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Photo-Shoot: Deleted

So this is a long story. But I made a fake guy tinder profile and a fake girl one and catfishes my buddy. I'll post pics of it sometime since I'm planning on doing it again. Something I've noticed is a lot of guys don't have enough edge. Truth is you don't need a ton. But a couple pics of edge and some lighter ones can be good. I think all edge is bad as all soft.

BJJ can be a good pic but possibly not that one. Pics with chicks are good. I think Wall 1 or 4 are great pics I'd choose one. Chair 2 looks good. Tree 2 or 4 is good. I would just recommend getting a pic just 1 that has a lot of edge in it. But I don't use tinder much so I'm sure others will give better info.

But I do think your pics are better than the majority of guys tinder pics what you have right now is actually pretty decent. Pic with girl its tricky I like the setting of the 2nd one better but the first one is more visual so tough pic for me.
Walk 1 is a good pic. I'm interested in what other people say. But remember testing them is the best way to know how good they are. Good luck
My favs are 4, tree1 and wall 4.

Like you know Adam im nowhere near a tinder expert but those really gives me good vibes

4: Makes you look like you can have fun and know how to dance which can be a big plus + you look good on it.

Tree 1: more serious/stern gives contast and make you look like a chad imo

Wall 4: I like wall1 too, but with the coat, it adds a little bit of edge which imo makes it better than wall1. We can also see your legendary jawline better with this one, so I would go with wall 4.

There you go m8 👊💪 cheers keep it up Adam.
Chair2. is good imo, but add blur in background to make you stand out more, increase contrast to make sky more blue and colors more vibrant.
Hey man good start for sure.

I think the main thing you need to work on in your pictures is getting away from model shots.

They look incredibly staged and the perfect photoshoot shots for tinder are the ones where it didn't look like you went out and took photos for tinder.

Maybe at this point I am biased cause every dude that posts photos on here does these types of photos but I can't imagine they ever work.

They need to look candid.

Tree1 picture is probably your best one mostly because that's the photo YOU look the best in.

You could've taken it on a garbage can and it would've been as good.

The best place this could've been taken was on a beach with friends or at a BBQ or at an event.

Little style things that could be improved:

1. The white shoes is kind of off putting the outfit and should match the outfit. Black shoes or boots would have worked much better.
2. The pants could have been a tad longer and tighter at the bottom.

Other than that, the photo looks really good but again because you look good in it. Replicate that and choose a better setting where it seems more candid and you're golden, you have a pretty prime picture.

The Jiu Jitsu pic and dancing pictures are perfect examples of candid shots BUT your style isn't on point in the dancing photo and you're not facing the camera in the Jiu Jitsu picture.

Dress up fucking unreal in the dancing photo and get a dime piece to dance with you and get a friend to take hundreds of photos and I guarantee that will be another 10/10 picture.

The Jiu Jitsu photo I feel needs to be a bit less intense. A picture of you rolling while laughing with a buddy or a 2-3 group photo in your Gi with buddies would be good. It doesn't even need to be a super high quality photo but as long as you look good in that photo and it shows you don't just sit in a basement could be a really good.

You master those three photos:

1. Candid Model Shot Looking good in a social setting.
2. Jiu Jitsu Picture with friends (light hearted not intense or straggling someone or breaking a dudes arm)
3. Dancing Photo where you do some sick move and look unreal.

I guarantee you'll see a MASSIVE increase in matches.

Hope that helps some what.

My favourite is chair 2, you nail the look there. IIts a bit bright though and maybe needs an edit

Im not a fan of what you are wearing on the wall photos, the pants arent a good fit, look a bit flary at the bottom
Great advice from the other bros.

If i had to choose the best out of these pics it would be

Chair 2
Tree where ur in a red shirt
3.jpg The salsa one where that dude is hella lookin at you lol
tree 3 also looks nice as well with a crop for tinder