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New understanding

Actions taken:
A lot of guitar practice - feels good to be challenging myself mentally again
Good diet
Gave a quote for a gutter clean - should be next saturday

Felt a little bit rough and achy yesterday and today so no gym

To do tomorrow:
-Round up last cleaning customers by posting a card saying I'm only doing weekends.
-Tidy my stuff, organise things to move with
-More guitar practice
-Go to a meetup at 8
Social circle:
Went out to the meetup, did very well at gettibg a group of guys together and went to approach some women.
First one came up to us and said I needed to rate myself more and that I was the hottest in the group. This was awesome but I couldn't hear shit as it was loud at this bar and I had to ask someone what she had said.
She had a point though as I wasn't dressed that well because I felt some pressure being my build, it's common for people to come up to me and comment on how big I am on a night out and I don't always like the attention
Spent a while talking to two girls, the hotter one was looking at me but her friend was awful, dropped her packet of crisps on the floor and quite repulsive, low iq low impulse control, she said she was studying law too. Half the people in the group decided to bounce from these girls but two guys stayed and rewarded their shitty behaviour.
Next venue I saw the girl who complimented me from earlier, she seemed to be going up to a lot of random guys, I said hello to her but she deflected and followed another guy who seemed to be buying her drinks.

By this time the group had dissolved, the two guys from earlier briefly meeting up with us not being successful with the two girls from earlier.

What I noticed:
- getting a group together was really fun but it also encourages drinking and most guys don't want to approach
- I was getting a good bit of attention, how much is just vampiric validation seeking from girls I don't know
- I can really see the value of getting a few guys together who actually want to hit on girls, so it appears you're just a group on a night out but you're not gonna drink yourselves out of the game
- there is a lot of parasitic female behaviour just like on the apps, being able to realise this and bounce asap is massive - fuck the vampires
- I think I have the looks to do well but I'm not sure the type of girl I'll attract here
- I want to be able to play the numbers game without the group I'm with getting alienated but also have a social group to go out with
Working the new job this week.
Have another social event lined up for next Saturday.
One of the most difficult songs I've learned on guitar is progressing nicely and I've changed my approach as a musician when it comes to getting some masterpieces under my belt.
Diet is good.
I'm gonna buy my light weight but high volume workouts in the morning before work and then my heavy work on the weekend.
Talking to several girls on the apps still using the free ones.
Tinder seems like the worst one by a large margin in my area right now. It was probably the worst for quality in Nottingham too but also the most sordid.
Slept terribly but should improve as I get back into the flow of having set hours.
Guitar practice completed.
I'll be able to do a rough recording of one song this weekend and aim to get the next one done the weekend after.
Chose to get more sleep instead of workout so will get that tm morning.
It's been a year since I moved.
The main thing I've realised in the last year is that life is completely different than I thought.

It took about three months to sleep with ten new women and I pretty much broke a limiting belief each time.
I also could have kept seeing all of them and had an amazing time with the ones I did keep seeing.
I also found a way to make a good amount of money in the side and tried it out full-time

Last two times I've been out with friends I've been approached by women too.

I realised I had a few shit tests on bumble recently and thought about frame etc but just unmatched them.
I can't bring myself to engage with bratty women at all, really kills the attraction for me and I think I'd end up repeating the weird shit with first girl where I'd get laid and immediately after feel empty.

After the last year I want to just focus on yes girls as there are plenty of them out there.

I'm working on teaching guitar again and building a great service for potential students.

I don't have anything to log now as I'm focussed on becoming a better musician which is not really in keeping with the forum.
Will update again when the move is underway and I'm job hunting/setting up lessons or getting laid in a big city again.
It's been a year since I moved.
The main thing I've realised in the last year is that life is completely different than I thought.

It took about three months to sleep with ten new women and I pretty much broke a limiting belief each time.
I also could have kept seeing all of them and had an amazing time with the ones I did keep seeing.
I also found a way to make a good amount of money in the side and tried it out full-time

Last two times I've been out with friends I've been approached by women too.

I realised I had a few shit tests on bumble recently and thought about frame etc but just unmatched them.
I can't bring myself to engage with bratty women at all, really kills the attraction for me and I think I'd end up repeating the weird shit with first girl where I'd get laid and immediately after feel empty.

After the last year I want to just focus on yes girls as there are plenty of them out there.

I'm working on teaching guitar again and building a great service for potential students.

I don't have anything to log now as I'm focussed on becoming a better musician which is not really in keeping with the forum.
Will update again when the move is underway and I'm job hunting/setting up lessons or getting laid in a big city again.

I want to challenge this...

Your reason for not logging, is BS

I really dislike that people see this forum as a "getting laid" forum


To make money, become good with women, get a great body & health

If you want to become a great musician, log it here - why the hell not?

I wonder how the hell I will ever shift the culture of this place. LOL.

Anyway - me and you will always stay in touch, whether you log or not. I personally really enjoy logging on this forum and it is the thing that has helped me the most. Being able to reflect and look at my own data, my own posts, and figure out how I can be better by looking at myself and analysing it.

If you truly want to become a bad ass musician and go hard in life, make that personal commitment and fucking go for it.

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Ok @MakingAComeback it's gonna be a good exercise to log my practices anyway but it will be very niche and progress is slow.

Guitar teaching:

I want to improve myself as a musician just because it brings me joy but also to help market my service.

Things to work on:

Big songs:
Difficult pieces that will push me as a musician and enable me to teach advanced lessons.

Chord playing:
Aim is to be able to get my muscle memory and chord library to the point where I can learn 90% of songs within minutes.
I'm basically there on this one but a little rusty.

Lead playing and Improvisation:
Best done while jamming with people. My lead playing is good for short burst but devolves into scalar playing.
Probably the biggest roi area for me right now

Basic singing: most of my students will want to play and sing and it will give me a better grasp of different songs.

Notation software:
To be able to give students the right resources to learn different songs

Focus and brain power- the last couple weeks of playing have amazingly got rid of all of my ADHD symptoms.
Sleep is super important as well as daylight and exercise to support long periods of focus

Focus on hardest pieces first. Learn no more than two at a time.
They also challenge my speed dexterity and coordination which carries over to everything else.

Spent 40 mins on each of the two difficult pieces I'm learning, one has stalled, the other is progressing nicely.
Spent another 40mins learning my favourite song right now which will be very challenging to sing over.
First two songs are my priority right now.
Looks good to me.

Structure & accountability is what gets real goals achieved.

Lets see consistent daily checking and some needle moving work here
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45mins on stalled song when fresh
45mins on other song
Scales, chord progressions
30mins on fun song

Take frequent breaks when sequences aren't improving with each playthrough

Get some beetroot shots for more circulation, healthy fats and dha for joints and brain health. Take a nap before playing as on early shift pattern.
Practice done. Played for 3hours
Stalled song is starting to progress again.
Going through speed exercises and chord progressions seems to be benefiting my two main songs.
Might be a good idea to take my guitar to a luthier to have it set up to play as well as possible
scales, speed exercises, chord progressions
Stalled song: play slow and steady, focus on bringing out melody over baseline.
Song 2: play slow and steady.
Fun song: learn the rest

Focus on clean reps today
Yesterday's session:
Speed is improving on my lead playing, timing is spot on and sounds clean.
Hand fatigue mean my chord progressions got a bit ragged as the lactic acid built up.
Got some good slow reps of my two songs
Ran out of time to learn the rest of the fun song

I Was very tired yesterday which affected my focus.
I'm going to find a luthier to take my guitar to. One school of thought is that your hands develop strength and dexterity to play and that you will adapt to the instrument but another is that the instrument should be as easy to play as possible.
I think both are true and you can just push your dexterity and strength with exercises even if the songs are no-longer challenging it.

I think the stalled song is from faulty muscle memory from trying to learn it too quickly and not getting clean play-throughs I'm going to rewire it by picking up my guitar at random intervals throughout the day and playing through super slow but with zero mistakes.

40 mins each song super slow
Chord progressions and speed exercises
Finish learning the fun song
What would be a good interim goal for you?

Is there a piece of music that you could aim to play, to tie together the skill development you seek?

Aiming to upload a cover, or something like that, as a short term goal may be a solid sprint.

Keep up the good work, and glad you came to your sense and are logging your development and journey.

You are leading by example and showing guys, we welcome all goals here

For this, I am grateful to you

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What would be a good interim goal for you?

Is there a piece of music that you could aim to play, to tie together the skill development you seek?

Aiming to upload a cover, or something like that, as a short term goal may be a solid sprint.

Keep up the good work, and glad you came to your sense and are logging your development and journey.

You are leading by example and showing guys, we welcome all goals here

For this, I am grateful to you

Appreciate it Ravi!

Interim goals are to record two songs:
Classical gas by Mason Williams
Rylynn by Andy McKee

Seems like a good goal to do as a sprint as both songs are just a step above my ability right now.
Hahaha I was so inspired the first time I saw Andy McKee play Drifting.
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Hahaha I was so inspired the first time I saw Andy McKee play Drifting.
We're getting there, slowly but surely!

Practice done:
Everything done except the fun song. Was difficult as expected playing today - next time I'll be better prepared for the early shift pattern.

A week of practice:
- I aim to sleep better, add some cardio and the beetroot shots, keep consuming dha and getting natural light for better focus
-The stalled song (classical gas) is probably due to the action on my guitar being too high to hit the bar chords at speed, I'll keep playing it slow and add in another plateau buster of mine. If there's no improvement I'll take my guitar to a luthier to make it easier to olay
- Rylynn is coming along nicely
I've decided my hand accuracy is pretty decent and it's mostly getting bogged down playing a high action classical guitar that's slowing my progress down

To do:
Find luthier
Book singing lessons
1 hour each song, frequent breaks. Use sticking point exercise.
3 slow play-throughs of songs throughout the day
Scales, speed, chords
Finally learn fun song

I get to spend a whole day obsessing about my favourite thing
Good work lad.

SO, you gonna drop that goals post, or what?

Shiny object syndrome ass!


I'm back in the UK around Nov. We'll hang out & go for a hike or something. Gonna be a very monk mode time for me, have to step up and become the leader I was born to be, and build something substantial and real.

I want to make this forum way bigger, and help many, many more people.

Wanna see some guys come up through the ranks and become Winner Within legends. Let's make some real success stories.

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Played both songs for half an hour each - shorter session today as I fell asleep for 3 hours this afternoon!
Should be enough to stop the muscle memory from regressing and my hand strength should recover.

Re Ravi. Sounds good to me!

My goals:

Make good income teaching guitar: it's my passion and I want other people to get as much out of it as I have. Do online lessons for location independent income.

To achieve this: consistent daily practice. Build social media and record one song a week. Eventually play these live - it's been 7 years since I played anything I'd consider advanced Infront of a live audience

Move to a big city again

The north of the country is way cheaper - I'm thinking Sheffield

Continue my health/looks maxing

Maintain great physique, energy levels and general health

Get a hot gf

I want to get a dating life like I had the end of last year in Nottingham but actually look for something long term. I've really enjoyed and found success with Andy's general outlook towards dating and want to work on becoming more charismatic and direct

Build a big social circle

Find some cool people
Both songs 1 hr each
Chords, scales, speed exercises