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Nov 24, 2021
Hey all Andy has done literally 365+ podcasts

Now I’d love to listen to all of them, but I just don’t have the time.

I would love to hear which episodes people like d the most
Yyyyoooo! Sup bro. I just listen to the podcast obsessively on a loop.

The best thing to do IMO is just have it on a lot, and let it sink into your subconscious. Internalise things.

I am personally a bit obsessed with Andy so perhaps my approach is a bit biased................but there ya go!

As Andy said, it depends on what your goals are, but I listened to 90%+ of the podcasts before even joining the site and they were the missing link for me to get started on actually directly tackling my dating problems. So I'll link my personal favorites:

https://castbox.fm/vb/398895418 - (get out on the front lines) - by far the biggest one. not the first one I heard but the one that got me to just go out to where I could approach and imagine myself doing it

https://castbox.fm/vb/410364570 - (shit day? rewrite the story) - used to tell myself this a lot early on, when i felt i had a shit day in the past, I'd just give up and do nothing (or shit week). probably listened to this one 5+ times. at first I used to tell myself this directly as a deliberate thought but now my mindset has transformed to decoupling prior events from actually taking action now (iow, who cares what happened earlier, just do something now).

https://castbox.fm/vb/405763144 and https://castbox.fm/vb/380406312 - (stop being afraid of your masculinity / don't be guilty for your desires as a man) - never felt i was masculine, and i still struggle with this, but this one at least made me stop feeling guilty for being a man (because i used to think liking girls and wanting to fuck them was something i should be ashamed of)

https://castbox.fm/vb/403563903 - (you will never feel ready) - i used to try to make sure "everything was in place" before starting to learn something new. this podcast probably helped me start approaching in a small town with totally shit volume instead of trying to sort out moving to another place and *then* starting.

https://castbox.fm/vb/368374216 - (why i advocate honesty) - this one made me realize i was a compulsive liar and i ended up writing a huge personal journal about it one day in the park and breaking down why that was so. won't get into the details of my personal issue here but this podcast helped me realize it's objectively better to be honest.

Also a note about time and listening to the podcasts. I didn't have a lot of random free time either, I just listened to a bunch on autoplay while I was driving, ironing my clothes, cleaning my room, etc, and eventually before I was going out and trying to approach as motivation. I spent about 1+ months listening to them randomly (without having some preconceived "goal" of listening to all of them). I just enjoyed listening to them. 365+ podcasts can be intimidating if you make it some big deal to listen to them, but you can just fit it throughout your day.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
What are you trying to improve? Mindset? Lays? Bdsm? Money? Fitness? Meaning of life? Relationships? Friends? Hobbies? Etc

You can just search the episodes by topics you're interested in, rather than "Which episode is best".

Here's at least one good episode for you:

I’m looking to learn more about approaching, money and friends. I can’t seem to search on Spotify but thanks I’ll check out the one you linked.

Thanks for the list colgate Tbh I know myself pretty well and I can’t listen to music/radio/noise continuously or a lot. Often I edit pictures with ear plugs in to block out all the noise.

I listened to Day 358 Cold approach questions. And it was really good. I’ll be listening to that episode on repeat
Some other podcasts I just remembered:

https://castbox.fm/vb/379877150 - (andy's first cold approach lays) - I remember listening to this one while driving through the Tennessee mountains and being absolutely inspired. It's probably why I love approaching on college campuses (Andy's first cold approach lay was a Chinese exchange student and they made out in a movie theater).

https://castbox.fm/vb/378141538 - (just because I give you permission to suck, doesn't mean you have to follow me up on it) - I have an extremely low ego and low self-esteem so giving myself permission to suck was pretty easy. However, I can often get trapped into it and accept my own mediocrity. I probably need to relisten to this podcast tbh. I forgot the exact contents now but "being a beginner" isn't an excuse for being low-effort and not actually trying to improve.

https://killyourinnerloser.com/that-time-i-banged-a-girl-i-just-met/ - I know there's a podcast for this article but I can't find it. Pretty self-explanatory though and when I listened to it I didn't even realize this was possible. I reread this article often for motivation. I heard about it from the podcast initially but I don't remember what the episode was called.