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nomorewussingout's weekly progress log

Jul 5, 2023
Committing to making a weekly progress log. Here are my primary goals:

1) Approach at least 10 girls a week (combination of night/day game)

2) Get 2-3 dates per week

3) Build a sustainable OLD profile that actually procures me a decent amount of leads

Since I made my OLD profile last Monday I've been getting an okay amount of matches. About 3-5 matches per day on both Tinder and Hinge. Bumble is a complete waste only got a couple matches total there. Overall, I've gotten quite a few numbers and a decent amount of girls to commit to a date, but every single girl has ghosted me on the day of the date. It's honestly wild, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's just coincidentally a large number of flakes I'm encountering. I'm still not getting the quality or quantity of matches I want so definitely need to still upgrade my pictures. Also, I think Andy's messaging guide might be a bit too aggressive off the bat, but I'm gonna stick with it since it clearly works in getting people laid more than what I've been gotten so far lol.

In any event, I want to really focus in on approaching girls in person. Approaching women in person, at least in my opinion, leads to far higher quality women. I've been pussying out quite a bit recently, hopefully participating in this forum will be the kick in my ass that I need. Also, I notice whenever I go out with my boys that I land basically no women. All my buddies are either in long term relationships or suck/are awkward with women, so it's just me approaching lol. Think I'm gonna start doing solo night game more often.
Nothing has really changed since my first post unfortunately, which I find quite frustrating. I have gotten a decent amount of matches, mainly on Hinge (tinder is really shitting the bed for me), but haven't really been able to convert. Still getting a large amount of flakes. Also been super busy moving to a new place and starting MMA training so haven't had much time to approach in person. Where I live it gets quite cold by October, so I need to get going on the cold approach game before the weather goes to shit.

I really need to commit to the cold approach. I've decided I won't post here until I do 20 approaches, will post the interactions and outcomes for my next update.
Why not post specifics here so we can give feedback? Screenshots of messaging etc
pancakemouse said:
Why not post specifics here so we can give feedback? Screenshots of messaging etc

Sure, here are 3 examples I found. All pretty similar situations, girl is down for the date, but when confirming the day of or setting an actual time I get ghosted.

View attachment 3

View attachment 2

This is the most common impediment I'm finding, the last minute ghosting. I personally chalk it up to classic flakey behaviour I just have to deal with, but you guys can let me know if there's something wrong with my actual texting.
nomorewussingout said:
pancakemouse said:
Why not post specifics here so we can give feedback? Screenshots of messaging etc

Sure, here are 3 examples I found. All pretty similar situations, girl is down for the date, but when confirming the day of or setting an actual time I get ghosted.




This is the most common impediment I'm finding, the last minute ghosting. I personally chalk it up to classic flakey behaviour I just have to deal with, but you guys can let me know if there's something wrong with my actual texting.

Your messaging looks good. This is pretty bizarre, especially the first situation. You had a date AND time planned and the girl just says nothing day of?

What did you do in these cases, did you double text?

What does your overall funnel look like (Match -> number -> planned date -> actual date) so we can further troubleshoot?

Another further step would be posting the initial on-app interaction (though that's less important)
also mostly unrelated to the ghosting but please post a screenshot of your profile.

i’m certain that the selection/order/editing are not optimal and can be improved in 30 mins
pancakemouse said:
nomorewussingout said:
Sure, here are 3 examples I found. All pretty similar situations, girl is down for the date, but when confirming the day of or setting an actual time I get ghosted.




This is the most common impediment I'm finding, the last minute ghosting. I personally chalk it up to classic flakey behaviour I just have to deal with, but you guys can let me know if there's something wrong with my actual texting.

Your messaging looks good. This is pretty bizarre, especially the first situation. You had a date AND time planned and the girl just says nothing day of?

What did you do in these cases, did you double text?

What does your overall funnel look like (Match -> number -> planned date -> actual date) so we can further troubleshoot?

Another further step would be posting the initial on-app interaction (though that's less important)

Nah I never double text lol, all my screenshots are the end of the interaction.

My overall funnel is like this: Hinge past 12 days

40 matches - 8 numbers - 5 dates planned - 2 actual dates.

I actually just got back from a date and unfortunately the chick was way fatter in person than in her pics, but what can you do lol.

My initial on-app interaction is basically Andy's guide, expect I change up the opening line every now and then depending on the vibe I get from the girls profile, i.e. if she looks more reserved/innocent I'll go with a softer opening.
Rags2Bitches said:
also mostly unrelated to the ghosting but please post a screenshot of your profile.

i’m certain that the selection/order/editing are not optimal and can be improved in 30 mins

Here's the profile I have. I've basically used all the pics that I posted in my previous tinder help post.

My bio: I'll buy you dinner if you make me breakfast. Bonus points if my dog likes you.
nomorewussingout said:
pancakemouse said:
Your messaging looks good. This is pretty bizarre, especially the first situation. You had a date AND time planned and the girl just says nothing day of?

What did you do in these cases, did you double text?

What does your overall funnel look like (Match -> number -> planned date -> actual date) so we can further troubleshoot?

Another further step would be posting the initial on-app interaction (though that's less important)

Nah I never double text lol, all my screenshots are the end of the interaction.

My overall funnel is like this: Hinge past 12 days

40 matches - 8 numbers - 5 dates planned - 2 actual dates.

I actually just got back from a date and unfortunately the chick was way fatter in person than in her pics, but what can you do lol.

My initial on-app interaction is basically Andy's guide, expect I change up the opening line every now and then depending on the vibe I get from the girls profile, i.e. if she looks more reserved/innocent I'll go with a softer opening.

You need to be double texting and staying persistent with girls who flake on dates. Typically double texting is not effective, but the further they advance down the funnel, it can be.

An anti-frame is powerful here: "if you're too [nervous/shy/scared/etc.] I understand"

Two dates from 40 matches is a bit below average but still within normal range.
pancakemouse said:
nomorewussingout said:
Nah I never double text lol, all my screenshots are the end of the interaction.

My overall funnel is like this: Hinge past 12 days

40 matches - 8 numbers - 5 dates planned - 2 actual dates.

I actually just got back from a date and unfortunately the chick was way fatter in person than in her pics, but what can you do lol.

My initial on-app interaction is basically Andy's guide, expect I change up the opening line every now and then depending on the vibe I get from the girls profile, i.e. if she looks more reserved/innocent I'll go with a softer opening.

You need to be double texting and staying persistent with girls who flake on dates. Typically double texting is not effective, but the further they advance down the funnel, it can be.

An anti-frame is powerful here: "if you're too [nervous/shy/scared/etc.] I understand"

Two dates from 40 matches is a bit below average but still within normal range.

Yeah I'll start doing that, might as well. No harm in trying.

Agreed, it's not the worst conversion ratio, but not ideal as well. I think the important thing for me is to continue working on increasing the quality and quantity of my matches.
Damn, been over a month since I posted. I've been busy moving to a new city to start my masters degree and been swamped with the whole process.

So after numerous days of me pussying out to do cold approach literally anywhere (uni, beach, mall etc) I finally grew some balls and approached girls on my campus today. Had some interesting results.

1st Approach: 5'7/5'8? She was sitting down, couldn't tell. Blonde, thin, early 20s. This girl was legitimately one of the most beautiful girls I've seen on campus. 10/10. I was so nervous to approach I literally walked by her and around campus to gather some courage lmao.

Approached directly with a compliment, she responded very positively. Smiled throughout the whole interaction. She had trouble with my name (I'm used to it since I have a very ethnic Indian name) and even asked me to spell it out lol, most white girls don't even try. I asked her out this weekend, but she said it was her birthday so she was busy. Told her we should hang out next week then and she said sure and gave me her number. I looked at the number later on and it was 11 digits instead of 10. Based on the interaction I think she keyed in an extra number accidentally, but I guess we'll find out.

2nd Approach: Tall blonde girl, early 20s relatively thick lower body (in a good way, I'm into that. Could tell she had a really nice ass), was sitting down like the first girl. 7/10. Approached directly with a compliment, she was much more apprehensive than the first girl. She did respond to my questions though, but she wasn't smiling too much. It kinda threw me off so I abruptly asked her out, and she said sure and gave me her number. Not expecting much since the interaction was weak but we'll see.

3rd Approach: 5'9 Brunette girl, almost as tall as me, late teens/early 20s. Decently good looking but had very chapped lips lol, 6/10. Approached directly, and she was very receptive. We had a quick conversation since she was late to her class, but I asked her out and she gave me her number.

4th Approach: 5'2 Half Asian/Half white girl (I think, she looked mixed). Probably mid to late 20s, 7/10. Approached directly, she wasn't smiling a lot, very serious, but probably had by far the best conversation with her. We spoke for like 5-10 minutes about random shit, apparently she has a massive collection of ipod shuffles. She even took off her sweater in the middle of our convo and underneath she had a tight crop top on lol. Closed her number.

Overall, I was very surprised I got the contact info of every girl I approached. Definitely not expecting this moving forward, but pleasantly surprised. Good motivation to keep approaching.

On the OLD front, I was supposed to have a girl come over tonight but she flaked last minute. She's really young (19), but a very cute brunette girl. Here's the message thread, not sure what else I could've done.

Also talking to another red head that's really into "men with melanin", her words, who might be sliding through. Overall OLD has been kinda dry in my new city, it's relatively small (200,000) so I think I'm gonna need to rely on real life approaches going forward.
Semi Update, planning to give a full update in a few days.

Wanted to ask the community how you guys would deal with this issue. One thing I'm noticing impedes the momentum when I'm opening up a set with a girl is introducing myself. I have a unique and hard to pronounce name for English speakers, and when I introduce myself the girl usually asks me to repeat myself, doesn't understand what I said and I notice the conversation loses steam and we get bogged down.

My full name is Venkatesch, but I go by Venki. I was thinking of introducing myself as Vik or something similar which is easy for people to understand right away. Any thoughts or advice?
If I had a great name like Venki, when a girl is confused by it, I'd say, (smiling playfully, not sexually) "like kinky, but with a V". Then just move forward.

What are you texting these girls after getting the numbers? You got me motivated to go out!
Antonio44 said:
If I had a great name like Venki, when a girl is confused by it, I'd say, (smiling playfully, not sexually) "like kinky, but with a V". Then just move forward.

What are you texting these girls after getting the numbers? You got me motivated to go out!

That's a sick line haha I'm definitely gonna steal that and give it a shot.

I basically use this texting guide I found on reddit:
