New to taking online dating seriously, how are my pics


Feb 21, 2023
Here are my pics, these are basically untested, just want to get an idea where I stand

First pic: It is hard to determine who you are. When a chick looks at it, she must realize where you are in the pic. You also have a different haircut compared to other pics. If you do not have a better social pic, I would use it anyway.

Second pic: Exciting location (studio), but I do not like your pose.

Third pic: I do not like that because you are not the tallest guy, and the guy on the left is fat and has weird facial expressions.

Fourth and fifth pic: Boring touristic pose and you are not good enough for a shirtless photo.

Sixth pic: I do not like it because only one-half of your face is visible.

Seventh pic: Weird pose, shitty background (garage).

Your pics are bad. Bad quality, bad style, and also boring.
First pic is amazing! So tough to get a good social pic, even tougher with good looking girls. Just don’t use it as a main.

I’d try to faceapp your expression on pic 2 as it shows so much value.

Dog pic is cool, keep!

Your other pics can be more exciting and I’m sure MILFandCookies will mention his article which will show you how to get super pics.

This profile gets matches and even hot ones. You are a happy member of the good genetics family, enjoy your terror of slaying pussy.
kratjeuh said:
First pic is amazing! So tough to get a good social pic, even tougher with good looking girls. Just don’t use it as a main.

I’d try to faceapp your expression on pic 2 as it shows so much value.

Dog pic is cool, keep!

Your other pics can be more exciting and I’m sure @MILFandCookies will mention his article which will show you how to get super pics.

This profile gets matches and even hot ones. You are a happy member of the good genetics family, enjoy your terror of slaying pussy.

Match only means that you can message a girl, and that is it. You will never see most of the girls you match with. The pics are very average, and average pics in online dating lead to failure.
kratjeuh said:
First pic is amazing! So tough to get a good social pic, even tougher with good looking girls. Just don’t use it as a main.

I’d try to faceapp your expression on pic 2 as it shows so much value.

Dog pic is cool, keep!

Your other pics can be more exciting and I’m sure @MILFandCookies will mention his article which will show you how to get super pics.

This profile gets matches and even hot ones. You are a happy member of the good genetics family, enjoy your terror of slaying pussy.

Well now I have do don't I.

I agree with kratjeuh's take on these photos. The first one is baller.

The rest aren't good. They're all too posed except for the dog one, that one looks candid enough but the background is distracting and you're turned away from the camera, not a flattering angle.

I've been summoned to share my guest post I made for Andy. Read this, it'll help you approach photos with the right mindset, and give you tips to be able to accurately judge good photos from bad:

Also Andy's Tinder guide is second to none. The 3rd chapter of the first part goes over photos. I've linked it here for your convenience:

Hope it helps. Keep on improving and share your updates with us for feedback!