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PatriarchX fucks life into submission!


Jul 15, 2021
Yo guys how we doing?

Am from GLL and have been a member on there for bout 2 years now? Chris has legit changed my life, I consider him my greatest mentor at his point, even tho I've never met the guy lmao.

Anyways, my old handle was skyfire on GLL and here's the link to my old log. So you can read my story there if yiou want

Like I mentioned on the intro log, I've fucked 34 girls so far. Taken a break for a while tho cause was flat out with my course (I study illustration btw) and also was tired of fucking girls and not getting a text back (also got banned from Tinder lmao) but yeah am back in the game now boiis.

I'll help you guys out wherever I can, the main tactic I've used to get laid at this point is Chris's tactic of Screening and Numbers game however I'm beginning to splinter from Chris's line of thought and find my own way of things, you can read why towards the end of my log.

But yeah my goals for the summer are to draw 50 figure drawings (I mainly draw naked women aha)

-Learn music theory and practice djing

-Read the books I mentioned in my last post on GLL

-Figure out how to use my tattoo gun

Will elaborate on further goals at the end of the summer. Focusing on the short term atm

Anyways, glad to be here and like my log says- am gonna fuck life (and women) into submission!

Yo sappenin guys glad to be here. GLL was lookin a bit dead ngl.


Yeah bro I'd be up for that for sure, not a lot of people on my course are that interested in figure drawing, so it would be sick to get feedback and shit as well as motivating each other. Gabo from GLL is also very interested in art and wants to be a concept artist so will see if we can get him involved too. Idk what you'd want to use to link up tho, am not really clued up on all the internet stuff nowadays, I barely use it.

But yeah just set up some sort of chatroom or something and am willing to be part of the group absolutely

I posted this on the GLL forum but there was no response. Not sure if it's against forum rules. Please do not ban me if so, just say :)

Anyways this is the post...

Does anyone have any experience of selling LSD/Ecstacy/ MDMA

As the title suggests, I've considered all my options and am still willing to sell drugs as a means of achieving my goals, I am excluding cocaine as that is not the sort of clientele I'd want to deal with.

I do not want posts advising me not to do this, I've already made my decision. Keep in mind this is not for greed, this is for me to attain the financial resources in order to fun my other ways to make money. So am going to stop once I have another way to make money, at the moment i'm considering training as a personal trainer but this costs 2000 pounds do I would use the money for this not just blowing it you know.

Any advice or suggestions to websites would appreciated
