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Old crush is pregnant I am feeling.... feelings?


Jul 31, 2020
Not my kid havent talked to her in a bit.

We met when I was in a relationship but she fell for me and I liked her. I was a loyal guy to my then girlfriend only to find out 5 years later she was not.

This girl found out a week after my LTR ended. I was still fresh out of the relationship the last girl was my fiancee and the breakup came out of nowhere, in my head at least so I was in a emotional a state the likes make me cringe to this day. So needless to say I acted like a beta bitch and know it this obviously turned her off. She suddenly stopped talking to me, but we would talk off and on over the months until she got a new boyfriend. I didn't think much of it I was in the process of getting back in shape ( down 30lbs 30 more to go) finding out who the hell I am. Today I found out she was pregnant so I wished her congrats. Yet I find myself audibly groaning everytime the memory comes back?

I have not really cared about relationships or anything latly but for some reason this bothers me, I have been doing the lone wolf thing for awhile now. I would appreciate this out of my head she isn't mine and never really was and I would like to put this behind me fast, as school has started up.

So I suppose I am asking for any quotes or philosophy to get this behind me as that has worked in the past.
Advice: talk to more girls, back off this one, personally I'd block her entirely.

The reaction she had when she lost her feelings for you is VERY typical. It's happened to me before, only I was not so faithful (alas). For me, it was a combination of "she wants what she can't have" when you were taken, followed by "she doesn't want what other women don't want" after you were broken up with. Your experience was similar, so don't put it completely down to your "beta" behaviour around her.
I mean if I'm reading it right she chose another guy over you because you were at a low point. So not exactly great material there. She may do the same with her current dude.

Remember you only want her cause you don't have something better.

A good quote hmmm you don't need one you just need to remember if you dated her she would've left you when you hit a low point
Sorry for not elaborating on that, but go talk to other girls. I see literaly no reason to spend any amount of time thinking about past girls. Unless its some positive memories maybe.