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Pro Photos?


Mar 20, 2022
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum. I have been checking Andy's podcast and videos for the last 3 to 4 months and I think his work is amazing.

I am going to get a DSLR camera pretty soon which I want to use not only to take photos but to record better videos (I have a very small music Youtube channel which I would like to grow) but it is probably going to take me a while to learn to take good ones so I was thinking about having professional photos taken in the meantime.

Just wanted to ask if anyone has done this for online dating and if gave better results? I am based in Melbourne - Australia and have found a business that specializes in taking photos for online dating but would still like to ask for feedback before I hit them up.


Ofcourse it gives results, but you have put in a lot of work. It's not so simple as to get a few pro photos and think "I'll get laid no problem now"
Tinder is bascically a brothel for women. They can order dick like they can order pizza. They will try to get a high quality guy that they find hot, and why wouldnt they? If a man goes to a brothel he's gonna pick the most attractive women to fuck. However, if you make a good varied profile that makes you seem like a cool and masucline guy, she might choose you over the guy who is facially more attractive than you, but has a combination of bad quality photos, no interesting ones and bad style. Lets say you have a picture of you playing guitar, a good picture, a girl who is into rock/metal might wanna hang out with you instead of the boring ROID gym bro. But all your photos have to be good quality and convey an interesting life, good style, your fitness and your masculinity. You probably won't get the rock girl if your only good photo is you with the guitar and the rest is shit. The whole profile has to be on point if you want decent results.

Most new people who post here either have not read the tinder guide or they have not understood it. You can't just go to target, buy some shitty clothes, snap a few photos with your DSLR and think your done. I'll attach two photos and you tell me the difference. It's obvious which one you are aiming for. Hope that helps.
EDIT: I'll also add that even though proffesional photos are great and a step in the correct direction, they too will not turn out ideal if you have no idea how to pose and express your facial expresion in an ideal way, as a way to capture your face when it looks the best(Squinting, for exmaple), so research the hell out of that or if you don't mind paying, maybe the photographer can teach you, but keep in mind even he may not know what he is doing.
Yep. I understand all of that. I basically wanted to ask if anyone had used pro photos and seen a difference.

I have read Andy's Tinder guide but it will take me a while (probably months) until I can take decent photos myself.

I haven't used pro photos but my results increased 10x when I went to photos using a DSLR. As far as taking decent photos yourself, I don't think it's as hard as people make it out to be. Photography in general isn't easy, but just focusing on the basics of framing yourself in a shot and taking a shitload of pictures will get you solid pictures in easily under a month, at least it did for me.