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Partners for AA program

I would but I would wanna talk over the phone or zoom or google or someshit. It's much harder to stay motivated and accountable just typing text online
Dustin said:
Yea you could talk to me if you want, just PM me. I actually know alot about social anxiety. If you want to chat about it.

I'd love to talk with you on Zoom/Google Meet as well

I have Social Anxiety as well, i just realized a couple of days ago

Killing Approach Anxiety is the NEXT step, you have to kill the Social Anxiety first !

no wonder i am so awkward with groups and when there are too many people, i feel a shortness of breath !

hah ! we're weird people, but i hope we're are good and awesome weird people !

let me know if you're up for some talk next month, busy with exams these few weeks !