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Profile Pictures Feedback


Nov 20, 2021
I'm a complete newbie at taking pictures of myself, so hopefully in the future as I get better you will see much higher quality photos in this post. I went out and took these pictures today and yesterday. Yes, I used my phone, but I found a camera rental place so once I learn how to pose/get better outfits I will take photos with a DSLR. Any feedback on my style and posing tips would be much appreciated. The photos are also in the same order as they are on my OLD profile.
Hey man good work getting out there and having a go. The gym photo is useable and good.

Now I’m going to be real with you. Most of your photos are technically bad from a composition and lighting stand point. Keep trying. Your cut your legs off in many of the shots and there’s too much headroom. And that’s just the start of it.

I think it’s better for you to consider what you want to say with these pictures. All I know about you is that you like to walk around streets, go to gym and use a chopping board. (I’m being a bit mean) but really consider. Who are you and how can you get this across to people?

Renting a camera is a good place to start. I would not buy one. Rent the camera and take it out with a mate. If you can look at getting a professional to take some shots for you. This will just help you a) understand posing much better in a short time b) understand composition c) achieve the goal of a good profile much quicker.

GL man.