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New Photo feedback


Jun 22, 2022
Improve NG Social Skill
Been working to take better photos, my old profile was terrible. I'm trying to arm myself to be prepared for using all or most dating apps at once via a reset on everything 1 week from now.

Anyway, took a photoshoot with a friend/wing and these are some pictures I want to get feedback on, I limited it to a couple dozen from a few hundred. I have a couple favorites, including one where I'm leaning against the car and one with the bike, but want to hear others' ideas and recommendations on which are the best ones and why (split into 2 posts because of number of pictures).

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I'm no expert, just a guy giving advice as he saw fit.

The photos of you cooking look very "acted", the food you are cooking is not visible, it would be nice to look more natural, more relaxed. The same when you drink, I don't know if I find it a very interesting photo, it's like, if I drink water like everyone else xD.

I liked the photo with the guitar, but I would like it better if you were in another place, for example a park or a more striking background, if you are going to use it, blur the background more.

Next time ask your friend to focus the photos or take a closer shot of you, and be careful with the light from the back of the street, it will ruin everything.

The one of you with a bottle, the things in the background distract me, if you bring it a bit closer maybe they'll be good.

NightRoller said:

I really like this picture, it looks good.

If I had to choose some, it would be the one of the bike, the guitar and the truck.
None are usable.

Photos need to be taken during the day, not at night.
Matias said:
I liked the photo with the guitar, but I would like it better if you were in another place, for example a park or a more striking background, if you are going to use it, blur the background more.
I'll keep that in mind for future photo ideas. It was a bit spur-of-the-moment.

Matias said:
The one of you with a bottle, the things in the background distract me, if you bring it a bit closer maybe they'll be good.
Nice pointer, I'm thinking of maybe using one of these so I plan to crop it.

Matias said:
If I had to choose some, it would be the one of the bike, the guitar and the truck.
Thanks for the feedback!

pancakemouse said:
None are usable.

Photos need to be taken during the day, not at night.
Taking note of this for future photoshoots. Unfortunately, even if none of these are "usable", they are a massive improvement compared to the pictures I have been using for online profiles, so in the interim I will have to use a couple of these.

maestro said:
Your pics have all the same problems:
1.) you look very stiff in all of them
2.) they look fake and staged
3.) horrible lighting (like said, take your photos at daytime)
Noted on the lighting. Any ideas, resources, principles, tips to make it less "stiff" or "fake and staged" in future photoshoots?