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Feb 17, 2022
I've done 2 shoots so far and I think I've managed to get some decent photos. I've scrapped basically all my photos as per prior recommendations and started working on/ upgrading my style. I have some new pieces I'm looking forward to shooting in and some I'm going to get tailored in the next week or two since not much fits me super well being 5'4 130lbs (most of my better-fitting pieces are youth L/XL). I'm planning on continuously getting better in all aspects but it's been exactly a month and would like some feedback on where I'm at rn.

Current 1st pic (I know mirror selfies are bad, planning on reshooting/ replacing this one soon)

View attachment 14

Current 2nd pic (I like 95% of this shot but I'm not a huge fan of the texturing/ material of the shirt so I'll probably retake the shot with everything the same but a different black shirt)

View attachment 13

(edited the photo a bit after posting this and this is what I got)

Current 3rd pic

View attachment 12

4th pic candidates (narrowed down from over 50+)
4.1View attachment 11
4.2View attachment 10
4.3View attachment 9
4.4View attachment 8
4.5View attachment 7

5th pic candidates (also narrowed from an additional 50+ shots. The plan was to do some shots on the parking garage we were on, change outfits and relocate but the person I was shooting with had to go to class so were continuing next week).
5.1View attachment 6
5.2View attachment 5
5.3View attachment 4
5.4View attachment 3
5.5View attachment 2
5.6View attachment 1

Thanks in advance
tsb1030 said:
I've done 2 shoots so far and I think I've managed to get some decent photos. I've scrapped basically all my photos as per prior recommendations and started working on/ upgrading my style. I have some new pieces I'm looking forward to shooting in and some I'm going to get tailored in the next week or two since not much fits me super well being 5'4 130lbs (most of my better-fitting pieces are youth L/XL). I'm planning on continuously getting better in all aspects but it's been exactly a month and would like some feedback on where I'm at rn.

Current 1st pic (I know mirror selfies are bad, planning on reshooting/ replacing this one soon)


Current 2nd pic (I like 95% of this shot but I'm not a huge fan of the texturing/ material of the shirt so I'll probably retake the shot with everything the same but a different black shirt)


(edited the photo a bit after posting this and this is what I got)

Current 3rd pic


4th pic candidates (narrowed down from over 50+)

4.1 for the fourth photo. I would remove the mirror selfie as it's hurting you more than helping most likely.

Forget the fifth photo for now as you'll want all different outfits.

I don't love that necklace. It looks cheap. You could find a more expensive version with a similar motif.
Stealing your idea with the parking garage roof longboard concept; will be incorporating my vehicle with it as well :)
pancakemouse said:
tsb1030 said:
I've done 2 shoots so far and I think I've managed to get some decent photos. I've scrapped basically all my photos as per prior recommendations and started working on/ upgrading my style. I have some new pieces I'm looking forward to shooting in and some I'm going to get tailored in the next week or two since not much fits me super well being 5'4 130lbs (most of my better-fitting pieces are youth L/XL). I'm planning on continuously getting better in all aspects but it's been exactly a month and would like some feedback on where I'm at rn.

Current 1st pic (I know mirror selfies are bad, planning on reshooting/ replacing this one soon)


Current 2nd pic (I like 95% of this shot but I'm not a huge fan of the texturing/ material of the shirt so I'll probably retake the shot with everything the same but a different black shirt)


(edited the photo a bit after posting this and this is what I got)

Current 3rd pic


4th pic candidates (narrowed down from over 50+)

4.1 for the fourth photo. I would remove the mirror selfie as it's hurting you more than helping most likely.

Forget the fifth photo for now as you'll want all different outfits.

I don't love that necklace. It looks cheap. You could find a more expensive version with a similar motif.

I appreciate the feedback.

I dropped the mirror selfie a few days ago.

I'm going to use one of the skateboard pics but I'm looking to add more photos soon so that outfit won't be half my profile. I don't think it's a big deal if you have more than one photo in the same outfit/ from the same photoshoot I think it's just important that it isn't most of your profile.

I brought the black jacket you see and my light blue one to the tailor a few days ago so those should be fitted soon and I'm doing a shoot when I get them back.