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Apr 4, 2022
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Additional disposable pics in Imgur album --


Personally I think the profile could use a social photo, a travelling photo of some sort and maybe a dog picture (one of my friends has a cute dog).
I realize some of the pics are pretty posey, because they are (professional shot) the question is whether they are too posey?
I've ran most of the pictures through places like Photofeeler with good feedback, most pictures have 9/10 raiting, but I recon its better to ask "fishermen" how to catch fish.
im no expert but here are some of my thoughts
long term i think you'd benefit greatly from losing fat, your cheeks are chubby, but i suppose you are working out to get gain muscle ATM so thats ok.
You give off a nice guy loner vibe, no hobby pics of you doing anything cool, no social pics, smiling in every pic, no pics of you looking into the camera. no pics of you with edgy style, although pic nr 1 is good style wise and the last pic is just ok style wise.
gym picture is meh, atleast it shows ur doing something, but you could capture yourself in much better action in the gym.
I do think that pic nr 1 and last could deserve a spot in a better more diverse profile though.
You didn't tell us what you are actually trying to achieve with your pictures but here's my two cents.

- Picture #1 and #6 are pretty good. They show that you are well groomed and have a decent style (although not fuckboy-ish.)
- Picture #3 is the only halfway interesting one. Technically speaking I think the blurred background AND blurred hand don't look good. I find it distracting and it takes away the focus from you. Reshoot it with less motion and maybe a less cluttered background. The vibes the picture gives off is boyfriend material, not sure if that's what you want.
- I agree with Olafsmash about your gym pictures. Neither really show off your physique properly. Maybe take some shots with biceps, shoulders or chest in action, or your back flared. Also, wearing a lighter color like grey or white highlights muscle definition much better than black.
- Not a fan of b/w pictures. Also in #4 I think the sky is overexposed.
- Picture #5 is pretty bland. It's not bad but you could do much better.
- Not a fan of any of the remaining pictures in the imgur album.

You already have some ideas of what you could do better. Go do that. I think with some creativity and following advice from KillYourInnerLoser (https://killyourinnerloser.com/tinder-guide/#32-your-first-photo-is-the-most-important) you can improve your dating profile a ton.
Thanks for your pointers lads


Yes, my bodyweight has gone from 66kg to 91kg (186cm height) in the span of roughly 2-2.5 years, I have always been very skinny, but have been able to put on some mass after lots of grinding, still got a long way to go - planning to start my cut soon though, to see how it looks under all the fat.
I didnt want my gym pics to come as to show-off ish, guess I've gone about it the wrong way. Either way I need better definition on my upper body before I can take more gutsy pics imo.

The professional pictures were taken by a photgrapher, who has a "tinder-picture" business, so I was instructed to look away and/or smile.

I definitely agree that i need a social photo, I just dont happen to have many recent social photos, but the type of photo i struggle with the most is the "cool hobby pics", do you have any pointers?
My passions are cooking and gym, so I would need to figure out a way to get other hobby pics which are easily taken and cool at the same time, but I'm honestly a bit lost. The best would obviously be to find a real new hobby, because I really need to meet some new people, but between gym, long working hours and other stuff it can be difficult.

notAndy I found some more pictures, mix of old and new not sure how useable they are, but let me know.

Regarding my goals, right now it's just to fool around and get laid. I get somewhat enough matches to keep me busy at the moment, but i want to optimize my profile and keep getting a steady stream of hotter chicks.
i like the nr3 pic in the new ones you uploaded, boxing photos looks staged
as i suspected you look way way better with lower body fat, i like you better without the beard also, looks like some yakuza gangster member or some shit
i suggest to keep nr 1, 6 and 3 and work on a better gym pic (doesnt have to be in order to show off pshyice, example is andys profile where he rack pulls 200kg, you could do deadlift, curls or whatever, focus on getting a pic with a good angle of you doing the lift)
work on getting a better picture of you cooking. look to instgram for inspiration.
consider buying a camera and a tripod and learn to take pictures yourself.
once you shed off the fat and get an edgier style, i think you will do great on online dating.

For hobbies there is a million things you can try. personally pic related is my nr 1 passion, i also recently got into painting, i have 3 dogs, i take the gym and diet seriously, i'm getting into photography, i jog 3 times a week, i intend to start muay thai and I want to learn how to dance. Sit down and think about new stuff you'd like to try and just do it.
Attempts at improving cooking pic, gym pic and a social pic. Hopefully at least 1 or 2 are useful - let me know.

All pictures are unedited, except gym 1 and 2. I have no experience with editing, just playing around and thought it looked better.

two posts as I cant upload more than 15 pictures.

My personal favorites are social 5 - cooking 1 and 3 - gym 1
I think social 3 is solid, mostly because it has a girl in it. Gym 1 is probably the best looking of that set, but I'm not a big fan of the filter / editing. Not sure what you're using to edit, but if it's lightroom you should probably use a mask to increase exposure on your face and reduce the shadows. If it's not lightroom you should get lightroom. The cooking pictures are all kinda bad from a posture perspective - I know that's the posture you would take when garnishing a dish or doing something really artsy like that, but the hunched over look just doesn't make you look good. Also, the beard is pretty bad for your jawline, and you should really consider shaving it.
Got you, I personally just isnt the biggest fan of my own facial expression in social 3.
I will look into lightroom, as I said I have no clue about editing, this was just me messing around with some different variables on my phones editing software. Gym 1 is definitely my favorite, I will look into editing it better.
I have some pics in my camera roll from the cooking sets that arent hunched, I will check if there are some useables ones.

Regarding the jawline, as mentioned by others above - Im aware of it, the issue is my face would look even more puffy/fat without it, so I'm keeping it until I've lose some weight (my cut started this week).

Thanks for your feedback ytlord