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Planning on getting back on Tinder/Bumble soon, looking for picture critique

I'm not a fan of pics 1 and 3, but I really like pic 2.

Pic 1: There's something about the lighting that's off here. I'm not very good at photography, but I think it's the sharp contrast between the light and shadow. I'm not a fan of the expression you're going for either, but that may just be me.

Pic 2: I think this pic is great. It looks a little out of focus, but otherwise fine. Nice clothes, solid photography, natural and unstaged, social proof photo, etc.

Pic 3: Pretty underwhelming. You're right, the outfit is shit, and I think that's my biggest criticism.

IMO you're an attractive dude, keep taking more photos and you'll get some really good ones.

Also, Secret Hitler is a fantastic game. Love it.
Did you read andy's guide?

Read the entire guide, take new pictures and come back.

Pretty clear you didn't do that.
Your pictures are not good.

Your profile needs to be top 20% to get a match and top 10% to get enough matches to get laid regularly. Keep that mind.

Study these guys to get an idea of what pictures you will need to break top 10%. Although you seem like a good looking dude so you might be able to break top 5%-1%




Couple pics with these styles, using these cameras, and with these poses. You will be doing very well.
The only decent pic is 2.

You dont have a single pic looking directly at the camera

Save number 2, dump the other ones