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Photo review for tinder/hinge/bumble

It's a good first attempt. I especially like your outfit in the first picture and I think you should reshoot a similar shot in the same outfit.

1. An awkward smile and your body language shows off shyness. Try to redo this with a more authentic smile (just take 1000pics) and you might as well grab a coffee to hold.

2. I understand the scenic I travel shot but just get a cool shot somewhere in the mountains, waterfall, ...

3. Shirtless should be at the beach or in a location where it makes sense unless you're jacked asf. Try to lose some bodyfat until you have visible abs as well.

4. This is an amazing picture but right now it's incongruent with the rest of your profile. I'd keep this if you take more of the rigid vibe in your profile. If you continue with the sophisticated look, unfortunately you would have to delete it.

5. Videos are usually tryhard and can be weird if Tinder has some difficulties playing it, delete.

6. Delete instantly and take picture 2 in this location
Is your goal to get laid, or to get a girlfriend?

This is more of a "get a girlfriend" profile, it's very provider and "nice guy with cool hobbies".
duck0509 said:
Thanks in advance! I just started 5 days ago. Bought both Tinder plat and HingeX.


5th pic is the 2-second loop from a clip I recorded of myself at the beach.

First of all, great fuckin start!

Seconded on pancakemouse's feedback. Try a more smouldering facial expression, your warm smile is more boyfriend-y.

Also you're looking right at the camera in the first 4 photos. Try to switch that up, look off to the side more than at the camera. Here's some examples I've taken for clients:
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1,2 and 4 are good, but what do you want to show with pictures 3, 5 and 6? Why do you want to show off your body if you don't have an elite body? You also look short in the shirtless pic. This isn't a massive problem, but you should present it differently.
Try to get 2 more pictures of activities that somehow seem “cooler”.