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Not there yet with my body but want to get started!


Sep 8, 2021
So I've been grinding away at getting into shape for the last 14 months or so (33% body fat at the start, currently at 22%, going to hit 13% this year), recently took it up a bit notch by hiring a strength training coach, lifting 5 days a week with some additional cardio to burn calories. On a high protein, fairly low fat no carb diet with intermittent fasting at around 1500 calories per day. Did a style consultation with Radical and that helped a ton too so working on improving my wardrobe too. I have definitely noticed improvements in how I look and I am getting more attention than I used to from women but not enough. I don't want to get to my initial target body fat % and then start focusing on game so I decided to hop on Tinder and see what I can get in the mean time.

Would appreciate some brutally honest feedback on my photos and where I'm going wrong. I have been testing these on Tinder already so I know they not the greatest and that my lack of being lean is counting against me.

The photos I have selected for Tinder/Bumble/Hinge are here:







Though I do have some other ones here which I didn't think would do as well, though perhaps I'm wrong:
Whats up dude

Good to see you on here. You look slimmer than when we last spoke

These shots can all be improved on. I think you can get yourself a stronger main pic than any of these tbh

For now it would be

1. Mountain shot
2. Guitar pic
3. Social pic
4. Beach pic

Not big on the other 2.
Radical said:
Whats up dude

Good to see you on here. You look slimmer than when we last spoke

Good to be here, thanks been going at it quite hard, going to get there, this is the year!
Thanks for the input, will work on getting a better main photo and remove the other 2!
Potz Yeah you can see the diff in your face between your profile pic which is old and your new pics

I do think the slight side profile pic of you looks good but i dont know how well those side shots work on tinder. The best portrait pics i see tend to be square on