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Online Dating Profile Feedback


Feb 17, 2022
I'm looking for feedback on my Pictures. I need to work on my bio but I'm focusing on pics first

Note: I'm about 5'4 so I look extra short in just about every picture where I'm with other people

I have a few variations I'd like advice on for my 2nd pic, mostly the same pic from different distances.

I'm not sure If I should keep my current 4th pic, use the other variation of it or drop them both.

Not sure If I should keep the 3rd pic

I grow cooking mushrooms and have great pics of them alone but don't know how I should take a good pic with them.

Current Bio
"I work at a plant nursery and like to grow stuff. Netflix and archery are my current time killers."

My main pic - This is cropped closer on tinder and didn't lose much quality at all from the slight zoom.
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My current 2nd pic
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2nd pic alternatives
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Current 3rd pic
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Current 4th pic
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4th Pic alternative
View attachment 7

Other misc pics that I could use
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Bathroom selfie okay-ish to show off the six pack. Ideally physique can be shown off in a more natural setting eg in the middle of a hike shirtless or poolside taken by someone else.
2nd pic prefer the 3rd version cropped in
3rd pic you look super short in this one due to the angle/pose and look like a girl at first glance. Don't use this. If you want to take a pic with your plants don't be hunched over them like this
4th pic I'd choose the 2nd version. But for some reason your ears look more prominent here than other pics
5th pic don't use. Too bromantic. Maybe just one chillin with your friends laughing or hanging out would be better
6th pic I'd use this over the plant one
7th an ok pic

From what people have told me critiquing my pics, you need more edginess to your photos. You're smiling in almost every single one- you need variety. Also your style can be improved but not bad in the 6th pic
I appreciate the feedback.

I'm not really sure what I can do when it comes to pictures with my plants.

It was supposed to be more of a joke where instead of having girls under my arms I have fruit trees. These trees have massive thorns so I didn't want to actually hug them + there only about 2-3ft tall rn.

I just went through my photos and found a few more that I added to the OP
I don't wanna be a dick, but did you read the tinder guide? If not, please go read it.

If you want marginal improvements in your results, choosing among these pictures might get you there. But if you want real results, I would scrap all of these.

Your body is good enough. The short hair and beard suits you. Your biggest shortcoming right now is clothes - go read Radical's style guide and shoot after you've bought the required items. Imo, your smile looks "good boy". 4th pic alt is more in line with what you want.

You look good in the archery shots, but the clothes kill it. And it would be better if there wasn't some random house in the background.

For shots with your plants, maybe try some shots measuring soil pH or pruning or something. Look serious, like what you are doing is very important and requires the utmost attention.

I would scrap your current bio, and just use one of the stock ones from the tinder guide.

The goal is to keep the goal the goal. What's your goal? I'm quoting the tinder guide here:

"Look like a guy who gets laid."
only acceptable pic is the 4th pic alternative and maybe the last one. would delete everything else.

also grow your hair and build mass bro. oh and go clean shave or full beard not this
Svadhishthana said:
I don't wanna be a dick, but did you read the tinder guide? If not, please go read it.

If you want marginal improvements in your results, choosing among these pictures might get you there. But if you want real results, I would scrap all of these.

Your body is good enough. The short hair and beard suits you. Your biggest shortcoming right now is clothes - go read Radical's style guide and shoot after you've bought the required items. Imo, your smile looks "good boy". 4th pic alt is more in line with what you want.

You look good in the archery shots, but the clothes kill it. And it would be better if there wasn't some random house in the background.

For shots with your plants, maybe try some shots measuring soil pH or pruning or something. Look serious, like what you are doing is very important and requires the utmost attention.

I would scrap your current bio, and just use one of the stock ones from the tinder guide.

The goal is to keep the goal the goal. What's your goal? I'm quoting the tinder guide here:

"Look like a guy who gets laid."

I really appreciate the feedback.

I was looking for something to just get the ball rolling, literally found this site like 3 days ago.

I'm about 70% through the full tinder guide and radicals guide was next in line.

I know my style is ass. I'm getting get rid of 80% of my clothes and need to buy new ones.

I'm growing my hair out right now and I'm at an awkward phase right now.