to be aggressive. Kissed a girl goodbye (kiss on the cheek). Just approaching girls that I feel are hot or give me strong eye contact.

Working out is going great. Hitting the gym every second day. (almost 2 months)
Will continue hitting the gym + eating 200 grams protein a day + eating in a surplus (3000 calories) + hitting on girls that are attractive
Will get a new Haircut today.
Didnt approach a single girl yesterday (SHIT). But today is a good day.
Hitting the gym consistently every other day. I am looking more muscular.

I need to look as hot as possible, since I dont go out to talk to girls. I approach them when I am on the road. So I need to maximize my looks.
My social freedom is good, but I still chicken out sometime.
My Style is great (getting more and more eyeballs), because I put in the effort and its paying off
I putting on muscle and gaining weight.

BUT my biggest problem is that I dont have my own place, so Logistics suck. The only way to fuck these girls as at there place or in the car.
Still hitting the gym every other day
- eating 200 grams of Protein a day
Still Hitting the streets
But I am still a little bitch sometimes when I see hot girls


+ I need to make more money. I am working a 8 - 3 pm job, which is killing me. I really need to make more money.