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Please cast your vote for the photographer up photoshoot consideration


Jan 19, 2021
Hey guys,

I'm in the process of choosing a photographer to help take my dating app profile experience to the next level and this is a very big decision for me as I've worked with pro photographers from various sites, cl, etc which left me very disappointed.

Link to my current dating app profile & photos w/ hit or miss results.

In no particular order or ranking the following candidates are:

1: The Match Artist

They specialize in dating app photos for pen
Multiple pics like 200+ & outfit changes
Multiple testimonials, (not doubting per say, but taking with a grain of salt) these men seem to be "matching" with more women than they can handle on the apps.
Willing to fly out to NY as advertised on site, they come to certain states.

Cost (claim they will refund, but I'd probably have to get this in writing and use objective parameters such as 9s on photofeeler feedbacks)
Concerned the pics are posed & the women might suspect I paid a photographer
All hype?
(Please note the 1 star review by Nikkolas Monceaux)

Candidate 2:

Also personable
Will refund my money if I'm not satisfied w/ the results (would measure by at least 9s on photofeeler
Willing to fly out from FL to NY
Seems to get it with taking those confident masculine photos that Andy is talking about
Cost works for me - $800 + flight

Need to see more work

Candidate #3
Passion Unchained - Joe Buchoff also on this site (https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/search.php?author_id=317&sr=posts)

Seems to get it as per the above especially in regards to posed photos
Seems affordable

Testimoninals seems convincing, also great hype as above and wondering how their match ratio has improved so I need more info (sorry Joe, no offense, I'm interested, but need to see more).

As you can see the above 3 are an extremely tough choice & I have to get this one right this time as I'm 40 & have no more time to waste and I want to make sure I get my money's worth & tired of being overlooked by attractive quality women on the apps. I worked with Lookbetteronline that did some of the photos in the dropbox link above, including the current avatar pic which has been my strongest, considered Hey Saturday - https://www.heysaturday.co/ (they seem like lookbetteronline 2.0 with the posted photos), German Marin, seems great, but have my doubts as the same reasons. Most of the NYC photographers are headshots phototgapher. I'm a very busy Surgeon & work in an ER so don't have time for DIY photography. So guys this is my dilemma and I feel the best way to do this is to let you guys on here, other websites, & women help me make this decision and vote on it. Please tell me what you think & why & to cast the vote, #1, #2, or #3 until I can figure out how to make a poll. Many thanks in advance, you guys rock.

Hey man,

I'd say #2 or #3 (I like #3 the most) since #1 is really expensive (according to a review that said it cost $2k) and seems less candid than the others.

My reasoning for #2 is that they're in your preferred price range with candid photos that'd give you that confident masculine vibe you want to convey.

I like #3 the most since Joe get's on a call with you to learn about your hobbies etc. and what shots will work (and tell you what props to bring). Furthermore he also set's you up with a stylist to help look your best at the shoot (with multiple outfit changes to boot). And ultimately he edits "300-400" photos which is what you need to get a couple "natural" looking shots.

I haven't done a shoot with Joe (as I have my own camera) but if I was in your position with limited time I'd choose him due to the stylist, outfit changes, candid photos, and editing he does to make you look awesome.

Hope that helps!
Biased here but i would go with Joe

He used to shoot for the Match Artist until like a month ago btw so if you like the style of shots you see from them a bunch may well be his work anyway

They're probably all good tbh but Joe has a good track record not just with photography but with women, never took his photography but I can vouch for his woman "skills".
Salsasurgeon said:
Hey guys,

I'm in the process of choosing a photographer to help take my dating app profile experience to the next level and this is a very big decision for me as I've worked with pro photographers from various sites, cl, etc which left me very disappointed.

Link to my current dating app profile & photos w/ hit or miss results.

In no particular order or ranking the following candidates are:

1: The Match Artist

They specialize in dating app photos for pen
Multiple pics like 200+ & outfit changes
Multiple testimonials, (not doubting per say, but taking with a grain of salt) these men seem to be "matching" with more women than they can handle on the apps.
Willing to fly out to NY as advertised on site, they come to certain states.

Cost (claim they will refund, but I'd probably have to get this in writing and use objective parameters such as 9s on photofeeler feedbacks)
Concerned the pics are posed & the women might suspect I paid a photographer
All hype?
(Please note the 1 star review by Nikkolas Monceaux)

Candidate 2:

Also personable
Will refund my money if I'm not satisfied w/ the results (would measure by at least 9s on photofeeler
Willing to fly out from FL to NY
Seems to get it with taking those confident masculine photos that Andy is talking about
Cost works for me - $800 + flight

Need to see more work

Candidate #3
Passion Unchained - Joe Buchoff also on this site (https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/search.php?author_id=317&sr=posts)

Seems to get it as per the above especially in regards to posed photos
Seems affordable

Testimoninals seems convincing, also great hype as above and wondering how their match ratio has improved so I need more info (sorry Joe, no offense, I'm interested, but need to see more).

As you can see the above 3 are an extremely tough choice & I have to get this one right this time as I'm 40 & have no more time to waste and I want to make sure I get my money's worth & tired of being overlooked by attractive quality women on the apps. I worked with Lookbetteronline that did some of the photos in the dropbox link above, including the current avatar pic which has been my strongest, considered Hey Saturday - https://www.heysaturday.co/ (they seem like lookbetteronline 2.0 with the posted photos), German Marin, seems great, but have my doubts as the same reasons. Most of the NYC photographers are headshots phototgapher. I'm a very busy Surgeon & work in an ER so don't have time for DIY photography. So guys this is my dilemma and I feel the best way to do this is to let you guys on here, other websites, & women help me make this decision and vote on it. Please tell me what you think & why & to cast the vote, #1, #2, or #3 until I can figure out how to make a poll. Many thanks in advance, you guys rock.


Appreciate the support guys 🙏🏼

Lol most of The Match Artist photos I took.

I used to work with them.

So it's pretty much me lol.

More of my work:

Also Radical's profile photo on this forum is one I took ;) We did a shoot in February when he visited the US for a bit.

Finishing up my new website rn, which has a reviews section, with text screenshots from clients sharing their results they got with me. Not quite done, needs to be migrated to my new server, but here's the temporary link: https://pu.policarpiodigital.com/reviews/

I have a few more texts I've received from clients in the past couple weeks I'll add to the site when it's up.

I fly out around the country to meet clients too.

I saw you mentioned I was "affordable" which is true in contrast to The Match Artist. They have like 6 people to pay... I just have myself so I can offer the same or superior quality at a slightly lower price. Including travel, they'd charge you about $2800. My price including travel is slightly less.

I wouldn't call myself "affordable." I'm not cheap, but I do get results.

I'm more expensive than J Harder though. You get what you pay for.
Loving the responses thus far, many thanks you guys, please keep it coming. To Joe, I'm seriously considering you. The feedback I'm hearing about Match Arist photos on their site is some of the photos seemed posed & that's been a major sticking point for me. For Jharder, the distinguishing feature is the confident & masculine vibe no photographer has ever been able to help me obtain & will weigh very significantly in my decision, do you really feel you can help me portray that in my photos? You mentioned slightly less, how much in the ballpark are we talking about?

I also noticed you did a shoot with a very familiar face that also worked with Harder:

Salsasurgeon said:
Loving the responses thus far, many thanks you guys, please keep it coming. To Joe, I'm seriously considering you. The feedback I'm hearing about Match Arist photos on their site is some of the photos seemed posed & that's been a major sticking point for me. For Jharder, the distinguishing feature is the confident & masculine vibe no photographer has ever been able to help me obtain & will weigh very significantly in my decision, do you really feel you can help me portray that in my photos? You mentioned slightly less, how much in the ballpark are we talking about?

Few hundred in savings. I raise my prices over time as I get better gear and improve my skill so don't want to say specifics since it'll change and people might see this post later. On the first call with clients, I go over specifics in pricing. Keep in mind, J Harder will also charge for travel on top of the $800 he charges, so our prices are all in the relatively same ballpark, everything considered.

Also for people looking at this post in the future, a big chunk of that number is travel fees to pay for flight, ubers, hotel etc. Will be significantly lower for Austin photoshoots.

A couple clarifications - I made this version of the website a while ago and forgot to update a few things. I edit and deliver 200+ photos, and I give style advice to all my clients, suggesting wardrobe improvements. I used to work with a style consultant, but he's no longer doing 1-on-1 consultations so I learned from him and offer that to my clients directly now.

The new site I linked earlier will be up within a week and has up-to-date info.

Also I just added a girl to my team who chooses a subset of 10-20 photos from all the ones I edit for clients and records a voice memo explaining exactly why she chose the photos she chose. I give you all the photos, plus her smaller list of choices and voice memo so you have an easier time picking which ones to upload.

The Match Artist puts Allie on the team page as the editor but I can confirm they don't usually use her. While I was on the team, I was the one editing all the photos.

Here's a few more masculine photoshoots I did so you can see I can bring that out rather than just trusting my word:

J Harder seems good. He gets the body language on point. My one criticism is all the photos seem to be the guy sitting around, maybe having a coffee or a beer, but very few interesting hobby or action shots. That's something I focus on. Takes your profile from great to baller status.

And yeah, haha. Did a shoot with Alex from PWF recently. Fun times.