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Only 2 matches per day with these Tinder pictures


May 30, 2020
So, I have posted about this on the GLL Forum already a while ago and been working on my picture stack a bit. I am still at like 2 matches only per day most of the time.
The only thing that has changed is that if I have a very lucky day, I will get like 8 matches during a boost, but that is really the max most of the time. (most of the time I will get like 4-6 matches during a boost)
Any thoughts? This is my picture stack now.

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PICTURE4: View attachment 2

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Kinda clueless now as to what more I can do. Maybe a boat trip or something like that. I dont know really.
Try this for now until you can get some more photos and improve your look.

Use only Picture 1, 3, and 4 or picture 1,2 and 4.

Next get some pics with friends, you're the only person in all these photos.

Think candid, and don't wear those black ripped jeans, that belt or black t-shirt, they don't look very good (from picture 5 or 7)

You need some action shots too.

Go back to that thread, and read every reply and actually apply the advice.
I havent had much success with tinder, so im not pretending like I know what im talking about, but dashedhopes I really like with what you said about stop trying to look like an instagram model , and look like a guy whos fun to be with.

Maybe girls like these model shots? I dunno , im sure they are congruent with some guys, but other guys im like wtf, this does not suit you? Maybe just need more practice with them tho? To me it looks so lame if they're not mixed in with some fun/action shots , or social pics.

I have friends that have done really well on dating apps, and most of them dont even work out. These guys just have really good pictures that make them look like cool/fun interesting/unique guys. They are good enough looking and have good style and aren't overly fat, but none of these guys have abs or much muscle. This made me realize even more how shit my pictures are.
If you're not a model, don't take model pictures.

Because if it's not your job, then girls are going to know it was staged and you went out to take photos JUST for tinder.

Model type pictures in my experience have NEVER worked for me. The candid ones where I just so happened to get a great photo doing an activity always worked the best.
At least one pic with friends wouldnt go amiss

Good base to work with from these but 0 variety
Pictures 3, 4, and 5 are the best. I would use those in that order.

1. I think these photos only work for guys with top 10% faces and unfortunately you're not one of them (don't worry, 90% of guys aren't either). Plus it doesn't show off your body which is your best feature.

2. Low quality/low resolution.

6. See 1

7. You look like you want to take a shit lol
Dave93 well your good looking, and you can tell you work out so thats a massive plus.

I like pic 2 even tho quality is not great. It is a visually appealing photo. I like the pose. Sorry if you were trying to be serious, but i think it looks great cuz you look like a guy taking the piss out of a model-esque pose, while stilling looking cool, and the picture makes it artsy.

I like the rabbit one, shows a little playful side , and what tinder chick does not love wine rabbits? It sounds like most of these chicks drink a box a wine a day.

Picture 5 is alright but id just try the same thing a couple of times i think that one could come out better if you just went out tomorrow and took 50 in a row. But if thats what you got right now id use it.

Have you ever had a different hair cut? Id be curiouse to see how you look with a different cut. It suites you but just saying
You shouldn’t be the only one in your photos.

Don’t try to be a model. Are you duck facing in your photos?

A good template would be....

A photo of just you

A photo of you doing something cool if you have a good physique show it off in this one

A photo of you with friends

A photos of you with hot girls

A photo with a dog.

That’s the template I use and I get laid 3-4+ Times a month on tinder alone.

That is basically the perfect template

Although I tend to go with an outdoorsy activity/travel photo as well
Thanks a lot guys!

I will try what you have suggested. I have already started to apply your advice from the GLL post back then (you told me to lose fat so I lost 6kg within last month)
I am not 100% sure though what you mean with "Think candid, and don't wear those black ripped jeans, that belt or black t-shirt, they don't look very good (from picture 5 or 7)"
In the GLL post you told me to buy ripped black jeans so that is what I did the next day. I dont get what is wrong with the black belt or the plain black V neck shirt either?
Or do you just mean to not wear them all these clothing pieces together at once because it is too much black then?

@terry_crews Yeah I tried quite a bit of different hair cuts and also dyed my hair blonde/black/other colours in the past. this haircut (probably) suits my face the best. Thanks for the ideas

@Jamal Thanks dude, this gives me some really good ideas to work with!

@Radical Thanks bro, which pictures would you use of these that are available now and in what order?

@DNPTHC Thanks man, which ones of these would you use for now though and in what order? (I try to not make a duck face usually, but sometimes when I smile too much it makes my face look a bit too wide on some photos so I try to do the opposite and make more of a duck face probably)
1 should be your main

And then the kissing the rabbit one as the other I would keep from this set

Then get one with friends, one with a hot girl(s) and one involving some sort of hobby

If you cant get a pic with a hot girl quickly get one with a pet instead - doesnt have to be yours
Dave93 said:
In the GLL post you told me to buy ripped black jeans so that is what I did the next day. I dont get what is wrong with the black belt or the plain black V neck shirt either?
Or do you just mean to not wear them all these clothing pieces together at once because it is too much black then?

I'm saying they don't look good. They look the exact same as the last pants you had. Too loose, bad rips, belt doesn't look good, and the v-neck shirt doesn't look good. It's too loose. I can tell it doesn't fit well cause you have wrinkles all over your traps/shoulders.

Grats on losing the weight, that's a good start.

Got tighten up that chest cause it shows through on almost all your shirts.
@dashedhopes Thanks a lot Tristan!

I take all you guys advice and will buy some slightly tighter shirts tomorrow.
What is wrong with the belt though? Is it too plain and boring? If so, can you send me a link/picture with a better belt I can buy?

Also dont understand how there can really be badly ripped jeans :D :D
They are simply ripped, so yeah... I bought these at H&M as far as I remember. I googled examples of badly/ well ripped jeans to understand what you mean but didnt find ANYTHING
Any thoughts?
Dude, most of the advise about fashion here/gll outdated.

I dont think your black tshirt is loose. Just a low quality one so it does not fit very well. I would not go tighter than that.
If I were you, I would just visit one of the fast fashion brands like hm/zara/mango/tedbaker and buy some fashionable stuff.
Fashion is fastly changing. Dont ever buy super stretch tshirts if you are definitely under 10%bf and not very muscular.
Style is also alittle bit trial and error. Find your fav brands and always shop from there. Be prepared that whatever you buy this season might not be a good choice for next year.
Dont show your belt ever if you are not wearing suit or if your belt is not a gucci.
There are lots of instagram influencer out there, they mostly tag their clothes brand as well.