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Photo shoot ideas/Critique


Jul 5, 2020
Hey guys so I've been scouting out areas to do photoshoots at and I was hoping if you guys could point me in the right direction/give me guidance on whether what I'm trying to do is too advanced or just not feasible for the setting environment/vibe of the shot etc.

KillYourInnerLoser If you could chime in on this id really appreciate it, as well as any other people who have experience with photography.

but here we go basically Ill post a picture of the location I scouted then a sample photo of the shoot that I would go for. hopefully, you guys can let me know whether my ideas line up with reality or not haha.

anyways first photo
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Second photo
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third photo
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to give the 3rd photo and choice some context I'd use the graffiti wall as the backdrop while posing like the fitness model in the scene.

4th saw this really cool abandoned farmhouse wanted to post the picture. couldn't find a good concept/shot to go with it though. Maybe you guys might have a few ideas.
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thank you guys for all the help and advice.

I have other places that I've scouted but I wanted to focus on just a handful of locations that way I can practice shooting the setting with my new camera and get really good at taking the photo without me in the Picture then just insert myself to make it a really epic shot. Hopefully, that makes sense as I feel if you can't shoot the scene really well but itself it's not going to look any better with you in it so to speak. correct me if I'm wrong.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yeah just don't shoot in the middle of the day when there's harsh sunlight, like you have in all these location photos. You'll end up with horrible dark shadows and overexposed parts of your face. Either find shade, or shoot early morning/late arvo.

Yeah, that's the plan. sunrise/ sunset for all the photos.

Thank you sir. Once I get some really good shots I contact you for editing as well.