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Panzer's Log

May 14, 2023
Hey guys, looking for your guys help. I recently started on my self improvement journey and joined the OLD apps. I had some photos that werent super great but was getting a few matches here and there. I did another photoshoot and have higher quality photos, and also decided to delete my Tinder and Bumble accounts and make new accounts since i have all new photos. Now im getting far less matches.

Could you guys give a critique? the quality is scuffed when i upload, but its sharper on my phone

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good job doing a photo shoot.

hopefully others can give more detailed feedback
-more pictures with friends
-have your pictures tell more of a story about you (assuming these are all posted together as your profile)
Panzerscarab121 said:
Hey guys, looking for your guys help. I recently started on my self improvement journey and joined the OLD apps. I had some photos that werent super great but was getting a few matches here and there. I did another photoshoot and have higher quality photos, and also decided to delete my Tinder and Bumble accounts and make new accounts since i have all new photos. Now im getting far less matches.

Could you guys give a critique? the quality is scuffed when i upload, but its sharper on my phone

Good job on getting this photoshoot in man!

Here's my two cents, if you reinstall tinder follow this guide or tinder will ''recognize'' you and diminish your visibility.
I'm currently waiting on a second phone I've lent out, when I've got it back I'll delete my dating apps and reinstall them on my second phone according to the guide.

bonzo34 said:
-have your pictures tell more of a story about you (assuming these are all posted together as your profile)

I also agree with Bonzo here. Your pictures are ''cool'' in an instagram sense or for other males, however:
1. They're all posed, so it comes wrong
2. They're just pictures of you posing in different locations, your pictures should show off your hobbies, job, activities et cetera so the women can get an insight into who you are.
It's basically a trailer to what it would be like to hang out with you.
3. Read this

TL;DR: you're mostly just

''hanging around'' in most pictures
Thank you gentlemen for the insight, i agree these are a bit too staged, but im glad you think they are suitable. And thank you for the advice, ill be sure to implement your words in the next set of pics. as a wise man said, "everything is an iteration". ill be sure to keep improving
bonzo34 said:
good job doing a photo shoot.

hopefully others can give more detailed feedback
-more pictures with friends
-have your pictures tell more of a story about you (assuming these are all posted together as your profile)

I see it differently, on dating apps it's all about how you look. Girls swipe so fast and picky, it's really all about looking good enough and being her type. The other stuff is more for insta to show lifestyle.

Panzerscarab121 I really like the fifth picture of you leaning against the wall with the hat on. If you send it to me in good quality I would edit it for you a bit, only slightly of course without turning you into a different person. I wouldn't use the other pictures as they show more or less the same thing. Also, I think you look significantly older than you are in the other pictures, no offense.
You have to look good in every picture, yes! But 5 pictures in which you only look good, but they should be different somehow. 5 pics where you look good + have another valuable aspect is better than 5 pics where you just look good. That's enough for women, we men have to put in a lot more.

Do you take photos with your cell phone or do you have a camera? You should just buy a tripod and a remote release and invest a weekend. Borrow a rowboat, a friend's dog, cook something, go hiking and so on and take hundreds of pictures of yourself with the remote shutter release, there will be a few good ones! Best of luck mate.
Hey guys i think i have a deep long problem, fear of intimacy/performance anxiety.

Im pretty new to tinder and i matched with a girl who was down to hook up same day. Ive never done a hook up like this before. Normally ive met girls at parties/etc multiple times and got to know them before we hooked up. I went to her house and immediately after she opened the door she started making out with me, which completely threw me by surprise. I asked if we could talk/have a drink for a few mins and she gave a weird look. she doesnt have alcohol but gave me a bottle of water and she immediately directed me to her bed where we did foreplay and tried to bang. long story short, i really couldnt get a full erection and any intimate touch from her to me felt 'scary'?

the second time she sucked my dick (shes sooo good at it) i nutted, but i still wasnt fully hard. I wanted to go down on her and try to get her off, but she said she was fine. She was cool about it and we chatted after and she was really nice about the whole thing. she gave me complements on my appearance which is nice to hear (but made me a little uncomfortable, but i know a lot of people dont like positive comments on their appearance or positive comments ingeneral) and she told some crazy hookup stories and how she understand why i was nervous about meeting her (a random tinder match) at her place (a place ive never been to before). overall she was a good person.

but to get back to the point of fear of intimacy, even with girls i liked and knew a bit, i always 'get out of the flow state' when a girl intimately touches me. with girls i know, i can eventually get a full erection, but i know it shouldnt be this hard. I was hoping if any of you kind gentlemen had any similar problems in your journey or even solutions as to how to truly overcome this cause i know sex shouldnt be stressful. I know that this is tied to performance anxiety, which is something a still need to get over fully.
I have multiple dates (like going to a bar and talking for sometime) coming up, so i was hoping that having multiple girls get intimate with me would eventually fix the problem (exposure therapy). I dunno

sorry for the poorly written post. Its good to make progress with matching and meeting cute girls on the dating apps, but i guess i still have this hanging problem. hopefully you guys know what to do.

Went on a Hinge date yesterday, she was 35 so there was a big age gap. Before meeting up during my texting/chatting on the apps there was good energy and i thought this would be a fun date. but when we met, that energy kinda fizzled out. I was asking questions about her, and learning about her interests, but when i talked about traveling (my passion) thats where things kinda started to fizzle out.

Around the 1 hour mark i can tell she's not really into it, and not interested in my travel stories. I ask her if she would ever stay in a hostel, and she said "im too old for that". She also talked about how what she wants in life is to settle down and do the 9-5 grind. to me it sounded like she wanted a mediocre life. Eventually i ask her if she's having fun. She says yeah but in her words "the age gap is much larger than what she thought" (she knows my age from the app). in my opinion i think we just want different things in life, ive met people older than her who do crazy cool shit and still do the 9-5.

she was nice about it, saying that i was really cute and if she was 6 years younger things would have been different. Anyway, i walk with her to drop her to her uber. as i was walking home i met two random girls, and started chatting with them. Told them i had an 'interesting' hinge date, and said "hey lets go to the bars together" and we went. just started hanging with the two girls and getting to know them, talking about the date, and i asked them to review my hinge profile (which they said they loved). I later meet this random guy who works in the food industry and started hitting him up, and his brothers and sisters come to the bar and i start chatting with them. I eventually got some good 1 on 1 time with his sister. It was a pretty good convo for sure, and i got her number. The family had somewhere else to go, but the sister told me to hit her up.

anyway, although the date was disappointing, im glad that even after the date, instead of going home, i just talked to random strangers and went to the bars. If you put yourself out there, you'll most likely be rewarded.