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Pictures Review + Feedback on Looks


Jul 2, 2022
Hey, I just joined and I am going through the "Get laid on tinder" guide. I don't really get matches on online dating and would appreciate if you guys can give me feedback on my photos and how to improve my looks. They are not the worst quality but most of them are not taken with a professional camera. I do go to the gym btw, but have been powerlifting for whilst, just started getting into bodybuilding 5x a week and I'm cutting from ~87kg to ~68kg. Or more if needed to see abs.
Newbie here with only a handful matches, but I'll drop my 2 cents anyway.

1st picture looks obviously posed/staged.
2nd: background is boring
3rd: guitar photo is actually good imo, and the background is good too
4th has the same outfit as the 3rd and is weirdly cropped
5th same as above, and u look a bit too serious
Powerlifting photo is a good addition, but not as a first or second photo. (Looks like you've got something you like doing).
Last photo lacks any sort of story or meaning.

I would try and get a casual social setting photo with a friend or two where it shows you're hanging out and having fun or doing some fun activity. This is what I'm looking to add to my collection too next but I aint got many friends yet.
The guitar one is the best. With a little editing it would look fantastic, especially bumping up the saturation just a bit as the graffiti background frames you really nicely and plays well with the red guitar.

Photo one is ok, the image feels a little flat/muted with the white shirt and somewhat pale complexion. With some editing it could be better. If you took this picture a little farther out to include more of the colored background it might work better.

The rest are not that great. Especially photo 5 and 6. You're poses are too stiff. Google and lookup some male model poses or instagram poses. You will see how they are either more relaxed looking or "in motion" meaning they are walking or doing some activity that looks more natural.
Yeah guitar photo is the best one.

1: Non-flattering angle, looks posed and stiff.

2: Weird location, bad angle, distracting background,

4-5: Looks even more stiff and posed than the rest + distracting background and bad lighting

6: could be a photo of anybody
Purge said:
Hey, I just joined and I am going through the "Get laid on tinder" guide. I don't really get matches on online dating and would appreciate if you guys can give me feedback on my photos and how to improve my looks. They are not the worst quality but most of them are not taken with a professional camera. I do go to the gym btw, but have been powerlifting for whilst, just started getting into bodybuilding 5x a week and I'm cutting from ~87kg to ~68kg. Or more if needed to see abs.

1. This is too posed and doesn't look flattering.
2. This also looks a little too posed
3. The Guitar photo is excellent. You cant lead with it but this is a great photo you wont need to update for a while
4. wearing the same cloths as the Guitar photo so this cant be used
5. See 4
6. you look uncomfortable like you sat down and really don't want to mess up your trainers. The style works though
8. The power lifting photo would be good if without context the viewer could see what you were doing, this could be anybody doing anything.
9. This is a clear shot of your face but it's too close, like a step back and I think this one could have been OK. As a priority this photo should be the one you upgrade first as it's likely to be the good first photo.

Also can you share your bio and your hinged prompts?