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NFTs: Looking to Collab with Artists


Jun 6, 2020
It's taken longer than I expected, but I've definitely built up a decent understanding/proficiency in the world of NFTs. There's still a ton more marketplaces for me to explore, but I realized last night that I'm partly just procrastinating actually trying to make real money.

At this point, I actually know how to do stuff that doesn't exist on youtube - partly because it was way easier to enter the NFT realm 3-6 months ago when those videos were made.

So the next phase for me is to build a blog / youtube and start sharing that knowledge I've developed. Also learn sales/marketing. My idea is to monetize via online 1-1 coaching (zero-to-100 on NFTs as fast as possible, saving my clients all the time I was bashing my head against a wall).

OR more preferably to provide a service as an NFT manager. Sort of like how businesses pay for someone to handle their website, I'd handle all the technical details for my clients, making it as simple as possible. I already have a niche / untapped market in mind that I'll start cold contacting once I've built up my website/blog/youtube to have some cred.

But I'm not planning on getting rusty: I'm going to keep posting 3+ NFTs a day to keep my skills sharp.

So to any artistic/creative types out there that's interested in NFTs (can be scans of art, digital art, photos, music, basically anything you can create and digitize), let me know if you want to collab. I don't have a ton of time between my day job and developing this into a full-fledged business, so this is open for only the first three that reply here! If I realize I can still provide a valuable service to more than 3 clients at a time, I'll open up wider.

It's really not that hard to simply list NFTs so especially for guys on here I'm happy to do a coaching call to walk you through the steps to listing NFTs 100% on your own.

But if you want to not deal with all the technical details and just get your art/music/photos etc. up on Opensea/Rarible ASAP then hit me up! I won't even charge you guys a fee up front - I'd rather take a percentage of the profits (you'd take the majority). That way we're both incentivized to max out the NFTs we make.